The Way of the Immortal Master

Vol 2 Chapter 1825: Kill the enemy

Although they all have magic weapons in their bodies, Emperor Ba Wu and Chunyu Zhongda didn't use them much.

  The main reason is that they have a mediocre level of refining the magic weapons they have obtained, and they still can't exert the true power of the two magic weapons.

   When Meng Zhang knew that they each had a magic weapon, he was amazed at the background of the Dali Dynasty.

   There are many people in the realm of comprehension, but not many possess magic weapons.

   Many Void Returning Powers have been busy for many years and have not had a chance to obtain magic weapons.

   Is there a magic weapon that can return to the virtual world? The difference in combat effectiveness is not small.

Although Emperor Wudi and Chunyu Zhongda have not fully refined the magic weapon in their hands, they have barely been able to use them in battle.

   Tyrant Wudi wearing a dragon robe magic weapon is almost immune to most of the enemy's attacks.

   Whenever the enemy's attack comes, a ghost of a dragon immediately floats on the dragon robe, dissolving the enemy's attack into the invisible.

   From time to time, these golden dragon phantoms will spontaneously counterattack and rush toward the enemy fiercely.

After    sacrificed the seal in his hand, Chunyu Zhongda's power and speed in performing Taoism increased greatly.

   The overwhelming thunder and lightning turned into a dense net of thunder, covering almost all the enemies.

   The sword light turned by Meng Zhang came and went like electricity, almost unpredictable.

   The demon lord who was suspected of being a lion monster was the first to win.

   Jianguang passed by him, and there were a few more wounds on his body immediately.

   The cold and vicious sword evil infiltrated his body from the wound, and wilfully destroyed it in his body.

   In the face of the three clan's return to virtual power, the monster clan quickly fell into a disadvantage.

   Although the injuries on his body were not very serious, the demon master still broke out.

   He kept roaring in his mouth, roaring again and again, directly showing his true shape.

   That is a lion that is extremely majestic, like a hill.

   This lion is standing on top of the Void Warship, not much smaller than the Void Warship.

   Compared with his opponent, Meng Zhang's figure is simply an ant.

   But this ant moves extremely flexibly, turning into a sword light to circle around the lion's body, coming and going freely.

   Chiyin Sword Sha, this magic weapon series flying sword, not only greatly improved Meng Zhang's combat effectiveness, but also allowed him to display a superb swordsmanship.

  While the sword light was shining, Meng Zhang used several sword arts in succession, and displayed its power to the fullest.

   In the current situation, the Human race has the advantage in numbers.

   Although the two demon masters have the help of two void battleships, the two void battleships in a small amount are not worthy of the power of returning to the void of a human race.

   Not to mention Meng Zhang's extraordinary strength, surpassing many opponents in front of him.

   After a fierce fight, the two demon masters began to show signs of decline. A lot of wounds also appeared on the two void battleships.

   Meng Zhang deliberately captured the two Void Battleships completely, so he did not rush to attack the Void Battleship, but first dealt with the two demon masters.

   Otherwise, these two void warships would have been destroyed long ago.

   There are few pure idiots in the monster race that can grow to the level of the monster master.

   They soon discovered that because they had to cover the retreat of the two void warships, they were greatly dragged down.

   Void Battleship is of course very important to the monster race.

   can be more important than the life of the demon master.

  Among the demon clan, the demon master is an absolute high-level, and the number is very limited.

   The resources needed to build a void battleship are far less difficult than the difficulty of cultivating a demon master.

   The two demon masters couldn't resist seeing them, and they were about to be completely entangled by the enemy.

   They were eager to save their lives, quickly made a decision and acted immediately.

   The two demon masters gave up the two void warships without hesitation, and were about to flee alone.

   The demon lord in the shape of a lion was unable to get out in time because of being entangled by Meng Zhang, and was eventually left behind.

   Another demon master saw the opportunity quickly, acted in time, and escaped alone.

   The demon lord in the shape of a lion almost confronted the powerful siege of the three clan returning to the void.

   Pieces of thunder nets fell on him, blasting his whole body into black.

  The imperial tyrant punch that Emperor Wudi showed, and he didn’t know how many bones he had broken.

   In the end, Meng Zhang, who displayed the Hidden Killing Sword, directly incarnates a sword light, piercing his body from the direction of his chin, and then directly enters his huge body, going back and forth inside, piercing wanton.

   When Meng Zhang gave the last blow to the demon lord, Emperor Ba Wu and Chunyu Zhongda each caught up with a void battleship.

