The Way of the Immortal Master

Vol 2 Chapter 1822: Forward

In order to travel long distances in the void, the Terran cultivators developed a secret method such as the Great Void Migration.

   said it was a secret method. In fact, it was relatively popular among monks at the level above the true monarch of the human soul.

   is at most, according to the different inheritance of each family, there are some small gaps in the effect.

   True Monarch Yuanshen used the Void Move in the void, and could easily cross the distance of tens of thousands of miles or even hundreds of thousands of miles.

   As the power of returning to the void, Meng Zhang and their abilities are ten times or even a hundred times that of the true monarch of the soul.

   It's just that, to display the Void and Move, you need to be in a very empty void. There can be no obstacles in a large area around it.

  Meng Zhang and the others are now located in this huge meteorite belt. If you are unlucky, you will fall into a space storm.

   If they want to hurry, they still have to fly over.

   In order to avoid the enemy's pursuit, or to chase the enemy, they had circled a lot.

   Plus their own reconnaissance results, they can basically be sure that there is no fixed base for the enemy in a large area around it.

   After the invaders outside the territory captured the periphery of this meteorite belt, most of the human strongholds were directly destroyed to avoid future troubles.

A small part of    is kept as their residence.

   As Meng Zhang flew forward, more and more obstacles appeared in front of them.

  There are large and small meteorites, destroyed meteorite fragments and even dust...

   Among these obstacles, there are many material-specific ones, which can have some influence on the spiritual mind of the cultivator.

  Meng Zhang and the others, in order to prevent the enemy from taking the opportunity to set up ambush in front, so their flying speed is not fast.

   They moved forward cautiously, always vigilant about the surrounding situation.

  Meng Zhang and they smoothly crossed a vast area, and they did not notice any movement of the enemy.

   For a long time, Meng Zhang and the others have been stationed at their strongholds. They are mainly defensive. At most, they can investigate the surrounding situation. They have never gone so far.

   On the way they passed, there should have been a lot of human monks' strongholds, but now they have all turned into rubble and dust.

   As they got deeper and deeper into the enemy's control area, the three of Meng Zhang and the others became more and more cautious.

   advanced a long distance again, and a conspicuous target finally appeared in front of Meng Zhang and the others.

   Not far ahead, there is a huge piece of land with a radius of thousands of miles, just floating in the air and moving along a certain trajectory.

   According to the map instructions provided by Tiangong, that continent was originally an important stronghold of the human race outside the Junchen Realm.

   During the previous defeat, this continent was voluntarily abandoned by the human cultivator, and then invaders from outside the territory moved in.

  The gods from the Shenchang world led a large army to occupy this place and use it as an important forward base.

   Every time they launch a tentative attack on the human race cultivator's defense line, the gods gather their strength here, and then set off from here.

  Meng Zhang and the three of them carefully covered the continent with their spirits.

  The vigilance of the gods is still very high.

   Also, after fighting with the human cultivators for so many years, it is impossible for them to make no progress at all.

   At least, after seeing the various methods of the human cultivators, they will also reflect and think about countermeasures.

  Meng Zhang and the three of them's spiritual thoughts were quickly discovered by the vigilant gods.

   Almost at the same time, Meng Zhang and the three of them also figured out the main situation on this continent.

  Meng Zhang, who has the highest cultivation level, has extra energy to conduct careful investigations around him.

   After confirming that there were no other enemies in the surrounding area except for the continent in front of him, Meng Zhang gave the order to attack almost immediately.

  On this continent, only three gods have the strength of the Void Rebirth Period.

   They also have a big helper, but their strength is not worth mentioning.

  Meng Zhang and the others received the order from the Lord of the Cold War to go deep into the enemy's control area to conduct reconnaissance.

   For safety's sake, they will not go too deep inside the enemy, but will only try a little on the outside.

  Whether it is the Cold War supreme who issued the order or the executors like Meng Zhang and the others, they are very clear in their hearts that it is difficult to obtain valuable intelligence by relying on this level of investigation alone.

  Meng Zhang and the three of them actively acted, but they talked about their affairs.

  Meng Zhang certainly has his own selfishness.

   Since the reconnaissance mission can't achieve much, it's just incidental.

   His main focus is still on seeking benefits for himself and gaining military exploits.

   These enemies in front of him, in his eyes, are alive and moving combat exploits.

   Rather than wasting effort in the illusory reconnaissance mission, it is better to get the ready-made combat exploits in your hands.

   Anyway, the high-level human cultivators have long sent a number of elite teams to conduct careful investigations to obtain intelligence.

   After a brief communication between Meng Zhang and Emperor Ba Wu, they reached a consensus.

   As the leader of the team, Meng Zhang directly ordered, and the three of them flew towards the target.

   Meng Zhang sacrificed the Chiyin sword and evil spirits, the human sword was unified, and the sword escape technique was performed. The whole person turned into a sword light, and lightning shot toward the continent in front.

   Tyrant Wudi stepped on an illusory dragon, followed closely behind Meng Yu Zhongda performed the thunder escape technique, turned into a thunder, and rushed towards the target with howling.

   After sensing the divine thoughts released by the human cultivators, the divine descendants on this continent immediately reacted.

   The three strongest goddesses with the Void Rebirth level flew over the mainland to face the human cultivators who rushed over.

   There was a panic on the continent, and then many strange creatures began to form a formation, ready to cooperate with the three gods to fight the enemy.

   Meng Zhang recognized an old acquaintance far away.

   That is a half-man, half-horse goddess, the enemy he defeated in the first battle after entering the void battlefield.

   So many years have passed, and Meng Zhang was very excited when he reunited with his deceased after a long absence.

   After a long period of self-cultivation, the injury of this centaur was almost healed.

   But seeing Meng Zhang who defeated himself again, he felt guilty in his heart and couldn't help taking a few steps back.

   The head of the three gods is a guy with a human head and a leopard body.

   He uttered a growl of dissatisfaction at the fear and withdrawal of his companions.

   Then he took the initiative to take the place of his companion and directly faced the aggressive Meng Zhang.

   Where the sword light transformed by Meng Zhang passes, the sound of thunder rumbling, never cut off, with a kind of indomitable power.

   was frightened by Meng Zhang's momentum, the goddess was actually moved by it, and his heart began to feel guilty.

   The guy with the celebrity head and leopard body should be the leader, the strongest, and the first to react.

   He roared in his mouth, and kept yelling at Meng Zhang to demonstrate.

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