The Way of the Immortal Master

Vol 2 Chapter 1805: Great Demon Green Blood

Sensing that the terrifying power in the giant crocodile was about to erupt, the three of Meng Zhang and the others made a decisive decision, and immediately retreated, trying to escape the enemy's self-destructive range.

Almost at the same time, Emperor Ba Wu didn't forget to shout to warn his companions.

"Be careful, everyone, this giant crocodile is going to blew himself up."

No need to remind Emperor Ba Wu, the other four who were besieging the Void Returning Power of the Great Demon Green Blood had already discovered the situation here.

The Demon Lord is an absolute high-level among the Demon Race.

In the Ten Thousand Demon Realm, there are countless demon masters, and they all enjoy extremely high status.

The demon clan at the level of the demon master has a long life span and a noble status. Generally, they cherish their lives very much, and they rarely explode themselves.

Anyway, the group of Void Returning Powers on the scene, asking themselves that they are in each other's situation, most of them did not have the courage to blew themselves up.

Although they were very shocked in their hearts, this group of Terran's Void Returning Powers responded in time.

They can no longer continue to besiege the enemy, and take the initiative to retreat, trying to avoid the power range of the demon master's self-destruction.

The true strength of this giant crocodile is far above this group of newly promoted Void-Returning Powers, and the origin of life is extremely strong.

He outrageously blew himself up this time and immediately triggered a series of chain reactions.

His huge body suddenly exploded, and the endless flesh and blood turned into vitality to be thrown around.

The power of horror erupted in an instant, and the entire space seemed to be shaken.

At the place where the giant crocodile exploded, a huge black hole appeared, which produced a terrifying attraction to the surrounding area.

Meng Zhang and the others felt the sky and the earth move first, and it seemed that the whole world was constantly shaking.

Then a huge attraction is suddenly trying to draw them away.

Before they had time to act, hurricanes appeared out of nowhere, madly sweeping across the country.

The origin of heaven and earth in the source sea seemed to be trembling.

Almost endless vitality, spitting crazily, tumbling crazily, churning crazily...

The explosion of the giant crocodile actually triggered a terrifying tide of vitality.

The human cultivators present at the scene knew a little bit about Yuanhai and knew some of the dangers in Yuanhai.

The powerful tide of vitality is one of the most frequent occurrences among the many dangers in Yuanhai.

Facing the terrifying tide of vitality, not only did the human monks present not only care about attacking the enemy, but also their companions.

They flee from all directions, trying to escape this sudden tide of vitality as quickly as possible.

In the previous battle to besiege the giant crocodile, Meng Zhang has always had reservations and did not go all out.

In addition to not being in his best state, he also has the selfish desire to retain a bit of strength.

Among all the Void Returning Powers present, Meng Zhang's true strength may be the strongest.

Moreover, with the experience of experiencing Yuanhai Abnormal Change when he was fighting with Taoist Xuan Ao, his ability to adapt to this vitality tide was quite strong.

If he is willing, he can still play a bit of combat effectiveness in the tide of vitality.

However, Meng Zhang did not try to be strong at this time, but followed the crowd and fled here with everyone.

The human monks began to retreat one after another, but the big demon that had been under siege began to move again.

The giant crocodile previously called him green blood, using the language of the monster race.

The cultivators present have basically dealt with the Monster Race, knowing that the Monster Race is the enemy of the Human Race.

With the ability to return to the emptiness, it is not difficult to master the Yaozu language.

Everyone knows that this great demon is called Green Blood, but they don't know his origins, let alone his purpose of entering here.

br/>If it is a demon monk who has mastered the name of a certain great demon and the corresponding rituals, it is possible to contact this great demon through sacrifices.

Then make a deal with the big demon and get the power bestowed by the big demon.

Of course, most demon cultivators who do this will eventually be controlled by the great demon, completely lose themselves, and become puppets of the great demon.

When the vitality tide just broke out, this great demon didn't rush to escape, but actually started a counterattack.

He took advantage of the human race monks fleeing in all directions, suddenly rushed to a Void Returning Power.

He turned into a green shadow, moving like lightning.

In the horrible tide of vitality, the human monks' self-preservation instinct played a role, temporarily unable to take care of each other.

The big demon seized this rare opportunity and took the opportunity to severely inflict a celebrity's ability to return to the void.

This celebrity returned to the Void and screamed, and he disappeared in the tide of vitality, who was seriously injured, and ended up with a life and death unknown.

Although this great demon relied on his strength, he dared to fight hard, and dared to make a counterattack in the tide of vitality.

However, due to the influence of the vitality tide, it is also inconvenient for him to move freely.

He can only choose the human race closest to him to return to the Void in order to make a shot.

After smashing the first target, the closest to him were Emperor Ba Wu and Chunyu Zhongda.

The tacit understanding between Emperor Ba Wu and Chunyu Zhongda is really not trivial.

In such a bad situation, the others have been separated, and they can barely get close, with a minimum of cooperation.

The big demon hesitated for a moment, and gave up the idea of ​​one enemy two.

The opportunity in front of him was rare, and it was created by a demon master who sacrificed his life.

He must seize the opportunity to inflict the greatest damage on the human monks and reduce the resistance to the next move.

The two enemies in front of you can take care of each other, so it is not easy to deal with them.

The Great Demon let go of Emperor Ba Wu and Chunyu Zhongda, and chose nearby Meng Zhang as his target.

Taking advantage of the cover of the vitality tide, a green shadow pounced on Meng Zhang silently.

Meng Zhang has long been aware of the actions of the big devil.

He kept quiet, secretly restrained his vigor and accumulated strength.

When the green shadow pounced over, Meng Zhang's long-prepared Hidden Killing Sword launched.

The sharp sword intent rushed towards his face, and the sharp sword aura almost shred this green shadow...

The sneak attack failed, but was counterattacked by the enemy, and the big demon retreated with his injuries.

At this time, the vitality tide became stronger and stronger, and even the Great Demon could not continue to gain a foothold here.

The Terran monk was lost in the vitality tide, and he couldn't continue to look for the Under the cover of the vitality tide, the big demon hid his tracks and quickly disappeared completely.

Meng Zhang was staggered by the terrifying hurricane and his footing was unstable.

He tried to discern the direction and escaped from this vitality tide with all his strength.

After a long time, Meng Zhang spent a lot of effort to escape the most powerful area of ​​the vitality tide and came to the edge of the vitality tide.

Although he hasn't completely escaped from the range of influence of the vitality tide, Meng Zhang can already move around here freely.

Meng Zhang did not continue to flee here, but stayed.

His purpose is very simple, that is, as much as possible to converge with the separated human monks and continue to complete the task.

Although he had repelled the Great Demon Green Blood just now, he had fully experienced the opponent's power and knew that the opponent was not something he could deal with alone. Remember the website of this site, www. biquxu. Com, easy to read next time, or enter "" on Baidu to enter this site

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