The Way of the Immortal Master

Vol 2 Chapter 1819: Xiaosheng

The aboriginal gods of the Shenchang world, including the descendants of the gods, have always been stubborn and conservative, and they don't communicate much with the outside world.

   Over the years, these guys have made no progress at all.

   A cultivator born in the spiritual world of the immortal world, crosses many worlds, and has dealt with various cultivation systems.

  Practitioners know to absorb the advantages of others, learn from each other's strong points, and gradually improve their own practice system.

The practice system of    Junchen Realm originated from the spiritual sky fairy realm, and naturally inherited its advantages.

   Inside the Junchen Realm, the cultivators themselves are constantly fighting, and from time to time they have to fight various alien races.

   Junchen Realm has been facing invaders from outside the territory for many years, and there are often wars outside of it.

   Compared with the natives of the Shenchang Realm, the practitioners in the Junchen Realm are knowledgeable, diverse, and have rich combat experience.

  Actually, in the entire world of heaven and earth, the system of cultivators is at the apex, an extremely high-end practice method.

  Many top-level battles in the heavens and worlds are actually battles between different factions within the system of cultivators.

   As a cultivator with a brilliant heritage, Meng Zhang surpassed the goddess in front of him in all aspects.

   Even if the opponent enters the Void Return level far before Meng Zhang, the accumulation of cultivation base may be more vigorous.

   But under Meng Zhang's clever means, he can't give play to his own advantages at all, instead he is passive everywhere.

   Chun Yu Zhongda used a powerful thunder method to suppress the two descendants of the gods, so that they could not rendezvous with the two gods, and he could only be massacred by him.

  Meng Zhang and Ba Wudi were able to have a fair one-on-one duel with their opponents.

   After a fierce fight, Meng Zhang slowly gained the upper hand with his fierce swordsmanship and various magical abilities.

   The centaur goddess facing him tit-for-tat, watched a large number of his subordinates being smashed by thunder, but could not go to the rescue, feeling a special wimp in his heart.

   It is not that he is distressed for the lives of his subordinates, but that all his subordinates are his wealth. It is not easy to obtain and spends a lot of resources to cultivate, which is his important background.

   Seeing that his wealth and heritage are constantly being consumed, the violent and fierce troubles that the gods are accustomed to have occurred.

   This centaur goddess roared repeatedly, and the spear in his hand kept attacking Meng Zhang.

   He tried to force Meng Zhang back and flew aside to stop Chunyu Zhongda's actions.

   He was anxious to force Meng Zhang back, and he couldn't help but reveal his flaws.

   With Meng Zhang's rich combat experience, as long as the enemy has a slight omission, he can immediately catch it.

   Several sword evils attacked the centaur goddess silently, taking advantage of it, and suddenly penetrated his body protection magical powers and penetrated into his body.

   The cold and biting sword smashed into the body, and the centaur of the goddess couldn't help but shudder, feeling cold and stinging all over.

  The yin and yang behind Mengzhang surged up like a long river, drawing the opponent into it.

  The centaur of the goddess was unable to avoid it. When he was caught in the yin and yang two qi, he immediately felt his body empty, and the qi and blood on his body was forcibly taken away by the yin and yang two qi.

   paid a high price, and finally got out of the yin and yang. Not only did the centaur of the goddess not rescue the heart of his subordinates again, he even had no thought of continuing to fight with Meng Zhang.

   After all, the centaur of the goddess is the same level as Meng Zhang, and there is no absolute power gap.

   After spending a lot of effort, he succeeded in getting rid of Meng Zhang's pursuit and escaped the battlefield.

   Meng Zhang chased for a certain distance, and then returned in anguish.

   Although he has the strength to defeat his opponent, he still cannot completely keep his opponent behind.

   On the other side, the goddess was fighting against Emperor Ba Wu, who originally fought against Emperor Ba Wu.

   But seeing his companions flee, his men suffered heavy losses. He did not continue to fight here, but found an opportunity to escape the battle and escape the battlefield far away.

  Meng Zhang and Emperor Ba Wu, who were still in the mood, rushed into the hands of the gods, and together with Chunyu Zhongda, they carried out a mass murder, slaying the team to pieces, almost completely wiped out.

   The first battle after Meng Zhang came to the void, the victory ended in this way.

   This battle may be insignificant to the entire battle, but to Meng Zhang, it is of great significance.

   This is the first time since Meng Zhang broke through the rebirth period, without resorting to other means, he defeated his opponents of the same tier in a head-on battle.

   This shows that from the perspective of cultivation, Meng Zhang is no longer a Xinnen who has just entered the stage of rebirth.

   Among the powerhouses of the same rank, he can be regarded as having a certain combat effectiveness.

   The performance of the two temporary comrades-in-arms, Emperor Wudi and Chunyu Zhongda, did not disappoint Meng Zhang.

  Chun Yu Zhongda aside, as the emperor of the Dali Dynasty, Emperor Bawu is the first person in the face of the Dali Dynasty.

   And the Dali Dynasty has been able to fight Ziyang Shengzong for so many years, its strength and background have long been fully tested.

  The Emperor Wudi inherited the inheritance of the Great Li Dynasty, as well as the various resources it provided. Even if the time to enter the Void Rebirth Period is similar to that of Meng Zhang, the strength will not be too weak.

   The comrades are strong, at least they won't be dragged down in the battle, so they can barely be reassuring.

   After winning the first battle since participating in the war, Meng Zhang's three people are all confident.

   Of course, because the two gods escaped successfully, they just annihilated one of their gangs, and there is no military merit.

   Actually, among the various extraterritorial invaders who invaded Junchen Realm this time, the strength of the enemies from Shenchang Realm is relatively weak.

   Even if it is a goddess of the rebirth level, it will not be of much value.

   It’s not that easy to get a lot of military merit.

   In the following time, Meng Zhang and the others will continue to garrison this stronghold as planned, and go out from time to time to patrol the surroundings.

   I know that enemies of the same rank are haunting around. The three of them didn't separate easily, they all went out on patrols together and guarded the stronghold together.

   Soon after the first battle, they soon ushered in the second battle.

   This time, a great demon passed near the stronghold and was noticed by the sensitive Meng Zhang.

  Meng Zhang and the three of them are actually very jealous and unwilling to conflict with him easily.

   But they are responsible for defending the land, the enemy has come before them, so they will not be regarded as missing.

   The three of them didn't care about it, they joined forces together to fight the enemy together.

   After a great battle, the three of them joined forces and barely blocked the great demon, maintaining an unbeatable situation.

   This great demon saw his deeds revealed and was blocked by the enemy in time. After fighting with Meng Zhang and the others for a while, he had no intention of continuing to entangle them, and took the initiative to leave the battle and retreat.

   successfully repelled a powerful enemy, but Meng Zhang and the three of them did not have much joy.

   The strength of this great demon is still above them, and he obviously didn't go all out.

   The weird magic way secret technique, did not show much.

   If it were not for the opponent to fight unintentionally, take the initiative to retreat, and continue to fight, the three of them would probably have to pay the price.

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