The Way of the Immortal Master

Vol 2 Chapter 1815: formation

As for the source of the conflict between the Ziyang Saint Sect and the Dali Dynasty, why the blessed land of the Ziyang Saint Sect was projected to the Yindu City, Meng Zhang had no clue in his heart.

In fact, Meng Zhang's knowledge of blessed land is very superficial, he didn't even know that blessed land could be projected into the underworld.

What needs to be done to project the blessed land into the underworld, and what is the point?

Regardless of the fact that Taiyimen has already built a blessed place, it is just that Meng Zhang only found the method of construction among the classics left by Taiyimen in its heyday, and mobilized the monks in the door to copy the classics and reluctantly built it.了福地.

As for Fudi's more functions and more secrets, he doesn't know much, and he needs to slowly explore in the future.

In any case, what Emperor Ba Wu said about the projection of the blessed land of the Ziyang Saint Sect gave him a lot of inspiration.

He can follow this direction and slowly and deeply research.

Since Da Li Dynasty and Ziyang Saint Sect have become insoluble mortal enemies, then Ziyang Saint Sect will probably not have more power to deal with Taiyi Sect in the future.

Even Taiyi Sect and Ziyang Saint Sect could turn enemies into friends.

Of course, the possibility of this situation is very small.

Between Ziyang Shengzong and Dali Dynasty, Meng Zhang has not yet made a final choice.

Judging from the current situation, it is a good choice for him to join forces with Emperor Ba Wu for the time being.

Meng Zhang and Emperor Ba Wu talked for a long time, and they discussed a lot of things.

After that, Meng Zhang returned to Taiyimen.

After returning to Taiyimen, he told the middle and high-level staff of the visit, and then began to make final preparations.

The one-year period soon arrived, and Meng Zhang left Taiyimen, went to the Tiangong, and set off toward the front line.

After some toss and turns, Meng Zhang came to the place where he was given out.

In the void near Junchen Realm, several battlefields were divided into battlefields against invaders from different directions.

Every battlefield is basically led by one or several superior-level powerhouses, leading a group of Void Returning Powers as the main force.

There are also a large number of Yangshen Stages and Yuanshen Stage True Monarchs as pawns and cannon fodder.

The Lord of the Cold War, who was originally sitting in the rear, also came directly to the front line against the invaders outside the territory because of this incident.

Originally, he was the deputy head of the Battle Hall. Foreign warfare was the job of the cold war superior. He had many rich experiences in repelling invaders from outside the territory.

This time being assigned to the front line is not a punishment for the cold war superiors.

After all, a veteran such as the Cold War Supreme Master is not only powerful, but also extremely influential.

He is very important to the Heavenly Palace and to the entire Junchen Realm.

Those holy land sects, dissatisfied with dissatisfaction, but they will not smash with him, let alone drive him to a dead end.

With the temper of the Lord of the Cold War, he really pushed him into anxieties. Who knows what will happen to him?

The Lord of the Cold War was not injured in the last incident, so naturally he did not need time to heal his injuries.

He came to the void battlefield more than a year ago, presided over an important line of defense.

Near Junchen Realm, there are countless large and small meteorites that have been revolving around Junchen Realm.

These meteorites are bigger than the largest mountains in Junchen Realm, and many large meteorites are like floating islands.

These meteorites are basically not natural, many of them are captured from the void outside the domain by the monks of the Junchen world.

Tiangong led the high-level sects of the sacred land and spent countless manpower and material resources to transform these meteorites into an important line of defense outside the Junchen Realm.

These big and small

The meteorite was divided into several large pieces, and it revolved around Junchen Realm day and night, guarding Junchen Realm strictly.

Among the meteorites, many formations are hidden.

Even some meteorite group itself is a powerful magic circle.

On some large meteorites, the monks of Junchen Realm also established strongholds and fortresses.

These meteorite groups are the last external line of defense to enter the Junchen Realm.

Extraterritorial invaders must penetrate this line of defense before they can enter Junchen Realm's internal line of defense within nine days.

Now the human monks in Junchen Realm began to shrink and were in a defensive state.

In the past, the human monks of Junchen Realm had a lot of fortresses and strongholds in the more outer areas, and established a longer line of defense.

This time it was a joint attack by a number of extraterritorial invaders, and Junchen Realm had to take the initiative to abandon the outer strongholds and concentrate on the inner circle.

Of course, the range of this line of defense is too large, and the manpower of the defensive side is limited.

A small number of elite teams of extraterritorial invaders can sneak across the line of defense and infiltrate within nine days.

This is how the last time an extraterritorial invader invaded the source sea.

You will lose if you stay for a long time. Such a thing is unavoidable.

Fortunately, there are nine days of existence in the rear, which can prevent infiltrators from breaking into the Junchen Realm.

And after the last incident, the manpower was increased within nine days, and the defense was strengthened.

The Lord of the Cold War chose a huge meteorite as his home station.

There was originally a fortress built here, which is an important fulcrum of the nearby defense line.

This is not the first time Meng Zhang has traveled outside the void, he has also been to places farther in the void.

When he left the Tiangong this time, the Tiangong also sent someone to send him a map.

This map records various situations of the area Meng Zhang is about to visit.

Meng Zhang's luck was pretty good. When he left for nine days and entered the void, it happened during the intermission period of the battle.

He successfully arrived at the location of the Lord of the Cold War and successfully met with the Lord of the Cold War.

For the people like Meng Zhang, the Cold War supreme thoughts are still more complicated.

On the one hand, he complained that Meng Zhang and others were too incompetent and failed to complete the task, which caused him to be involved.

On the other hand, he later learned that there was something strange about the invasion of Yuanhai by an extraterritorial invader. Strictly speaking, Meng Zhang's failure was not a crime of war.

Later, the various sacred sects attacked and demanded severe punishment of those responsible for this mission.

Whether they like it or not, the Cold War Shangzun and Meng Zhang have temporarily become brothers and sisters.

His attitude towards Meng Zhang and them now is lukewarm, and generally maintains justice, and treats them as ordinary subordinates.

When Meng Zhang visited the Cold War Supreme, the Cold War Supreme did not say much, but warned him a few words that he must fight actively, and absolutely must not violate the military order, fear and avoid war.

Otherwise, he will never show mercy and will definitely act on Meng Zhang's military law.

This is the meaning of the question. Meng Zhang is very honest and obedient.

Emperor Ba Wu and Chun Yu Zhongda arrived here almost the same as Meng Zhang.

The Lord of the Cold War readily organized them into a team.

They were sent to a stronghold nearby.

On weekdays, they patrol around the strongholds to defend the strongholds and prevent intruders from outside the territory from infiltrating.

When the war breaks out, they will quickly merge with their own main force and fight against the invaders outside the territory together. Remember the website of this site, www. biquxu. Com, easy to read next time, or enter "" on Baidu to enter this site

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