The Way of the Immortal Master

Vol 2 Chapter 1796: Enter

Seeing more and more monks coming over, I felt that the number was almost enough. The Cold War Master stopped talking to Meng Zhang and the others, so he immediately began to order.

Regardless of whether Meng Zhang, they are willing or not, forgive them and dare not resist the order.

As for their enthusiasm for participating in operations, the Cold War superiors naturally have a solution.

In this regard, the somewhat impatient Taoist Xuan Ao who had been waiting a long time ago naturally agreed very much.

However, before giving the order, in order for everyone to better complete the task, the Cold War Supreme still made some special explanations.

This time, those who are about to enter Yuanhai to chase and kill the intruders are all rebirth powers, and they have a little understanding of Yuanhai.

The Lord of the Cold War mainly talked about a few points, and there are some points that need to be paid attention to.

The demon master and the great demon who broke into Yuanhai were not too strong.

In the previous fights, they suffered more or less injuries.

More importantly, the source sea of ​​Junchen Realm would instinctively resist and reject foreign invaders.

According to the estimation of the Lord of the Cold War, the power of the two intruders in the Origin Sea is at most similar to that of the monks who have just broken through in the Void Return Period.

In order to avoid causing too much damage to Yuanhai, the monks selected by the Cold War Master to participate in the action this time are all characters who have been cultivated to the general level not long after the breakthrough period.

They may not be able to fight the enemy alone, but Jun Chenjie is their home field, and they also have a numerical advantage.

Of course, in the source sea, due to the interference of the environment, many methods of cultivators will be restricted. Commonly used means of communication are mostly difficult to function.

The Lord of the Cold War specially prepared a batch of special communication jade charms to distribute to the human monks who entered.

According to the idea of ​​the Lord of the Cold War, the monks involved in the action should be in teams of two and keep in touch with each other.

As long as any team discovers the enemy's whereabouts, they will immediately contact other teams to encircle and suppress.

The source sea of ​​Junchen Realm is vast and has enough hiding space.

Of course, Yuanhai is a place full of dangers. Even if it is the power of returning to the virtual world, you can't think about coming and going in it at will.

There are many dangerous places inside, enough to easily make ordinary Void Returning Power fall.

The two extraterritorial invaders who broke into it should not be random.

The Lord of the Cold War probably had some guesses about the enemy's purpose. He highlighted a few places where the enemy is most likely to go.

After the monks participating in the action entered, they acted in groups and searched according to the information provided by the Cold War Master, and there was a high probability of finding the whereabouts of the enemy.

Among the monks present, including Meng Zhang, there are seven Void Returning Powers who meet the conditions for participating in the action.

Most of these Void-Returning Powers know each other, and instead of being grouped by the Cold War Master, there are two or two teams, which are automatically divided into three teams.

Meng Zhang was only acquainted with Emperor Ba Wu and Chunyu Zhongda, and was able to name others at best.

Once everyone was in a group, Meng Zhang was alone and a lonely family.

Meng Zhang had a record of assassinating the Sea Clan and returning to the Void, which was very helpful for this mission.

Within a short period of time, there was no other qualified Void Rebirth Power. The Cold War Supreme Being was considering how to arrange Meng Zhang, and the Taoist Xuan Ao next to him spoke.

Taoist Xuan Ao took the initiative to ask Ying to enter the source sea to chase the intruder.

In fact, even though Taoist Xuan Ao had a great reputation, he seemed to have a great status in the Heavenly Palace. In fact, he mainly relies on the background of the Jiuxuan Pavilion.

His own strength, really invisible, is much stronger than the ordinary Void Returning Power.


According to the standards of honorable candidates in the Cold War, Taoist Xuan Ao could barely be selected.

It's just that the source of sea is already dangerous and dangerous, and it is even more dangerous to hunt down invaders outside the territory.

On weekdays, everyone knows the background of Taoist Xuan Ao, and they both intentionally or unintentionally let him.

After entering Yuanhai, the enemy would not care about his identity.

The Lord of the Cold War was worried that if Taoist Xuan Ao had an accident in Yuanhai, he would be angered by Jiu Xuan Pavilion.

The Lord of the Cold War did not want to provoke a behemoth like Jiuxuan Pavilion for no reason, so he excluded Taoist Xuan Ao from the action at the very beginning.

Now Taoist Xuan Ao took the initiative to invite Ying, and his attitude was firm, and he looked like he couldn't refuse. The Cold War Supreme had no reason to oppose, he could only follow his wishes.

Anyway, this was requested by Taoist Xuan Ao himself, and even if something happened, he would be looking for death on his own, and had nothing to do with others. The Lord of the Cold War was on the side of Jiu Xuan Pavilion and had an explanation.

Taoist Xuanao joined, naturally and the single Meng Zhang formed a group.

In this way, a total of eight monks in four groups will be available.

The Lord of the Cold War finally told everyone that if they couldn't help the intruder, then he would personally enter Yuanhai to solve the problem.

At that time, if Yuanhai suffers losses, it will be counted on them. And they will be severely punished by military law for failing to complete their tasks.

The meaning of the Lord of the Cold War is very obvious, that is, they are not allowed to steal, rape, and take the initiative to avoid war.

If this group of Void Returning Powers enters the Origin Sea, instead of looking for the enemy's trail, but hiding to deal with errands, then not only the Cold War Supreme, but also the Heavenly Palace, they will not be spared.

Of course, after playing a big stick, the truth of giving a sweet date, the Cold War Supreme still knows.

He publicly promised that as long as they complete the task and successfully kill the two intruders, Tiangong will definitely reward them heavily.

Now is wartime, the most important military merit.

Their mission this time is a valuable military service.

This group of Void Returning Powers are all old guys who have practiced for many years.

They didn't say much other than accepting orders respectfully.

Meng Zhang thoughtfully glanced at the Taoist Xuan Ao who had taken the initiative to invite him, and he was slightly puzzled.

A figure like Taoist Xuan Ao is not like the kind of monk who would actively invite Ying and actively participate in the war.

Taoist Xuan Ao and his family were grouped together, I'm afraid it's not a coincidence.

This is not Meng Zhang's suspicion, but he has dealt with the monks of the Holy Land Sect and knows the nature of these people.

The Taoist Xuan Ao is even more famous, and he is definitely not a kind person.

Meng Zhang reminded himself after entering Yuanhai, we must be cautious.

Not only must be careful to guard against the enemy, but also pay special attention to the so-called companion of Taoist Xuan Ao.

The words that should be said have been said, and the cold war superior gave an order, and everyone immediately took action.

Regardless of whether you like it or not, since everyone has accepted the call, you must obey the military laws and obey orders.

A name-returning power jumped into the vortex ahead one by one.

Taoist Xuan Ao was arrogant, as if he had ordered a younger disciple to let Meng Zhang follow him closely.

Before the words fell, he jumped into the vortex ahead.

Meng Zhang didn't bother to care about his attitude, so he jumped in.

The vortex seemed to rotate very slowly, but after Meng Zhang jumped into it, he immediately felt dizzy and unstable. Remember the website of this site, www. biquxu. Com, easy to read next time, or enter "" on Baidu to enter this site

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