The Way of the Immortal Master

Vol 2 Chapter 1804: Chase and escape

For the joining of Meng Zhang, Emperor Ba Wu and others are more welcome, and there are no such thoughts as worrying about him grabbing merit.

All the monks who entered here were unwilling to stay in the source sea.

Yuanhai's unique digestive ability is eroding their bodies almost all the time.

In order to fight against it, they need to consume a lot of power.

If they stay here for a long time, they will suffer irreparable harm.

One more person, one more strength, can complete the task as soon as possible, and kill two extraterritorial invaders is something that everyone can't ask for.

Chunyu Zhongda used secret methods to sense the enemy's whereabouts.

Because of Yuanhai's interference, they have always been one step behind.

When they sensed the latest position of the enemy and rushed past, the enemy had already left.

Chunyu Zhongda had to cast his induction again.

Since the enemy has been moving at high speed, their pursuit is not very smooth.

After busying for a long time, they did not catch up with the enemy, but they reunited with another group of human monks.

At this moment, in addition to the dead Taoist Xuan Ao, the other human cultivators who entered Yuanhai gathered.

There are a total of seven Void Returning Powers teaming up, as long as they catch up with the enemy, they will definitely not be allowed to escape.

Everyone did not urge Chunyu Zhongda, but let him perform secret methods.

Everyone is a newcomer, and apart from Meng Zhang, there is not much difference in the cultivation base of the others.

They don't have many methods, and there is no other better method they can use.

Fortunately, Chunyu Zhongda didn't disappoint everyone. Although he was always a step slower, he never lost the enemy's whereabouts.

After some intense pursuit, they finally encountered two extraterritorial invaders head-on.

In order to prevent the enemy from escaping again, the seven Void Returning Powers scattered and surrounded the past from all directions.

The demon master knew that the dangerous time had arrived, and their work had entered a critical moment.

The demon master roared and revealed his true form.

It was a giant crocodile with a length of more than a thousand feet and a huge body.

This giant crocodile shook his head and tail, as if going crazy, he took the initiative to kill the humans returning to the Void.

Emperor Ba Wu happened to face this giant crocodile.

He didn't dodge or avoid, and shouted, his voice was full of indescribable majesty, which made the enemy feel a little shocked.

He lunged at the enemy bravely, raised his right hand, and threw a fist.

A huge fist mark appeared on the top of his head, and a golden dragon with its teeth and dancing claws was vividly wrapped around the fist mark.

This small mountain-like fist mark carried the golden dragon, and rushed forward, and had a head-to-head collision with the giant crocodile.

The sky shook the sky and loud noises continued to sound, and the surrounding vitality was violently surging...

The seemingly fierce giant crocodile was temporarily blocked by that huge fist mark, and stopped its forward impact.

The Tyrant Wudi who issued such a violent blow felt a little bit of vitality wounded, and he was temporarily unable to continue his shot.

With so many people present, of course, Emperor Ba Wu would not be allowed to face the enemy alone.

As the national teacher of the Great Li Dynasty, Chunyu Zhongda has assisted Emperor Bawu for many years, and he has been an old partner with Emperor Bawu for many years.

They have been fighting side by side for many years and have long established an extraordinary understanding.

Almost at the same time that Emperor Tyrant Wu made a move, Chunyu Zhongda knotted a seal with both hands, and immediately there was endless thunder and lightning descending, madly slashing towards the giant


After this period of rest and recuperation, the injuries suffered by Meng Zhang when he fought with Taoist Xuan Ao had basically healed, and most of the strength he had consumed had also recovered, and it would hardly affect his shots.

Meng Zhang waved the Chiyin Sword Devil, under the cover of the sky full of sword light, a series of insidious Sword Devil pointed directly at the body of the giant crocodile.

After Emperor Ba Wu recovered his breath, he immediately joined the siege.

The three Void Returning Powers joined forces to temporarily suppress this giant crocodile.

Another extraterritorial invader is a rare monster.

In the history of Junchen Realm, few big demons dared to take the initiative to break into Junchen Realm.

The Junchen Realm cultivators present had all the experience of fighting against Demon Dao and slaying Demon Cultivation and monsters, but it was the first time that they had fought against the Great Demon.

As a high-level demon, the great demon is not only secretive and insidious, but also often unusually cunning.

Most human cultivators, when faced with the same-level demon cultivators, won't take much advantage, and will even fall into a disadvantage.

This great demon has rich combat experience, and his cultivation is strong enough.

If it weren't for various reasons, he would have lost a lot of his cultivation, and this group of newly promoted talents would not be qualified to keep him.

He is now surrounded by four Void Returning Powers, with one enemy four, and he can actually fight back and forth without showing much decline.

It was that giant crocodile, who had suffered a lot of injuries before, and now he faced three powerful enemies, and soon he couldn't support it a little bit.

The strength of this demon master is far inferior to that of the great demon.

In this mission, that big demon is the leader and the key person.

The Ten Thousand Demon Realm sent him to follow the big demon, in addition to assisting and cooperating with the other party, it also had the meaning of monitoring.

The magic way is curious, and the monsters are changeable, so you can't easily believe it.

Especially the great demon, who is a high-level demon road, clearly said that he would join forces with the Ten Thousand Demon Realm, and he might betray the Ten Thousand Demon Realm at any time and do something harmful to others.

Without the cunning of the great demon, he was used as a shield to resist the main attack of the human monk when he broke into here before, and he was not injured lightly.

After entering Yuanhai, he consumes a lot when completing the task.

If it were in its heyday, with his strength, not to mention completely defeating Meng Zhang and the three of them, at least he would not lose to them.

Now he feels a bit like a tiger in the sun, and he is embarrassed by the three monks of the clan.

After fighting for a long time, this giant crocodile got a lot of wounds.

Especially the sword evil that Chi Yin sword evil released, actually got into his body, wantonly destroying his seemingly powerful physical body.

The situation of that great demon seemed a little better than him, but it was equally difficult to escape the enemy's siege.

On the surface, it is very beneficial to the monks of the human race.

It seems It won't be long before Meng Zhang and the others will be able to kill two extraterritorial invaders, complete the mission, and leave here.

Probably because he knew that he couldn't escape this time, the giant crocodile became extraordinarily violent.

There are more and more wounds on his body, his injuries are getting more and more serious, but his reason is getting less and less.

His eyes were red and he almost lost his mind.

Finally, after being injured again, this giant crocodile completely lost its last sanity and became completely crazy.

"Green Blood, the rest is up to you, you must complete the task."

The giant crocodile roared, and even agitated the original power in the body, it was about to explode.

Although Meng Zhang and the three of them were able to suppress the enemy, they did not have the ability to stop the opponent from exploding.

They didn't expect that this giant crocodile would be so strong. Remember the website of this site, www. biquxu. Com, easy to read next time, or enter "" on Baidu to enter this site

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