The Way of the Immortal Master

Vol 2 Chapter 1823: The counterattack begins

Meng Zhang and the others came quickly and fiercely this time, and they immediately gained the upper hand.

   In terms of individual combat power, the human being's rebirth power is often much stronger than the strong rebirth level in the gods.

   As for the miscellaneous soldiers below the Void Return level, in the Void Return War, they can barely play the role of cannon fodder, but it is difficult to determine the final outcome of the battle.

   After a fierce battle, the three of Meng Zhang and the others not only suppressed three enemies of the same rank, but also killed and injured a large number of opponents' miscellaneous soldiers.

  Originally, when they were preparing to further expand their own advantage and strive to kill one or two enemies of the same rank, the enemy's reinforcements came from nearby.

The area near    was originally an enemy-occupied area, and it has long been under the enemy's control.

   Not only are the extraterritorial invaders from Shenchang Realm, but also other extraterritorial invaders, who often haunt nearby.

   Although there are many contradictions and even fights between these extraterritorial invaders, the human monks in Junchen Realm are found, it is still enough to make them share the same enemy.

  Meng Zhang saw the opportunity early, and was the first to discover that there were other powerful enemies approaching.

   He greeted the two companions, directly pushed back the enemy, and then began to retreat.

   Although they were not able to kill the target, they were a little disappointed. However, avoiding falling into the enemy's siege is not the worst result.

   The three men of Meng Zhang came and went so fast that the enemy could not catch up.

After    left here, the three of them circled around and returned to the stronghold where they were stationed.

   After returning to the stronghold, they rested for a few days and then set off again.

   They once again penetrated into the enemy-occupied area and found a weaker enemy.

   The enemy is not an idiot, and he also knows the truth about the death of the lips and the coldness of the teeth. Basically, they can barely help each other when needed.

  Meng Zhang and the others raided several times, not only failed to kill the intended target, but instead attracted the enemy's counterattack and hunted down, and they were sent back.

  Meng Zhang and the three of them were not discouraged, but regarded this as a kind of exercise.

   The three of them approached the outer area of ​​the meteorite belt many times to check the enemy's movements.

   In the meantime, I have encountered the enemy many times, both when chasing the enemy, and sometimes being driven away by the enemy.

   They were not able to kill the enemy, nor did they suffer any loss themselves.

   This process has been staged many times, and it really serves the purpose of training them.

   On this day, when the three of Meng Zhang and the others approached the enemy-occupied area, they realized that something was wrong.

   The Qi machine in the entire void was trembling violently.

   I don't know when, several tall and tall statues of heaven and earth, just swaggered into the enemy's camp.

  Meng Zhang, the most sensitive person, noticed a familiar sword light, passing through the void, and then cut down a powerful demon master who showed his original form.

   At this time, the communication jade charms on Meng Zhang and the three of them started to get hot.

   After Meng Zhang and the others came to this void battlefield, when they met with the Lord of the Cold War, they were all given communication jade amulet specially used for battlefield contact.

   Due to the long distance and too much interference in the void, the communication of Jade Talisman is not particularly smooth, and the delivery of messages is often delayed.

   Of course, as the only means of communication that can contact the rear, Meng Zhang and the three of them still pay more attention to communication jade symbols.

   The communication jade talisman is now spontaneously activated. Obviously, there is important news from the rear.

   Meng Zhang scanned the communication jade symbol, the information on it was very simple.

   Tiangong's general manager, Mr. Xue Jian, personally walked to the front line and organized a big counterattack against the enemy.

   The Lord of the Cold War gave orders to all his cultivators near the battlefield, asking them to immediately enter the enemy-occupied area and cooperate with King Snow Sword's counterattack plan.

   The counterattack has already begun, and the cold war master sent a message, mostly for the sake of confidentiality.

   Regarding this, Meng Zhang expressed his understanding.

   But the command of the Lord of the Cold War is a bit vague and not very wise.

  Meng Zhang believed that in the void battlefield, there should be a lot of teams like them and even single monks.

   In this level of war, even ordinary rebirth power, relying on one's own strength, it is difficult to set off too much storm.

   After all, not every Void Returning Power has the terrifying power of Companion Xue Jianjun.

   What the Cold War Master should do is to gather the monks scattered around as soon as possible to form a larger team, and then launch a large-scale attack on the enemy.

   Of course, this is just Meng Zhang's own thoughts.

  Perhaps, the Lord of the Cold War might have other considerations.

  Meng Zhang knows too little news now, and he knows the whole battle situation even more.

   In any case, Meng Zhang decided to follow the advice of the cold war master and launch an attack on the enemy-occupied area.

   As a result, the Cold War Master has been fighting for many years on the front line against invaders outside the territory. Not only does he have rich combat experience, but he also has sufficient judgment to make the right decision.

  Secondly, according to the information from the rear, Monarch Fan Xuejian has already participated in the war, and naturally Meng Zhang can't stay aside.

   He consciously owes a lot of favors to King Snow Sword Master, and of course he should actively cooperate with King Snow Sword Master.

   Meng Zhang proposed immediate action, but Emperor Ba Wu and Chunyu Zhongda had no opinion. Neither of them had the intention of defying the orders of the Cold War superiors.

   Now that everyone has reached an agreement, then Meng Zhang led the Ba Wu Emperor and them on the road to the enemy-occupied area again.

  Although one's own side has started a counterattack, judging from the distant scene, one's own momentum is huge ~ the advantage should be not small.

   But as the leader of the three-person team, Meng Zhang still didn't act rashly, but chose the target carefully.

   Those incomparably tall heaven and earth phenomena must have been transformed by the power of returning to the emptiness of Jun Chen world.

   can transform the existence of heaven and earth, and the strength is far above Meng Zhang and the three of them.

  Meng Zhang and they wisely did not lean in.

   At this level of battle, they are currently not qualified to intervene.

   Oneself launches a big counterattack, enemies everywhere can't sit idly by, most of them have already been mobilized.

  Meng Zhang and the others have entered the enemy-occupied area many times during this period, and they are considered to have a better understanding of the surrounding situation.

   Meng Zhang thought for a while, and led the Ba Wu Emperor and the others toward the front.

   Through this time of getting along, Emperor Ba Wu and Chun Yu Zhongda are more convinced of Meng Zhang's strength and judgment.

   They acted in accordance with Meng Zhang's orders and had no other opinion.

   Meng Zhang chose a route that was a little bit away from the heaven and earth.

   Along the way, many of the large and small meteorites that originally surrounded it have been destroyed, and the surrounding space appears to be much empty.

  Before this great counterattack by the human monks, the surrounding area was where the human monks team and the extraterritorial invaders repeatedly fought fiercely, and many battle traces were still very obvious.

   Not long after, Meng Zhang and the three of them came to a stronghold where the gods were stationed.

   What disappointed the three of them was that the gods who were stationed here had already retreated.

   There are already empty buildings here, no enemies are left.

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