The Way of the Immortal Master

Vol 2 Chapter 1820: Window period

Among the extraterritorial invaders who invaded Junchen Realm this time, Demon Dao is an absolute powerhouse.

   For a cultivator, a powerful demon like the Great Demon is almost equivalent to a natural enemy, which is very difficult to deal with.

   In the midst of the battle, there are not a few cultivators who were wounded and killed by the great demon, and even demon-stained.

  Most cultivators are full of jealousy and even fear of the strong in the magic way.

  Meng Zhang and their luck are not too bad, they only encountered an ordinary monster.

   If they encounter a more powerful monster, it may be difficult to get out.

   This allowed them to see the dangers of the void battlefield, and to understand the difficulties and dangers of their own tasks.

   In any case, they need to continue to defend the stronghold and defend the surrounding defense lines.

   Fortunately, they were lucky. The time to go to the battlefield was very coincidental, just shortly after the end of a large-scale battle.

   There is a long window of time before the next big battle begins.

   This not only allowed them to slowly adapt to the void battlefield, but also gave them the opportunity to continue to improve their cultivation and combat effectiveness.

   In their free time, the three of them are working hard and constantly improving themselves.

   They have witnessed the strength of their enemies. They all have a special sense of urgency in their hearts, and they dare not relax at all in their practice.

  The three of them will try their best to communicate while practicing.

  Ba Wudi and Chunyu Zhongda needless to say, because of their relationship, there is no secret between them.

   Meng Zhang is an outsider, and even though they all have some reservations, they still have a lot of gains for everyone.

   The exchanges between Meng Zhang and the two of them do not involve their core heritage and secrets, but are based on some spiritual insights.

   Three people must have my teacher.

  Meng Zhang is in the Taiyi Sect, and he has long been unable to find anyone to instruct him on his practice.

   His cultivation mainly relies on studying the classics left by the Taiyimen in its heyday, and self-insight and research.

   Now it is rare to have the opportunity to communicate with monks of the same rank, which is of great help to him.

  After practicing, they will naturally not forget what is going on, and still complete their tasks honestly.

   In the following time, from time to time, some intruders tried to attack their stronghold.

   When patrolling, they will also encounter some enemy infiltration squads.

   This is a very normal situation.

  In the window period between the two conference battles, although the two sides will not break out too large-scale battles, all kinds of small-scale conflicts and temptations will never be cut off.

   Especially as the offensive invaders outside the territory, they have taken a certain amount of initiative.

   They will continue to send out a small team to penetrate the enemy's long line of defense, or directly launch an impact.

   They are testing the enemy's reality, looking for weak points of defense.

   The stronghold where Meng Zhang and his team are stationed is very high.

   At this point, the Cold War Lord did not take care of them much.

  Meng Zhang and the three of them fought against all kinds of extraterritorial invaders.

   They repelled many enemies and achieved some results.

   Even if they encounter a strong enemy that is difficult to deal with, they can retreat to the stronghold in time, unable to stand, waiting for the arrival of reinforcements.

  According to the arrangement of the Lord of the Cold War, between the closer strongholds, there is an obligation to watch and help each other.

   If a stronghold is attacked and cannot resist it, you can send a distress signal to the surrounding strongholds and ask for help.

   In addition, the Cold War Supreme also arranged a mobile team to swim in and out of his own line of defense.

   Once a loophole in the line of defense is discovered, or a distress signal from a certain stronghold is received, the mobile team must rush over and rescue in time.

   Although the strength of extraterritorial invaders is relatively strong, when they have not launched a large-scale offensive, in such a small-scale conflict, they will not take much advantage.

   This kind of small-scale conflict is also cyclical.

   After a period of intense conflict, the conflict will relatively slow down.

   Because both sides need time to lick the wound and rejuvenate.

   More importantly, both sides must make various preparations for the upcoming battle of the General Assembly, and will not consume too much power in small-scale conflicts.

   After a series of fierce battles, the three of them can always have a relatively stable time for them to recuperate and practice.

   As usual, the monks who were recruited by the Tiangong like Meng Zhang and the others to fight for the Tiangong will be responsible for the supplies they need during the battle.

   The Heavenly Palace will distribute various supplies to all participating monks in a fixed and quantitative manner according to certain standards.

   Among all kinds of supplies, the main product is Yuqing Lingji.

   Meng Zhang was called up to participate in the battle this time, which is regarded as helping Taiyimen to lighten a lot of burden.

  Meng Zhang practiced brilliantly, and his talents were extraordinary.

   The speed at which he absorbs and refines the Jade Clear Spirit Machine is much faster than other ordinary Void-Returning Powers.

   He was able to absorb a large amount of Refining Jade Clearing Machine in a short period of time, and quickly improve his cultivation.

   The jade clear spirit sent by Tiangong couldn't keep up with his consumption rate at all.

   Fortunately, he still has the source crystal obtained from the source sea.

   Compared with Yuqing Lingji, the quality of the aura in the source crystal is higher and more refined.

   If absorbing Yuqing Lingji is a daily diet, then absorbing is a rare feast.

   When he first arrived at this stronghold and was practicing alone, Meng Zhang had already begun to absorb and refine the source crystal.

   With the aura provided by the source crystal, it not only made up for the lack of Yuqing's spirit, but also brought many additional benefits to Meng Zhang.

  Compared with absorbing and refining the Jade Chrysanthemum, refining and absorbing the source crystal, there are too many benefits in all aspects.

   The source crystal comes from the source sea, which contains the aura of the origin of heaven and earth, which can often bring new insights to the absorber, and even help them understand the great avenue of heaven and earth.

   The more Meng Zhang absorbed the refining source crystal, the more he could feel its preciousness.

   If there is no other choice, he can't bear to consume the source crystal in his hand.

   The source crystals he obtained last time in the source sea were very few, and he also placed one in the Taiyimen blessed land.

   In less than thirty years after entering the void battlefield, Meng Zhang consumed all the source crystals in his hand.

  Meng Zhang's cultivation level has also ushered in a huge leap, which has greatly improved him.

   Now he is barely regarded as an ordinary character in the rebirth period, not the kind of weak chicken who is newly promoted to the rebirth period.

   In terms of cultivation base alone, he has certain qualifications and status among the many abilities of the rebirth period.

   Unless it is a few veteran rebirth powers, ordinary rebirth powers, it is more and more difficult to completely suppress him.

   Meng Zhang’s cultivation base has improved rapidly, far above his two companions.

   In the daily exchanges and discussions, Meng Zhang amazed the two companions almost every time.

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