   Tyrant Wudi manifested a huge fist like a small hill above his head, and slammed into a void battleship, smashing the second half of it to pieces.

  The thunder and lightning that Chun Yu Zhongda summoned directly slashed another void battleship with cuts and bruises and holes all over it.

   When Meng Zhang killed the demon lord and ended the battle there, the two void warships had lost power and turned into crippled items floating in the air.

   Although he was dissatisfied in his heart, Meng Zhang couldn't blame the two Emperor Bawu.

   Soldiers are fierce and wars are at stake. Anything will happen in battle.

  The Emperor Wudi and the others couldn't stop it, and it was not too much to destroy the target.

   Meng Zhang suppressed the dissatisfaction in his heart, and did not want to be unhappy because of this matter and his cooperating subordinates.

   Meng Zhang flew over in time before Emperor Ba Wu and the others issued the final blow and completely destroyed the target.

   There are quite a few monsters in the two void battleships.

   In the battle just now, these monster races were basically killed.

   Meng Zhang and Ba Wudi greeted them and put two huge void battleships into the mustard space.

   Fortunately, his mustard space has been upgraded many times, which consumes a lot of resources, and the space inside has been continuously expanding.

   Putting away two huge void battleships, the mustard space in his body was more than enough.

   Meng Zhang had previously asked Dali Dynasty for the technology to build a void warship. Emperor Bawu knew that Meng Zhang urgently needed a void warship.

   There are intact void battleships inside the Dali Dynasty, and Emperor Ba Wu can't even look at the wreckage of the two void battleships.

   Moreover, Emperor Ba Wu knew in his heart that Taiyimen could not master the technology of the void battleship by relying on the wreckage of the two monster void battleships alone.

   Meng Zhang collected the wreckage of two void battleships, and made some concessions on the initiative to distribute the spoils.

  The so-called trophies are mainly the huge body left by the demon lord in the shape of a lion.

   The corpse of the monster clan is a precious resource for cultivation, and it has a great effect on the cultivation.

   According to the different levels of the monsters in front of them, the corpses left behind have different functions.

  The corpse left by the demon master can be used as the material for refining magic weapons, and can be used to refining pill and talisman above the fifth level.

   Fresh flesh and the like can even be used to make high-level spiritual food.


   Even if the Taiyi Sect does not currently have the ability to deal with corpses of this level, it can still be collected as a precious resource.

   For the human monks, it is often a profitable thing to team up to hunt the monsters and obtain their bodies.

   Of course, the flesh of a human monk is also a great tonic to a foreign race like the monster.

  Human race and monster race have this kind of relationship of hunting and devouring each other.

   After dividing the corpses left by the enemy, Meng Zhang and the others found a place to rest for a while.

   In the previous battle, although they were the victors, their losses in all aspects were not small.

   Destroying two demon clan’s void battleships and hunting down a demon master is a good battle.

   This is still the biggest gain Meng Zhang and the others have achieved since they entered the void battlefield.

   Junchen Realm Human Race started a big counterattack here. Meng Zhang and the others actively cooperated and won the first battle. The three of them are in a good mood.

  While adjusting his breath, Meng Zhang couldn't help but wonder whether the high-level human race would have a deeper calculation behind this big counterattack.

   In the previous window of stalemate, no large-scale fighting broke out.

   According to the usual practice, the enemy should almost launch a large-scale offensive again, but there is no movement.

   At the side of the human monk, originally he tried to test the reality of the enemy and figure out the details of the enemy.

   Ban Xue Jianjun directly issued the order and organized a big counterattack.

  Xuan took the initiative to counterattack at this time, accompanied by Xue Jianjun's extraordinary courage, showing his sword repair qualities.

   In the void beyond Junchen Realm, there are several battlefields between Junchen Human Race monk and extraterritorial invaders.

   In the previous order from the Lord of the Cold War, it only said that King Snow Sword organized a large-scale counterattack on this battlefield, and did not specify the situation in the other battlefields.

   Judging from the power and power of those heaven and earth figures, there should be quite a few high-level human races participating in the counterattack.

   Those few heaven and earth phenomena continuously attacked forward, and have been deep into the enemy's interior, which shows that their progress is not small.

   Judging from what Meng Zhang and his team had seen and heard along the way, the extraterritorial invaders were also in chaos and became passive.

   That being the case, then Meng Zhang and the others will seize this opportunity, work hard to kill the enemy, and make more achievements.

