The Way of the Immortal Master

Vol 2 Chapter 1801: Accident

This golden seal is the biggest trump card of Taoist Xuan Ao, as well as the killer that he has always hidden to this day.

Although driving this magic weapon requires some price, once this magic weapon is activated, it has extremely terrifying power and can easily destroy a small world.

The giant seal like a small mountain trembled in the air for a while, immediately triggering a violent wave of vitality, bringing waves of vitality.

Here is the source sea that gathers the origin of the world of Jun Chen world, and the vitality of the world is naturally abundant to the extreme.

After this huge seal was shaken, it directly locked the position of Meng Zhang.

Meng Zhang's heart was a warning sign for Dasheng, and he felt a sense of imminent disaster.

With Meng Zhang's rich combat experience, how can he not know that the crisis comes from that giant seal.

Meng Zhang's body flashed quickly, and he couldn't even take care of avoiding those small world fragments.

But no matter how Meng Zhang dodges, the feeling of being locked in hasn't changed a bit.

Of course, Meng Zhang would not wait to die, and began to use various means to try to defuse the next attack.

Meng Zhang mobilized the power of the space avenue, trying to distort the space and destroy the lock of the giant seal on him.

At this time, the giant seal had almost completely locked Meng Zhang, and had accumulated enough power.

I saw that Ju Yin directly slammed into the direction where Meng Zhang was located, quite a bit of the momentum of Mount Tai.

As long as this giant seal hits Meng Zhang, Meng Zhang will be seriously injured if he does not die.

But at this moment, an accident that neither Meng Zhang nor Taoist Xuan Ao had expected happened.

The reason why the Lord of the Cold War didn't enter Yuanhai himself, apart from worrying that his too much power would cause damage to Yuanhai, it was also because too strong power broke out in Yuanhai, which would cause some very bad consequences.

Taoist Xuan Ao's strength can only be regarded as ordinary among the many Void Returning Powers, and it is limited compared to those newly promoted Void Returning Powers.

Therefore, the Lord of the Cold War allowed him to enter the sea of ​​origin.

However, the Lord of the Cold War didn't expect that Taoist Xuan Ao had hidden a magic weapon of such immense power.

The power fluctuations erupted by this giant seal were enough to cause some abnormal changes in Yuanhai.

Meng Zhang and Taoist Xuan Ao had been fighting for a long time before, and they had already caused a great impact on the surroundings.

Now the Juyin has exploded with full force, and Meng Zhang is trying to distort the space again.

Under the superposition of several factors, the source sea they were in suddenly changed drastically.

The surrounding space was like a sheet of white paper, which was violently distorted and began to fold.

Space cracks appeared out of thin air, and black holes were looming.

This space was suddenly blew up with frantic hurricanes, and fragments of countless small worlds were ejected from the hurricane.

Both Meng Zhang and Taoist Xuan Ao were shaken by the hurricane and stumbled, almost losing control of their bodies.

The power fluctuations that erupted from the giant seal were the strongest, attracting the impact of countless small world fragments.

Both the frequency of the impact and the ferocity far exceeded the previous encounters between Meng Zhang and Taoist Xuan Ao.

If Meng Zhang and Taoist Xuan Ao had encountered an impact of this magnitude, they might have fallen into the Origin Sea long ago.

After a burst of loud noises, the giant seal kept tumbling in the air, and a lot of traces appeared on it.

It's also a coincidence that the giant seal that was knocked out actually fell to the junction of several spatial cracks.

A few spatial cracks held this huge seal firmly in this way.

Taoist Xuan Ao used all his hard work to refine this magic weapon back then.

The giant seal

Being constantly hit by the fragments of the small world, he felt his chest become stuffy, and he felt like he was constantly being impacted.

Although Taoist Xuan Ao had a hard time, his attention was still given priority to the giant seal.

This magic weapon belonged to the sect, but it was temporarily lent to Taoist Xuan Ao to use it.

If you lose this magic weapon, Taoist Xuan Ao will be in great trouble.

Taoist Xuan Ao couldn't care about anything else, he used his mind to hook up the magic weapon, and tried to urge him.

Taoist Xuan Ao's face paled for a while, finally letting the giant seal break away from the crack in the space, and was about to take it back.

The mutation of Yuanhai continues.

After a hurricane, a huge whirlpool appeared over Meng Zhang and Taoist Xuanao.

The vortex slowly formed, and after it formed, it spontaneously began to rotate, and the rotation produced a strong attraction.

Everything in this space was attracted to the vortex by the huge attraction.

Countless dust, massive fragments of the small world...

None of this can escape the attraction of the whirlpool.

The giant seal that had just broken away from the cracks in the space, along with countless small world fragments, flew towards the huge vortex.

With such bad luck, Xuan Ao Dao's popularity was about to vomit blood.

In anger and anger, no matter how anger is, he still has to work hard to recover the magic weapon.

Meng Zhang, who was swayed by the sudden hurricane, tried to stabilize his figure while paying attention to the surrounding situation.

The situation of Taoist Xuan Ao fell into his eyes.

Meng Zhang was heartbroken, and must take advantage of the current opportunity that both sides are not having a good time to give him a heavy blow.

Otherwise, when Taoist Xuan Ao took back the magic weapon and eased his anger, then it would be Meng Zhang's turn to suffer.

Meng Zhang broke out suddenly.

At the critical moment, we must dare to work hard and have the momentum to die with the enemy.

He was like a mad tiger, regardless of the surrounding changes, he flew to a short distance in front of Taoist Xuan Ao.

Chiyin Sword Sha quickly flew, and the sword light slashed towards Taoist Xuan Ao.

"Really a lunatic." Taoist Xuan Ao yelled.

The source sea is an extremely dangerous place, even if the Void Returning Power is not careful, it is possible to fall here.

Especially this place was originally a dangerous place in the source sea, and now such a terrifying change has taken place again.

Meng Zhang didn't want to protect himself, how to escape here as soon as possible, but to run over and fight him desperately, it was crazy.

If it weren't for taking back the giant seal, Taoist Xuan Ao would have escaped long ago.

Meng Zhang's reckless posture really frightened Taoist Xuan Taoist Xuan Ao very much cherishes his own life, and absolutely refuses to die with the enemy.

Taoist Xuan Ao was frightened by Meng Zhang's momentum, and suddenly fell into a disadvantage.

Being entangled by Meng Zhang, he was really powerless to distract him. He could only watch the giant seal being sucked in by the whirlpool and then disappear completely.

When the contact with the magic weapon's mind was interrupted, Taoist Xuan Ao couldn't help but spit out blood and fell into serious injury.

Meng Zhang desperately entangled Taoist Xuan Ao, making it impossible to get out.

The huge attraction of the vortex firmly attracted the two of them, and kept attracting them to the past.

Although I don't know what is behind the whirlpool, Taoist Xuan Ao is absolutely unwilling to be sucked into it.

With an ominous premonition in his heart, he began to struggle desperately, trying to get rid of the attraction of the whirlpool and stay away from this place. Remember the website of this site, www. biquxu. Com, easy to read next time, or enter "" on Baidu to enter this site

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