The Way of the Immortal Master

Vol 2 Chapter 1803: search

He secretly decided in his heart that even if he trusted the disciple in the door, he would not easily reveal everything that happened here.

Fortunately, Taoist Xuan Ao was already dead and there was no place to bury him. Meng Zhang indirectly completed the operation of killing people and killing his mouth.

The most important thing is that this is Yuanhai, and the environment is too special.

Everything that happened here, even the most savvy celestial jigsaw, was difficult to calculate.

For this, Meng Zhang is very sure.

He himself is a very clever celestial clerk.

Although after entering the Void Return Period, the Heavenly Mystery Technique has not been improved accordingly.

But he was fully aware of the limitations of the heavenly secret technique.

Yuanhai's interference with Heaven's Secret Art is very powerful.

After waves of vitality, everything that happened here was completely submerged.

Meng Zhang didn't stay here long, and left directly.

The Taoist Xuan Ao as his companion died, and Meng Zhang needed to make up a story.

Anyway, Yuanhai was originally a dangerous place, and the powers of returning to the void who died here were not one or two.

Taoist Xuan Ao is dead, and Meng Zhang, as a nominal companion, may inevitably be angered and suspected by Jiu Xuan Pavilion.

However, he is also a rebirth power at any rate, not only has a close relationship with the Heavenly Thunder Supreme, but also has friendship with the Snow Sword Sovereign Companion.

In the absence of conclusive evidence, especially in the current situation of Junchen Realm, even if Jiu Xuan Pavilion acts aggressively, I am afraid it is not easy to rush Meng Zhang.

After thinking about it, Meng Zhangsi felt that he had not left any flaws.

As for making up stories, that's even more of his specialty.

Although he lost a companion like Taoist Xuan Ao, Meng Zhang still decided to continue the mission.

In any case, if he really did not complete the task, he would also inevitably be punished.

Moreover, as a member of Junchen Realm Cultivator, he himself is also hostile to invaders outside the domain.

Although sensing is limited in the source sea, positioning is difficult. But these are not difficult to defeat Meng Zhang's ability to return to the void.

He expended a lot of effort and began to search according to the area provided by the Cold War Supreme.

Flying along this road, he encountered a lot of troubles, all of which were overcome by him one by one.

He didn't know whether Meng Zhang's luck was good or bad. He searched for a long time, but found no trace of two extraterritorial invaders, but found some jade clear spirits.

The main producing areas of Yuqing Lingji in the source sea have special arrangements, which are difficult for outsiders to break into.

Even if outsiders break in by chance, they will leave traces, leaving clues to the heavenly palace and the sects of the sacred places.

In addition, many places in the source sea will randomly give birth to a small number of Jade Chrysanthemums.

If no one comes to collect it for a long time, these jade clear spirits will be digested by Yuanhai.

Naturally, Meng Zhang would not be polite, so he put away these jade clear spirits.

Speaking of it, Yuanhai's digestive ability is really strong, and he can digest almost everything.

No matter how difficult it is to digest, it will take a little longer at most.

Therefore, the natural treasures born in the source sea, including the jade clear spirit, will be digested by the source sea if they are not picked in time after their birth.

There is a special channel connection between Jiutian and Yuanhai.

From time to time, some breath or dust from the source sea will be blown into the nine days by the gale.

After these were absorbed by Nine Days, Nine Days seemed to make up for it. For Nine-Day Birth, Nine-Day Essence and various resources have great benefits.

Meng Zhang spent several days in Yuanhai, and finally met an acquaintance.

Emperor Ba Wu and Chunyu Zhongda appeared in front of Meng Zhang with two Void Returning abilities that Meng Zhang didn't recognize.

Meng Zhang quickly speeded up and caught up with their team.

The emperor Ba Wu, who was on his way, saw Meng Zhang catching up from behind and hurriedly greeted him.

Chunyu Zhongda seemed to be casting some kind of magic, and could not care about talking to Meng Zhang.

Meng Zhang flew to the side of Emperor Ba Wu and talked with him.

Emperor Ba Wu knew that Meng Zhang and Xuan Ao Taoist were a team.

Although he, like most people, couldn't understand the arrogant Taoist Xuan Ao, he couldn't help but asked his whereabouts.

Meng Zhang, who had been prepared for a long time, didn't have any strangeness on his face, and Yun Danfeng calmly answered a few words casually.

Taoist Xuan Ao was too arrogant and kept a distance from Meng Zhang.

When he was on the road, he only cared about himself, regardless of whether Meng Zhang could keep up.

Originally, with Meng Zhang's cultivation base, there was not much problem with keeping up with Taoist Xuan Ao.

But a sudden hurricane triggered a terrifying tide of vitality.

Taoist Xuan Ao only cared about his own safety and didn't mean to cover Meng Zhang at all.

Meng Zhang's cultivation is inferior to Taoist Xuan Ao, and he has lost the trace of Taoist Xuan Ao in the tide of vitality.

After leaving the range of vitality tides, Meng Zhang spent a lot of effort to find, but he could not find the whereabouts of Taoist Xuan Ao.

Thinking of the importance of completing the task, Meng Zhang did not continue to delay time, but started searching for the whereabouts of the invaders outside the territory according to the instructions of the cold war superior.

Regarding Meng Zhang's answer, Emperor Ba Wu and others did not doubt it.

The actions of Taoist Xuan Ao mentioned by Meng Zhang indeed conformed to his usual temper.

As for the vitality tide in the source sea, it is completely different from the vitality tide outside.

Jun Chen Realm's general vitality tide, no matter how strong it is, it can't threaten the power of returning to the void.

But if it encounters the vitality tide that erupts in the Origin Sea, if one is not good, even if it returns to the virtual power, it will fall.

Not to mention that Meng Zhang was separated from Taoist Xuan Ao, even if some of them fell in the tide of vitality, it was not impossible.

Of course, at this time, Emperor Ba Wu never thought that Taoist Xuan Ao had fallen.

Joining their team after being separated by Meng Zhang also strengthened their team's combat effectiveness.

After Meng Zhang answered the question of Emperor Ba Wu, he also asked about their situation.

According to Emperor Ba Wu, he and Chunyu Zhongda had good luck and discovered the whereabouts of two extraterritorial invaders not long ago.

The two of them had just started fighting, and another group of human monks nearby also arrived.

The two extraterritorial invaders were not only injured, but were also greatly suppressed in the source sea, and they couldn't do it at all.

In the face of the four celebrities who return to the virtual, they did not fight hard, but fought a few tricks and found a chance to escape.

The two extraterritorial invaders had enough effort to escape, and they quickly disappeared completely.

Fortunately, Chunyu Zhongda deserves to be the national teacher of the Great Li Dynasty, resourceful and meticulous.

When he fought before, he secretly left a trace on the demon master.

The trace is very faint and hard to be noticed by the enemy.

And Chunyu Zhongda can slowly sense the existence of that trace by using secret methods.

Now, they are searching for the whereabouts of two extraterritorial invaders all the way based on Chunyu Zhongda's secret law induction.

Of course, due to the environmental interference of Yuanhai, Chunyu Zhongda's secret magic induction was also greatly affected.

Although Chunyu Zhongda had some induction, they still needed them to search for the target slowly. Remember the website of this site, www. biquxu. Com, easy to read next time, or enter "" on Baidu to enter this site

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