   As for the deeper calculations of the higher level of the human race, Meng Zhang couldn't figure it out, couldn't see through, and couldn't take care of it for the time being.

   Anyway, he just needs to do his job well.

   Of course, he also acts by chance.

   If the big counterattack of the Junchen Realm Human Race is blocked, he naturally knows to stop temporarily.

   After a period of rest, Meng Zhang and the three of them returned to normal.

   The three of them did not say much, and embarked on the journey again.

   Not to mention Meng Zhang, even the two Emperor Wudi who were born in the Great Li Dynasty also need military exploits.

   The three of them went all the way, all they saw was a mess.

   The counterattack organized by Monarch Snow Sword came too suddenly, and the invaders outside the territory didn't have much defense.

   has always been taking the initiative, and taking an offensive posture, they might not have imagined that the enemy would take the initiative to launch a large-scale counterattack at this time.

  The extraterritorial invaders have no time to mobilize more top-level combat power to block those heaven and earth phenomena.

   They only had to fight and retreat, quickly retreating towards the rear.

  The extraterritorial invaders also established many strongholds in the meteorite belt, and arranged corresponding forces to garrison them.

   After receiving the news from the front, these strongholds began to arrange retreat.

   The extraterritorial invaders stationed in various strongholds have different origins, and it is naturally difficult to achieve uniform movements.

  Some see the opportunity early, move fast enough, and naturally evacuate successfully in time.

   Those with slower reactions and sluggish movements naturally fall behind.

   Soon after Meng Zhang and the others set off again, a stronghold of the spirit race appeared in front of them.

   The strongest in this stronghold is a spiritual master.

   The spiritual master of the spirit race and the cultivator of the human race have the same level of rebirth power, and they exist at the same level.

   The spirit master discovered that the three clan returning to the Void could kill him early, and without any hesitation, he immediately left everything in the stronghold and fled.

   There were still several spirit kings in the stronghold. As the subordinates of this spirit master, they were responsible for assisting him to garrison the stronghold.

   The spirit master now headed escaped, and the remaining spirit kings naturally became Meng Zhang's trophies.

  The spirit race is a special race whose body is made up of all kinds of pure heaven and earth vitality.

   The corpses of most monster races are far less precious than the bodies of the spirit races.

  Meng Zhang and the others almost effortlessly captured several spirit kings alive and then divided them up.

   The living spirit king is many times more precious than the corpse of the spirit king.

   In fact, even with the power of returning to the void, there are few opportunities to capture the living spirit king.

  Many spirit races encounter powerful enemies, and when they know they cannot resist, they will explode their bodies and prevent them from falling into the hands of the enemy alive.

   This time it was the spiritual master who took the initiative to flee, and there was a mess under his hand, and it was too late to react, so Meng Zhang and the others picked up a bargain.

   In this stronghold, apart from capturing a few spirit kings alive, Meng Zhang and the others also discovered a lot of precious resources.

   Judging from the traces, these resources have only been mined not long ago.

   In this meteorite belt surrounding Junchen there are already many precious resource collection points.

   On weekdays, Jun Chen realm cultivators seldom collect the resources collected by these resources, but first collect resources from more outer areas and farther from Jun Chen realm.

   The invaders from different areas invade Junchen Realm together, but their goals and demands are different.

   Of course, everyone will not object to the collection of precious resources.

   They are outsiders. They don’t know how long they will stay here. Of course, they don’t make long-term plans. Instead, they only take care of their eyes and often carry out some destructive mining.

   Spirit races with different attributes have different characteristics.

   Shui Ling is good at moving in the water.

   Earthling is good at going deep underground, exploring and mining various mineral resources.

   Mu Ling is good at discovering and collecting all kinds of spirit flowers and grasses.


   The resources temporarily placed in the stronghold after the collection of these spirit races are of great variety and good quality.

  Meng Zhang and the three people divided up these resources, and they still feel a little bit unfulfilled.

   They felt sorry that their actions were not fast enough and they did not leave the soul lord behind.

   Not to mention the acquisition of military exploits, whether it is to capture alive or obtain a corpse after killing, a spiritual master is an extremely precious resource.

   Gained one after another, which greatly encouraged the three of Meng Zhang and the others, their morale was high, and it made them even more courageous.

   They did not stay in this stronghold for too long, so they set off again and embarked on the journey.

   As they got deeper and deeper into the area controlled by the enemy before, they found more and more enemy strongholds and encountered more and more enemies.

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