The Way of the Immortal Master

Vol 2 Chapter 1824: Meet

Although the enemy evacuated very hastily, all the things that should have been taken away were taken away, leaving Meng Zhang and the others with an empty stronghold, leaving them with no gain.

  Meng Zhang and the others weren't disappointed. This was expected.

   They checked the general situation of the base a little bit, and then moved on.

   They did not destroy the stronghold, but kept it intact.

   Maybe after the surrounding area is recovered, the human monks will station here again to reuse it.

   The speed of Meng Zhang's trio was not fast, and they didn't mean to rush into the enemy's line.

   In this attack, Meng Zhang's luck was not bad, and soon they found out.

   Two huge warships flew out from behind a group of meteorites, and they were heading away from the center of the battlefield.

   Judging from the appearance and style of these two warships, they should be the void warships of the monster race.

   The technology of making void warships has also been mastered by the invaders outside the territory.

   Actually, without the help of the Void Warship, it would be difficult to travel long distances in the Void and launch an invasion of other great worlds in the Void.

   For a long time, Meng Zhangdu tried to obtain the manufacturing technology of the void battleship to make a way for the Taiyimen disciples.

   But even though he has spent a lot of thought, he has not been able to succeed.

   He once tried to obtain the void battleship from the Great Li Dynasty and the Sea Spirit faction.

   But the replies of the two companies are similar. They only have a few finished products of the void warships, and they are not enough for their own use, and it is really difficult to borrow them.

   As for the manufacturing technology of the void battleship, they did not master it.

   Regarding this statement, Meng Zhang is skeptical.

   After all, even among allies, it is impossible to have no reservations.

   For many years, Meng Zhang and Taiyimen have not cut off their efforts to obtain the manufacturing technology of void warships.

   At this time, Meng Zhang was a little overjoyed when he found the Void Battleship of the Demon Race here.

   As everyone knows, Junchen Realm's technology to manufacture void warships is unique.

   The void battleship sent by Junchen Realm, in the void battlefield, can often defeat the enemy by outnumbering the enemy.

   Although the void battleship made by the monster clan is far inferior to the Junchen Realm human clan, it can be used as an important reference and reference for the poor and white Taiyimen.

   In Meng Zhang's heart, he had the mind to capture the two monsters' void battleships completely.

   Meng Zhang led the Ba Wu Emperor and the others, ready to sneak by, so he didn't rush to do it.

   But the enemy's alertness is much higher than imagined.

  Meng Zhang and the others hadn't gotten too close, the two monsters' void battleships reacted.

   At the head and aft of the two void battleships, each has a huge gun as tall as a hill.

   The two void battleships turned their backs to Meng Zhang and the three of them. The muzzle of the giant guns on their backs lit up, and two huge beams of light shot over like lightning.

   In addition to long-distance maneuverability in the void, the Void Battleship can carry a large number of creatures for cross-world transportation, and it often has a not-so-weak combat power.

  Many void warships can burst out with the power of returning to the void.

   Of course, the Void Warship can play a little role in real combat with the Void Returning Power.

   After all, the Void Battleship has no wisdom, let alone advances and retreats.

   Meng Zhang and their bodies twisted slightly, avoiding the attack of the two void warships.

   Now that the trail had been exposed, the three of them no longer had any hiding, and immediately flew towards the target at high speed.

   From above the two void battleships, a demon master flew out of each.

   The demon lord of the demon clan and the cultivator in the Void Rebirth Period are almost at the same level.

   These two demon masters should not be very strong, and they didn't take the initiative to pounce on Meng Zhang and the others.

   The two void warships began to accelerate, trying to escape from here immediately.

   The two demon masters flew over the two void battleships respectively, taking cover.

   In terms of the number of combat power at the Return to Void level, Meng Zhang and the others have a certain advantage.

  Meng Zhang and the three of them speeded up the chase immediately, vowing to leave the enemy behind.

   A roar of a lion spread all around, and a demon master displayed a powerful magical power.

  Meng Zhang The space in front of the three of them began to tremble violently, and then a series of spatial cracks of different sizes appeared.

   Another demon advocated opening his mouth wide and blowing hard.

   An extremely cold breath spurted out, like a waterfall of ice, swept toward Meng Zhang and the three of them.

   Even without Meng Zhang's action, Emperor Ba Wu and Chun Yu Zhongda easily resolved the enemy's attack.

  Ba Wudi raised his right hand and threw a punch to the front.

   The violently trembling space immediately subsided, and all the space cracks disappeared.

   Chun Yu Zhongda split a thunder and lightning, hit the cold breath in the middle, and blasted it to pieces.

   Under the cover of the two companions, Meng Zhang sacrificed the Chi Yin Sword Sha, turned it into a sword light, and flew not far behind the two void battleships.

   There are a lot of various attack weapons on the two void warships, but not many can threaten the power of returning to the void.

   Seeing the enemy approaching, the actions of the two void warships that were accelerating and evacuation did not stop. The hull began to flash with colorful light, and various attacks blasted towards the place where the sword light was.

   With the cooperation of their own Void Battleship, the two demon masters immediately displayed their abilities, and a vicious magical secret technique swarmed to Meng Zhang.

   The sword light transformed by Meng Zhang rushed from left to right during the enemy's struggling forward.

   When Meng Zhang was entangled with the enemy, Emperor Bawu and Chunyu Zhongda rushed up from behind.

   After this time of getting along and fighting together, Meng Zhang and the three of them have developed a certain tacit understanding.

  The Emperor Wudi displayed his masterful imperial tyrant fist, revealing a huge fist mark like a hill, and smashed it directly at a demon lord.

   Chun Yu Zhongda attracted thunder and lightning, and launched a large-scale large-scale attack, covering all the enemies in it.

   The strength of these two demon masters is indeed not very good.

   It shouldn't be too long for them to advance to the demon master.

   Terran monks have various magical secrets inherited from Humans, and monsters have their own powerful talents and special magical powers.

   When the two parties of similar strength fight, they are often half-hearted.

   But there is another huge advantage of human monks, that is, all kinds of foreign objects.

  The Chiyin Sword Shaman sacrificed by Meng Zhang is a magic weapon series flying sword, powerful, can greatly enhance its combat effectiveness.

  The dragon robe worn by Emperor Wudi is also a magic weapon.

   This magic weapon not only has strong defensive power, but also can counterattack.

   Chun has a small seal in Zhongda's hand, which is a magic weapon that can greatly enhance the power of spells.

   When Emperor Wudi and Chunyu Zhongda entered Yuanhai to perform their mission last time, neither of them had a magic weapon.

   Entering the void battlefield this time, probably because they knew that the soldiers on the battlefield were fierce and dangerous, so they took out the background of the Great Li Dynasty and each brought a magic weapon.

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