The Way of the Immortal Master

Vol 2 Chapter 1797: Bad intentions

Suddenly, a huge attraction firmly sucked Meng Zhang's body and dragged him inside.

Meng Zhang didn't panic, didn't resist in the slightest, and let this attraction hold him, dragging him in one direction.

When that attraction disappeared, Meng Zhang had already entered a strange space.

This space was covered with gray mist, and there was still a lot of dust floating around.

Once entering this space, Meng Zhang felt a very depressed feeling, instinctively not wanting to stay here.

He is keenly aware that there is an invisible force that is constantly eroding himself, as if to completely dissolve himself here.

In addition, Meng Zhang felt all kinds of tangible and intangible pressures, constantly oppressing himself, making him seem to be out of breath.

Meng Zhang's bodyguard Zhenyuan spontaneously operated, offsetting part of the external power, and he felt a little better.

"Clumsy, it's a waste."

The Taoist Xuan Ao, who entered here one step before Meng Zhang, looked at Meng Zhang disdainfully, and seemed very rude, as if he didn't regard Meng Zhang as a monk of the same rank at all.

Meng Zhang, who had entered Yuanhai for the first time, was slowly getting acquainted with the environment here, and couldn't care to get angry with this guy.

Yuanhai has a great suppressive effect on outsiders.

Meng Zhang's five senses, including his spiritual thoughts, were greatly suppressed, and he was unable to conduct long-distance investigations.

It took only a while for Meng Zhang to enter Yuanhai, and the true essence in his body was rapidly being consumed.

As soon as his spirit was released, most of it was swallowed. The remaining small part of Divine Mind is simply difficult to investigate carefully.

Meng Zhang knew that he could not stay in Yuanhai for too long, otherwise he would be eroded by Yuanhai and suffered irreparable damage.

In Yuanhai's special environment, he would spend a lot of effort to walk freely, and his methods of exploration were limited. It becomes very difficult to search for the whereabouts of the enemy.

As a monk stationed in the passage, Taoist Xuan Ao relied on his identity and had entered Yuanhai many times.

Although each stay didn't last long and didn't go deep, he finally cultivated a lot of experience.

At least compared to the monk who entered for the first time like Meng Zhang, he was much better than him in all aspects.

Taoist Xuan Ao quickly adapted to Yuanhai's special environment, did not allow Meng Zhang time to adjust, just greeted him at random and flew in one direction.

Although Taoist Xuan Ao had a bad attitude, Meng Zhang still followed him and tried to keep up with him.

As a result, among the two, Taoist Xuan Ao was far superior to Meng Zhang in terms of qualifications and status, and Meng Zhang could not turn his face directly with him.

Secondly, in an environment like Yuanhai, it is always good to have one more companion.

If you encounter an enemy, you won't be besieged.

Meng Zhang tried to adapt to the environment while following behind Taoist Xuan Ao.

Meng Zhang's aptitude and comprehension are very amazing, far beyond the imagination of Taoist Xuanao.

After flying with Taoist Xuan Ao for a long time, Meng Zhang was already familiar with the environment here.

As the gathering place of the world of Junchen Realm, Yuanhai's digestive ability is really strong.

If a Void Returning Power like Meng Zhang stayed here for enough time, he might really be digested by Yuanhai and become a part of the origin of Junchen Realm.

Meng Zhang needs to expend strength all the time to resist Yuanhai's digestive energy.

According to the command of the Lord of the Cold War, every group of people entering Yuanhai must actively search for the whereabouts of the intruder.

Although at the source

It is difficult to locate in the sea, but as long as you are willing to work hard, you can still find a way.

The several places delineated by the Lord of the Cold War are all areas with very obvious characteristics and relatively easy to reach.

Meng Zhang doesn't have a specific map of Yuanhai, and he doesn't know the area division here.

However, he flew with Taoist Xuan Ao for a long time, and he didn't meet half a monk in Junchen Realm, and he felt that the surrounding environment was strange, and it was not at all those places designated by the cold war master.

Meng Zhang tried to ask, but Taoist Xuan Ao's attitude was very bad.

Meng Zhanggang spoke, but before he finished speaking, he was scolded and almost yelled at Meng Zhang.

No matter how good Meng Zhang's temper is, he was furious with such an inexplicable curse.

Meng Zhang simply ignored it.

Anyway, I can't find my goal, and I can't complete the task. It's not my own business.

Even if they were to be punished, everyone was punished together.

Meng Zhang, who had made friends with King Snow Sword, really didn't fear the punishment from Heavenly Palace.

Seeing Meng Zhang kept silent, as if he was afraid of himself, the disdain on Taoist Xuan Ao's face became thicker, and he almost made no secret of it.

Taoist Xuan Ao led Meng Zhang from east to west, and after flying for a while, he came to a peculiar area.

Before fully entering this area, Meng Zhang felt that something was wrong.

Countless colorful and extremely bright light spots fill the entire space.

Fragments of various sizes and shapes are moving irregularly, flooding the four directions.

Taoist Xuan Ao, who hadn't spoken for a while, suddenly became excited.

"Well, go through this area in front of you and you will be able to catch the intruder."

"Junior, you hurry up to keep up. If you fall behind halfway, this seat must punish you for the crime of fleeing."

Before the words fell, Taoist Xuan Ao flew over.

A huge mask appeared on his body, covering his body tightly.

Whether it was dust or various fragments, as soon as he approached the mask on his body, it was gently pushed away.

Meng Zhang was calm on the surface, but he was murderous in his heart.

At this time, he could finally be sure that Taoist Xuan Ao was not only arrogant, but had bad intentions towards himself.

Meng Zhang didn't know why Taoist Xuan Ao was malicious towards him.

Taoist Xuan Ao didn't say it clearly, but Meng Zhang had already known the dangers of this area in front of him.

Over the years, Meng Zhang has read countless classics in, opening his eyes, and he has a certain understanding of many secrets in Junchen Realm.

This area in front of him should be the main place for Yuanhai to digest the small foreign world.

Here, Yuanhai's digestive ability is extremely powerful.

Moreover, those small world fragments that have not been completely digested move around, and it is simply difficult to dodge.

Once hit, even if you return to the virtual world, you will suffer a big loss.

Taoist Xuan Ao obviously had a protective body on his body, so he dared to enter the area ahead so unscrupulously.

If Meng Zhang didn't know the specific situation, he would just follow along in such a foolish manner.

According to normal circumstances, as a newly promoted Void Returning Power, Meng Zhang really has no way to withstand all the dangers ahead.

Taoist Xuan Ao lured Meng Zhang into it in the name of chasing and killing the intruder, and his malice was clearly exposed. Remember the website of this site, www. biquxu. Com, easy to read next time, or enter "" on Baidu to enter this site

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