The Way of the Immortal Master

Vol 2 Chapter 1826: Expansion power

When Meng Zhang led this three-person team, constantly deepening into the enemy's control area, and beginning to obtain more and more results, his external incarnation was so wonderful, and he had just ended a battle in the underworld.

   When Meng Zhang went to the void battlefield outside Junchen Realm, the underworld was too wonderful to be idle.

   Tai Miao received all the foundations of the ghost and **** Shouzheng, and received the full support of Shouzheng, and his strength suddenly increased.

   He started from his original base, and expanded aggressively around him.

  Even though Meng Zhang had specially asked it to be too wonderful before leaving, don't easily expose the strength of Yang Shenqi.

   But in the midst of fierce battle, it is not an easy task to not reveal any clues.

   Outside the sphere of influence, there are several ghosts and gods who are not much different from his strength and have been stubborn with him.

   These ghosts and gods, including Shouzheng, have been fighting with each other for many years, and they have been unable to help each other.

   Shouzheng was born in Taiyi Sect and possesses the strength of the late Yuanshen. Other ghosts and gods also have their own origins and their strengths are extraordinary.

   After years of fighting, whenever a certain ghost gains the upper hand, he immediately becomes a public enemy and attracts everyone's siege.

   Of course, because of the restraint of each other, no one would take the risk of severe damage and insist on killing other ghosts and gods.

   The power between these ghosts and gods is growing and falling, you come and I go, you sing and I will appear on the stage. This history has been performed countless times.

   This large area has therefore remained roughly stable, and no one can become the real overlord.

   Since Tai Miao led his army to expand outwards, these forces that have confronted Tai Miao for many years have become his primary goal.

   At first, these ghosts and gods thought it was another routine struggle of Shouzheng.

   But they soon discovered that there were new players in the game.

   Too wonderful, although it hides the true cultivation base, it only reveals the cultivation base of the late Yuanshen.

   But between the Yang Shen stage and the Yuan Shen stage, after all, there is a difference between Tian Yuan.

   Soon after, the great defeated men discovered that the situation was not right.

   In the end, the ghosts and gods continued to besiege the guy who broke the balance.

   This time, their all-you-can-eat trick completely failed.

   Tai Miao showed great power on the battlefield, and defeated several ghosts and gods who had joined forces with outnumbered enemies.

   After this battle, Tai Miao achieved a decisive victory, and soon occupied a large area around it, greatly expanding its power.

  For Shouzheng, it was too wonderful to wipe out the old enemy who had fought with him for many years, and fully demonstrated his strength and convinced him even more.

After    Tai Miao digested and consolidated the new occupied area, it began the road of external expansion again.

   Tai Miao, as the external incarnation of Meng Zhang, is not only completely controlled by Meng Zhang, but also in many parts of his own character that is influenced by Meng Zhang.

   But after he absorbed the divine power crystallization of natural ghosts and gods, he had many characteristics of natural ghosts and gods in his body.

   Especially after he advanced to the Yang Shen stage and began to refine his authority, there was an inexplicable impulse in his heart.

   This impulse drove him to continuously expand in the underworld, control more and more territories, and conquer more and more subordinates.

   For this kind of situation, too wonderful and aware of it.

   Finally, he chose to comply with this impulse.

   Tai Miao feels that a large-scale expansion of power in the underworld will bring great benefits to both him and the Taiyi Sect.

   Moreover, as the cultivation level gets higher and closer to the natural ghosts and gods, he also has a very keen sense.

   In the dark, he felt that conforming to this impulse was of great significance to his future evolution and improvement.

   In the underworld war, as the victor, there will often be great gains.

   can not only occupy the territory of the loser, but also integrate the army of the loser.

   After all, you can't expect ghosts to have too reliable loyalty.

   Tai Miao has the support of the Taiyi Sect of Yangshi. Among the ghost army under him, there are many ghosts and gods transformed by the Taiyi Sect monks as the backbone.

   The structure of the army is stable, loyal enough, and highly trained.

   occupies more territory, the more resource points it occupies.

   With more subordinates, the efficiency of mining resources has also been greatly improved.

   More and more resources from the underworld are sent to the Taiyi Gate, and the Taiyi Gate has benefited a lot.

  The high-level leaders in charge of Taiyimen affairs, although they do not know the relationship between Taimiao and Meng Zhang, but facing the huge benefits brought by Taimiao, they can't help but support Taimiao.

   You must know that although Taiyimen's blessed land is basically completed, the follow-up is just some finishing work, but it still needs to continue to invest a lot of resources.

   Not to mention, when the Blessed Land was built before, not only the financial resources of Taiyimen were almost drained, but Taiyimen was also burdened with high debts.

  Under this situation, the ever-expanding source of wealth in the underworld has a pivotal position in Taiyimen.

   The more Taimiao fought and expanded in the underworld, the more powerful his army of ghosts became.

   He quickly embarked on the road of raising war through war, and the size of his army of ghosts was like a snowball.

  On his path of expansion, no ghost or **** can resist his army.

   With an invincible posture, UU reading continues to expand towards the surroundings.

   Now, there are two factors that can limit the speed of Tai Miao's expansion.

   One is distance, the underworld is too vast.

   Many ghosts and gods are very far apart.

   Not to mention that certain ghosts and gods are in very remote corners.

   Every time he sent out a large army to conquer and expand outward, the time spent on the march actually far exceeded the time required for combat.

  Although the ghost army does not need any supplies or the like, the ghost army will also be exhausted and need to rest.

   Another factor is that every time a new army of ghosts is incorporated, it takes a certain amount of time to reorganize and train.

   Although with the continuous improvement of Yangshi Taiyi Sect's strength, there are more and more monks in the gate, and many monks have been transformed into guardians of the law due to various reasons.

   These protector gods will enter the underworld, become wonderful subordinates, and even become their subordinate gods.

   There are still many Taiyimen monks who have lost their bodies, have not cultivated to the Yuan Shen stage, and do not want to enter the cycle of reincarnation, so they let the spirits directly enter the underworld, under the wonderful protection.

  In this way, these spirits will not degenerate into haunting ghosts, but retain many memories and emotions from life.

   They also have to work for Tai Miao and have become the backbone of the ghost army.

   However, the number of Dharma protectors provided by Taiyimen is not very large.

   In fact, most of the current guardians of Taiyi Sect are working for Tai Miao in the underworld.

   As for the spirits of the Taiyimen monks who are protected by the wonderful protection, the number is also limited.

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