The Way of the Immortal Master

Vol 2 Chapter 1814: Fortune Projection

Genius remembers this site address in one second: []The fastest update! No ads! Since then Meng Zhang and Emperor Ba Wu will enter the void to fight and face powerful extraterritorial invaders, then everyone has made an agreement.

They will gather together as much as possible, watch each other and help each other, unanimously.

This external is not only aimed at invaders outside the territory, but also includes possible enemies from within the Junchen Realm.

They are all a little worried. After the major holy land sects are assigned, they are not enough. Will they use their opportunity in the void to find a way to calculate them.

Especially Meng Zhang, may face the Nine Profound Pavilion.

With the unbridled style of the Jiuxuan Pavilion, while Meng Zhang was fighting against the invaders outside the territory, he stabbed a knife in the back. That was definitely done.

They went to the void this time, in addition to beware of the enemies in front of them, they also had to be careful of their backs.

The two sides are in similar situations, have a foundation for cooperation, and can barely trust each other.

Meng Zhang felt that after entering the void, the situation of Emperor Ba Wu and Chunyu Zhongda should be much better than himself.

Although the Great Li Dynasty and Ziyang Shengzong have fought for so many years, in the final analysis, there should be no unresolvable grievances.

Under the pressure of Tiangong, Shengzong Ziyang and Dali Dynasty have temporarily truce.

As far as Meng Zhang knows, the Dali Dynasty is also actively trying to find a way to seek compromise from the Ziyang Saint Sect through an intermediary.

If it hadn't been the matter of this source sea change, Emperor Ba Wu might have made peace with the Ziyang Saint Sect.

It is Meng Zhang himself who has offended many sects of the Holy Land.

Needless to say, Ziyang Shengzong, an old opponent.

When he was in Xihai, even though the Taoist Daoist's attempt to kill with a knife failed, he might not let Meng Zhang go.

Because of the Hailing School, Meng Zhang has long been regarded as an enemy by Zhenhaidian.

The Jiuxuan Pavilion, which has always been domineering, will never let Meng Zhang go.

If the Situ family had the same thoughts as Taoist Xuan Ao, it would be a matter of time before Meng Zhang would attack.

There is also the Guantian Pavilion, which was extinct in the heyday of Taiyimen, who knows when it will be attacked by Taiyimen.

Inadvertently, almost half of the holy land sects became enemies of Meng Zhang.

With so many powerful enemies, Meng Zhang is still alive and well, speaking of it, it is an anomaly in the realm of cultivation.

Before Meng Zhang came to visit the Dali Dynasty this time, he was a little worried about Emperor Bawu and they were afraid of being involved by himself, so they deliberately kept a distance from him.

Emperor Bawu and Chunyu Zhongda's advancement and return to the Void soon, their cultivation bases and strengths may be very average.

But on the void battlefield, you can still take care of each other with Meng Zhang.

The attitude of Emperor Ba Wu and Chunyu Zhongda towards Meng Zhang was very enthusiastic, which was a bit unexpected.

Meng Zhang guessed that Emperor Ba Wu and Chunyu Zhongda must be hiding something from him.

After the two sides talked for a while, Meng Zhang casually asked about the current situation of the Dali Dynasty.

Emperor Ba Wu is a decisive emperor, and his behavior has always been fair and honest.

The current Meng Zhang is no longer a subordinate of the Dali Dynasty, but a very important ally who can help a lot.

After hesitating a little, he took the initiative to reveal a secret.

Originally, after Dali Dynasty and Ziyang Shengzong truce, Dali Dynasty decided to take this opportunity to completely resolve the dispute with Ziyang Shengzong.

For this reason, the Dali Dynasty is willing to make major concessions in all aspects and pay a huge price.

On the surface, the Ziyang Saint Sect didn't seem to care much about the Dali Dynasty, but secretly, he was making preparations. When the time came, he launched a thunder blow to destroy the Dali Dynasty in one fell swoop.

The senior officials of the Dali Dynasty were puzzled by Ziyang Shengzong's decision.

Even though the strength of Da Li Dynasty is not as good as Ziyang Saint Sect, it is definitely not an easy one.

If the Ziyang Saint Sect wanted to exterminate the Dali Dynasty, he had to pay a very heavy price.

The great change in Jun Chen world is imminent, is Ziyang Saint Sect for the sake of face and past grievances, must be unable to get through with the Dali Dynasty, and would rather delay major events at all?

When the senior officials of the Dali Dynasty were puzzled, a message came from the city of Yindu in the underworld.

There is a force from the Yang room, which is trying to lock the Yindu City, and then shroud it over the Yindu City.

Yindu City is the foundation of the Dali Dynasty in the underworld, and it is also a big trump card for the Dali Dynasty to dare to fight against the Ziyang Saint Sect.

There was a problem in Yindu City, which naturally attracted the attention of the entire Dali Dynasty.

After careful investigation, the ghosts and gods stationed in Yindu City discovered that the power that tried to lock the Yindu City came from the mountain gate of the Ziyang Sacred Sect.

After spending a lot of money, Dali Dynasty finally figured out what happened.

It turned out that Ziyang Shengzong was trying to project the blessed land of his own sect onto the underworld.

And Ziyang Shengzong chose the location of the blessed land projection, which happened to be in Yindu City.

Regardless of whether the Ziyang Saint Sect was intentional or unintentional, the location of Yin Capital City was chosen as the location of the blessed land projection.

This kind of behavior is to push the Dali Dynasty to a dead end, forcing the Dali Dynasty to desperately.

The importance of Yindu City Meng Zhang knows a little bit. The true significance of Yindu City to the Dali Dynasty is far beyond Meng Zhang's imagination.

In a word, the Dali Dynasty would rather destroy all of its foundations in the Yang world, and never want the slightest incident in Yindu City.

After discovering Ziyang Shengzong's attempt, Dali Dynasty was already at odds with Ziyang Shengzong, and there was only a **** battle to go.

The current Dali Dynasty is taking advantage of the opportunity of a temporary truce, working hard to prepare for the war, preparing for the next battle with the Ziyang Saint Sect.

The senior officials of the Dali Dynasty have been mentally prepared. Even if the entire dynasty is destroyed in the battle to the last pawn, they will never bow to the Ziyang Saint Sect.

What Emperor Ba Wu said shocked Meng Zhang.

He did not expect that under the situation that seemed to have been temporarily peaceful, there was still such a big danger hidden.

Meng Zhang was even more puzzled, Yindu City was really so important to the Dali Dynasty, really so indispensable?

If the Dali Dynasty is really destroyed by the Ziyang Saint what is the significance of the remaining Yindu City in the underworld?

Could it be that the living people of the Great Li Dynasty could all hide in Yindu City?

They really think the rules of heaven and earth in the underworld are not displayed?

Meng Zhang knew that this was related to the top secrets of the Dali Dynasty, and Emperor Ba Wu would definitely not tell him.

As an unreliable ally, Emperor Ba Wu was willing to say that just now, which was quite interesting.

At least, Meng Zhang knew that the Dali Dynasty and Ziyang Shengzong could no longer compromise. There was only one way to go.

Knowing this, you will know the next development of the situation in the north of Junchen Realm.

This is very important to both Meng Zhang and Taiyi Sect.

As a large-scale cultivation force in the northern part of Junchen Realm, Taiyi Sect is absolutely difficult to stay out of the war, and it is bound to be involved.

Meng Zhang could only order Taiyimen to prepare for the battle that would come soon.

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