The Way of the Immortal Master

Vol 2 Chapter 1798: reason

Meng Zhang didn't immediately turn his face with Taoist Xuan Ao, and didn't turn to leave. Instead, he thought about it a little, but he paused for a while, and followed Taoist Xuan Ao and flew into the area in front of him.

Out of the corner of Taoist Xuan'ao's eyes, he saw Meng Zhang following behind him, and he cursed a few words in disdain.

Sure enough, he was a soil bun from Xiaomen Xiaopai. He didn't know anything, so he dared to roam in Yuanhai. It was really fearless for the ignorant.

Meng Zhang is so stupid and so easy to be fooled, Taoist Xuan Ao has a sense of success in a strategy, and a sense of dullness.

For his arrogant people, sometimes the enemy is too stupid and the task is too easy to complete, which is quite meaningless.

Taoist Xuan Ao knew that before long, Meng Zhang would fall into his own hands.

The development of the matter was as expected by Taoist Xuan Ao. As soon as Meng Zhang entered this area, he felt a strong pressure and made his movements slow down.

But in a short time, there were fragments swimming around and slammed into him.

There are so many fragments that Meng Zhang can't escape all of them, he can only fight hard.

Sensing waves of violent power fluctuations from behind, Taoist Xuan Ao shook his head.

How many methods and background can a newly promoted Void-Returning Power have?

Most of these seemingly inconspicuous fragments are small world fragments that the source sea hasn't had time to digest.

Almost every piece of debris contains the power of terror.

When every small world is shattered, it will almost burst out with the power of destruction.

Above the fragments of those small worlds, there is a violent, crazy power of destruction.

Especially the kind of small world with many creatures. Before the death of many creatures, countless unwillingness and resentment will be contaminated on the fragments of the small world.

It would take a long time for Yuanhai to digest these things thoroughly.

Taoist Xuan Ao dared to enter here because he possessed a magic weapon that had been refined for many years.

With the power of magic weapons, he has a strong defense and can stay here for a while.

Of course, if the delay is too long, it will not only damage his magic weapon, but also endanger himself.

In any case, he has the magic weapon to protect himself, and he can adapt to the environment better than Meng Zhang.

In his estimation, with Meng Zhang's strength, after being hit by those fragments, he could not hold on for too long.

As expected by Taoist Xuan Ao, after a while, Meng Zhang was obviously unable to resist.

Meng Zhang's body kept retreating in the air, almost unable to hold on.

After a miserable grunt, Meng Zhang began to cry for help.

"Senior, please help the younger generation, the younger generation can't hold on anymore."

While calling for help, Meng Zhang tried to get out of this area.

But he had already entered a place that was not shallow in this area. After being hit by those fragments, his body went deep into this area.

Meng Zhang's attempt to leave this area simply could not be realized.

He let out a few more screams, and kept asking for help from Taoist Xuan Ao. Afterwards, he was completely disregarding his face and begging for help.

Taoist Xuan Ao didn't seem to be moved by Meng Zhang's cry for help.

After a while, I sensed that Meng Zhang's breath was getting weaker, and he didn't even have any strength to scream.

The Taoist Xuan Ao turned around and quickly flew to a short distance in front of Meng Zhang.

Meng Zhang has almost lost resistance to the flying debris, and can only resist hard, as long as he can resist.

Taoist Xuan Ao still has something to ask Meng Zhang, but he can't just watch him die here.

A bright pearl above Taoist Xuan Ao's head was emitting light, forming a protective mask around his body.

Taoist Xuan Ao pointed with one hand, and the pearl on his head separated a ray of light, which turned into a light mask, temporarily blocking Meng Zhang's body.

With such a buffer, Meng Zhang was about to thank the Taoist Xuan Ao, a ray of light turned into a lightsaber, and it hit his chest at once.

Meng Zhang, who was already very injured, looked at Taoist Xuan Ao in shock, his face was full of incomprehension.

He tried to stabilize his breath and was about to ask, but was interrupted by Taoist Xuan Ao.

"This seat is too lazy to talk with ants like you, and you are not qualified to ask questions to this seat."

"Now, if this seat asks you, you will answer. If there is something untrue, then this seat will cut you a thousand dollars."

"Do you understand, kid?"

Taoist Xuan Ao finally shouted, making Meng Zhang's body tremble with fright.

Taoist Xuan Ao was even more disdainful of Meng Zhang in his heart, and went straight to the topic.

"Back then, Tianshi colluded with demons to plot the authority of the underworld, you haven't forgotten it?"

After listening to Taoist Xuan Ao's question, Meng Zhang finally knew where the maliciousness of Taoist Xuan Ao came from.

The whereabouts of the authority was unknown at the time, but it was said that it was taken away by a certain natural ghost.

Later, the Jiuxuan Pavilion and the Situ family, who had participated in the struggle for power, all traced the matter with great fanfare.

Originally, due to the passage of time, the investigation had no results. Both the Situ family and the Nine Profound Pavilion should have diverted their attention and stopped putting too much energy into this matter.

Unexpectedly, after many years, Taoist Xuan Ao still found himself, and still used this kind of method.

Although due to a wonderful relationship, everyone's attention was diverted in the name of a natural ghost.

However, there are a number of natural ghosts and gods in the underworld, and they rarely appear in front of people.

That natural ghost and **** appeared so coincidental that it happened to be able to profit from the fisherman and take away power, which had to make people suspicious.

A more flexible or suspicious guy might be able to think that someone has something to do with that natural ghost, or even collude directly.

There were only a few parties involved in this incident.

Tianshihui is a complete loser, and it has been exploited from beginning to end.

And the sky stone will be deeply penetrated by the Jiuxuan There is no secret in front of the Jiuxuan Pavilion.

The Situ family and the Jiuxuan Pavilion have been fighting each other secretly for many years, and everyone knows their roots.

If the Situ family colluded with natural ghosts and gained authority, it would be difficult to hide from the eyes and ears of the Jiuxuan Pavilion.

The Dali Dynasty seems to be the most suspicious, but because of the situation of the Dali Dynasty, do you really dare to offend the Situ family and the Jiuxuan Pavilion in one fell swoop for authority?

Under the persecution of the Jiuxuan Pavilion and the Situ family, the Tyrant Wudi of the Dali Dynasty swore an oath to Tiandi Dadao in an attempt to prove his innocence, indicating that the Dali Dynasty had nothing to do with the natural ghost and **** who took power.

Among the several forces, only the most unlikely Taiyi Sect remained.

For Jiuxuan Pavilion, as long as there is doubt, there is no need for any evidence.

There are many reasons why Jiuxuan Pavilion hasn't acted on Taiyi Sect for a long time, but has been dragged to the present by Taoist Xuanao. Remember the website of this site, www. biquxu. Com, easy to read next time, or enter "" on Baidu to enter this site

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