The Way of the Immortal Master

Vol 2 Chapter 1800: Fight

There seemed to be a simple shiver, but it disrupted Taoist Xuan Ao's rhythm and affected his subsequent counterattack.

So far, Meng Zhang is limited to his cultivation base and has not completely refined the Chiyin Sword in his hands.

In most cases, the more difficult it is to refine the magic weapon, the greater its power.

The magic weapon flying sword like Chiyin Sword Sha, a large part of its power, depends on the various evil auras it absorbs.

The most powerful evil spirit between heaven and earth, a large part of it is located in the underworld.

After being buried in the underworld for thousands of years, and taking care of it, the Chi Yin Sword Fiend spontaneously operates, turning the absorbed Yin Sha Qi into the Sword Fiend.

I saw Meng Zhang wielding the Chi Yin Sword Sha, and a series of fierce and cold sword Shas, constantly pounced on Taoist Xuan Ao.

The power of the Chi Yin Sword and Meng Zhang's excellent swordsmanship really complemented each other.

The Taoist Xuan Ao, who had missed the opportunity, suddenly fell into a disadvantage.

Taoist Xuan Ao, a monk who came from the sect of the Holy Land, although he has weaknesses such as arrogance and arrogance, the education from the sect does not allow him to have obvious shortcomings in all aspects.

Its combat effectiveness is above the standard.

Taoist Xuan Ao was attacked by Meng Zhang. He was frightened and caught off guard.

But he quickly calmed down and began to think about countermeasures.

The jewel above his head is a very good magic weapon for protecting him, and it can hold him firmly.

Even if a few sword evils infiltrated occasionally, he was able to temporarily suppress it without much influence.

The sword light fluttered between Meng Zhang and Taoist Xuan Ao, the sword energy was vertical and horizontal, and the invisible sword evil pointed at the key...

Although Meng Zhang had a slight advantage with a sneak attack when he first started, he was not able to defeat the enemy with a single blow.

With the passage of time, Taoist Xuan Ao slowly calmed down, and the qualities of the monks of the Holy Land Zongmen began to appear.

In addition to being able to withstand Meng Zhang's attack, he also slowly started to counterattack, and had a good relationship with Meng Zhang.

In addition to the protective jewel on Taoist Xuan Ao, there is another magic weapon.

It’s just that there is a price to pay for using that magic weapon, so it’s not often used like a body protection jewel.

Taoist Xuan Ao arrived at this time, of course he would not spare a little price.

It's just that he needs to wait for the opportunity, waiting for a chance to hit Meng Zhang severely and even kill.

While fighting Meng Zhang, he waited patiently.

At this time, Taoist Xuan Ao no longer had the slightest contempt for Meng Zhang.

He put away all his arrogance and arrogance, calmed down, and slowly fought Meng Zhang.

Until now, Meng Zhang had long since lost his thoughts on quick battles and quick decisions.

Although Taoist Xuan Ao is not very good, as a veteran, his true strength is still higher than that of Meng Zhang.

If Meng Zhang hadn't seized some of the opportunities at the beginning, I'm afraid the situation would have already developed in a direction that was not conducive to him.

In fact, the prolonged delay of the battle is extremely detrimental to Meng Zhang.

As a result, it didn't take long for him to be promoted to the Void Return Period. Although he had some adventures, his foundation was far less profound than Taoist Xuan Ao.

Secondly, the origin of Taoist Xuan Ao is destined to have a huge advantage over Meng Zhang.

Anyway, Taoist Xuan Ao had already torn apart with Meng Zhang, and the power of Jiu Xuan Pavilion would inevitably be used to deal with Meng Zhang and Taiyi Sect in the future.

Even if Meng Zhang asked for help from the companions Xue Jianjun and Tianlei Supreme, he could barely insure himself at best, not necessarily completely insured.

This time it was still in the task of chasing and killing invaders outside the territory, Taoist Xuan Ao desperately attacked Meng Zhang.


This shows how unscrupulous this person is, how ignorant of everything.

The style of the Nine Profound Pavilion and the domineering monks of the Nine Profound Pavilion left a deep impression on Meng Zhang.

The rules of Tiangong can't protect Meng Zhang, let alone Taiyi Sect.

To avoid future troubles, Taoist Xuan Ao must stay here forever.

Meng Zhang's heart was full of murderous intent, but for the time being, Taoist Xuanao was helpless.

The power gap is there, and it is not just a tricky means that can determine the victory or defeat.

The fighting between the two became more intense, and the surrounding dust was stirred, making the space seem more muddy.

Those fragments of different shapes, large and small, will not stop moving because of the two fierce fighting.

While the two were fighting each other, they also had to allocate a portion of their energy to guard against the various fragments that collided around.

In this respect, the situation is particularly unfavorable for Meng Zhang.

Taoist Xuan Ao relied on that protective jewel to block all the fragments that rushed over without spending too much energy.

While Meng Zhang was fighting with the enemy, he had to spend a lot of effort to resist the fragments of the world.

Exercising Tao Yun is not without cost, but a very exhausting thing.

As time went by, Meng Zhang's offensive became weaker and weaker.

He is obviously somewhat weakened.

On several occasions, he was almost hit by those fragments.

Sometimes, in order to avoid those fragments, he had to give up his offensive against Taoist Xuan Ao.

Taoist Xuan Ao began to level the situation slowly, regaining the advantage bit by bit, and began to gain the upper hand.

Of course, because of the lessons learned just now, Taoist Xuan Ao is not irritable at all, he appears very patient.

He continued to fight step by step, and there was no trend of aggressiveness at all.

He played steadily and slowly suppressed Meng Zhang with his vigorous cultivation.

In this kind of battle, all kinds of tricks and all kinds of tactics didn't have much effect.

What is fighting is the cultivation of both sides, the foundation of both sides.

In this regard, Taoist Xuan Ao undoubtedly has an absolute advantage.

At this time, the Chiyin Sword Sha in Meng Zhang's hand was no longer blindly attacking, but had to start defending.

He not only wanted to block the attack of Taoist Xuan Ao, but also picked up pieces of the world that were flying over.

Suddenly, he felt a little bit exhausted.

At this time, Taoist Xuan Ao could finally be sure that Meng Zhang wasn't acting this time, but he really couldn't resist it.

His long-awaited opportunity finally arrived.

Several pieces of the world that had been smashed away by Taoist Xuan Ao's protective jewel, unexpectedly flew to the direction where Meng Zhang was.

In addition to the fact that there were some world fragments flying towards him, Meng Zhang had to retreat temporarily in order to avoid Taoist Xuan Ao taking advantage of the attack, trying to avoid these world fragments while keeping the distance from Taoist Xuan Ao.

Now or never.

Taoist Xuan Ao no longer hesitated, and quickly took out a golden seal.

He bit the tip of his tongue and spewed a blood out, which happened to fall on the palm-sized seal.

The seal flew to the top of Taoist Xuan Ao's head and began to grow rapidly.

In the process of getting bigger, the seal continuously absorbed the power of Taoist Xuan Ao.

However, after a short time, the seal seemed to grow as if seeing the wind, turning into a huge seal the size of a hill. Remember the website of this site, www. biquxu. Com, easy to read next time, or enter "" on Baidu to enter this site

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