The Way of the Immortal Master

Vol 2 Chapter 1827: smoothly

As the scale of the ghost army continues to expand, Tai Miao's reliable backbone is far from enough.

  Many times, in order to better control the army of ghosts, he had to reuse the ghosts and gods who took refuge in his own family, and promote and cultivate the createable materials among the ghosts.

   Even so, he still needs to spend a lot of time to reorganize his army of ghosts.

   A well-trained army of ghosts that obeys orders is a big advantage that is different from other ghosts and gods.

   Tai Miao has won again and again, almost invincible, invincible, and slowly began to appear new problems.

   Some well-informed, sensitive ghosts and gods have certain doubts about the true strength of the wonderful.

   In the past wars, Tai Miao often took the lead and participated in the war.

   Although he tried to suppress the cultivation base, he only showed the strength of the late Yuanshen.

   But when he faced other ghosts or ghosts with the strength of the late Primordial God, that overwhelming advantage was too obvious.

  Tao Miao is not only invincible and invincible, but also in every battle with ease.

   Gradually, some rumors about Tai Miao's true strength spread.

   Among them, there are many people with ulterior motives who have added fuel and jealousy, and they are exaggerated.

   During the time Meng Zhang left Junchen Realm, Tai Miao became the overlord of the underworld, occupying a vast territory and possessing huge strength.

   The ghosts and ghosts who stood in the way of the great expansion began to feel anxious, and even developed a huge sense of fear.

   Meng Zhang left Junchen Realm and was far away from Taimiao. Although the connection between the two parties was equally smooth, it was difficult to keep the information in sync all the time.

   Many times, it takes some time for the other party to know what happened to them.

   This is still the situation where Meng Zhang has not been far from Jun Chen Realm.

   If Meng Zhang is farther and farther away from Junchen Realm, the connection between the two parties will only get weaker and synchronizing information will become more difficult.

   Meng Zhang communicated with Tai Miao many times during the time he was stationed at the stronghold.

   Regarding Tai Miao's aggressive expansion, although he felt a little wrong, Tai Miao shouldn't be so impatient.

   But because of the benefits of Tai Miao's high-speed expansion, it is difficult for him to stop Tai Miao.

  Meng Zhang is not in the Junchen Realm, and he is obviously not very familiar with the situation in the underworld.

   He can only let him go, choosing to believe that actions that are too wonderful will not lead to serious consequences.

   Later, with the frequent occurrence of battles, Meng Zhang didn't have much thought to pay attention to the wonderful side.

   Now, Meng Zhang led the three-person team, rushing forward all the way, and began to obtain a lot of results.

  Invaders from outside the territory have established many strongholds in the meteorite belt.

  Many of these strongholds were established on the basis of the occupied Junchen realm cultivator strongholds.

   In addition to alerting Jun Chen realm cultivators and providing support for their own defense lines, they established these strongholds to exploit various precious resources in the meteorite belt.

   They have no scruples and want to carry out destructive mining, so that they have a huge harvest.

   Many strongholds that were too late to evacuate in time have become Meng Zhang's targets.

   The overall formation level of the invaders outside the territory is far inferior to the cultivators of Junchen Realm.

   The defensive array they deployed outside of various strongholds, in front of Meng Zhang and the three of them, could not play much role at all, and was easily destroyed.

  Meng Zhang, they attacked and occupied points, killed the enemy, and took all kinds of spoils.

   In the fierce battle, in addition to Meng Zhang and his team, there are other cultivator squads, which also entered the enemy's control area and joined the counterattack.

   In order to ensure the suddenness and surprise of this counterattack, Mr. Ban Xue Jian had only discussed with a few close friends beforehand.

   After experiencing the previous defeat, many monks in Junchen Realm believed that the high-level human monks had internal traitors and secretly colluded with invaders outside the territory and passed information to them.

   In order to prevent the leakage of the news, Ban Xue Jianjun strictly kept secret his own counterattack plan.

   Because she was worried that the sacred sects of the great sacred grounds would pull their hind legs behind their backs, or vandalized them deliberately, she only notified a few celestial ancestors.

   After the big counterattack began, the number of manpower that Snow Sword Master Banxue could assemble in a short period of time was actually very limited.

   It is entirely dependent on the invincible swordsmanship of the companion Xue Jianjun to lead everyone through the battle and keep advancing forward.

   After the start of the counterattack, the Cold War Lord, as a monk of the Heavenly Palace, must of course fully support King Snow Sword.

   He directly gave orders to the cultivators scattered everywhere, asking them to fully participate in this counterattack.

  Some cultivators have chosen to rendezvous with the large army and join the team of King Snow Sword.

   With such a superpower like Snow Sword Monarch as a companion, one should be safer.

  Following Monarch Snow Sword, you should be able to make more military exploits.

   There are still many monks who have chosen the same strategy as Meng Zhang and the others.

   Either team up to attack, or just go alone and attack alone.

   The monks who can cultivate to the Void Return level, most of them have great confidence in their own family.

   Many people prefer to be alone, unwilling to be with other people, or believe in other cultivators.

   After Meng Zhang and the others entered the enemy's control area, a lot of lone travelers and squads came behind Meng Zhang originally planned to gather these cultivators to organize a stronger and larger team.

   But after thinking for a while, he still gave up the idea.

   As soon as he came, with his strength and qualifications, it was difficult to completely suppress these cultivators and let them obey their orders.

   There are more people, although the strength is stronger, but the people in the team are different, but it will be bad.

  Secondly, if there are more people and the team is bigger, it will definitely attract the enemy's attention more easily.

   Don't look at the enemy who seems to be retreating steadily at present, but the enemy's strength is still there, and it has the power to counterattack.

   What's more, even if the enemy is forced to an absolute disadvantage, once they launch a dying counterattack, they definitely cannot be resisted by the mob organized by Meng Zhang.

   Seeing that the cultivator from behind started to catch up slowly, Meng Zhang didn't want to speed up.

   He still led the Ba Wu Emperor and the others step by step, acting in accordance with the original rhythm.

   Even though there were a lot of their own monks fighting for exploits and trophies, Meng Zhang and the others still got the richest share by taking the lead and rich experience.

   With the counterattack organized by the Snow Sword Monarch, the process seemed to go smoothly.

   The human monks of Junchen Realm pressed on step by step, killing invaders from outside the territory to escape.

   Small teams like Meng Zhang and the others, even if they did not participate in the fight on the main battlefield, fierce battles broke out with the enemy.

   Soon after the start of the big counterattack, the invaders outside the territory in this direction were unable to defend their strongholds in the meteorite belt and were completely forced out of the meteorite belt.

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