The Way of the Immortal Master

Vol 2 Chapter 1828: Take it as soon as you see it

The big counterattack organized by Sword Master Banxue was large in scale and fierce.

   As time goes by, the front is constantly moving forward, and the results of the battle continue to expand.

   But including her, everyone did not expect that with a single counterattack, they would be able to completely defeat the invaders from outside the territory, and thus end this protracted war.

   The goal set by Snow Sword Master before the battle was only to change his passive situation through this counterattack, while at the same time killing and injuring the enemy in large quantities and weakening the enemy's strength.

   After driving the extraterritorial invaders in this direction out of the meteorite belt, Ban Xue Jianjun and others simply chase after him for a while, and there is no perseverance to continue chasing.

   The monks who participated in the counterattack like Meng Zhang also killed the outermost part of the meteorite belt and stopped pursuing them.

   After a few heaven and earth elements stopped pursuing them, they continued to stand outside the meteorite belt, like a patron saint.

   Obviously, they are preparing for the enemy's counterattack.

  Meng Zhang and others are not idle either.

   They received a follow-up order from the Lord of the Cold War to continue searching within the meteorite belt, to eliminate the fish that slipped through the net, and to ensure that the surrounding extraterritorial invaders were wiped out.

  Meng Zhang and their three-person team, in cooperation with other teams, began to perform their tasks.

   As for the main force of this counterattack, apart from a few celestial figures garrisoned outside the meteorite belt, the monks' large forces are all standing behind them, ready to respond to enemy counterattacks at any time.

   I don't know if the enemy was defeated by this counterattack, or if the enemy suffered too much.

   For a long time after this, the enemy's counterattack did not come.

  Meng Zhang and the others have enough time to wipe out the extraterritorial intruder strongholds in this direction.

   The few extraterritorial invaders who did not escape with the large forces in time were also wiped out.

  Meng Zhang, after completing their mission, followed the instructions and flew to the rear of the large army to wait for the enemy's counterattack force to arrive.

   Of course, all the monks participating in the war should seize the time to rest and adjust their interest rate, and restore their own state to the best as soon as possible.

  While waiting for the enemy, Meng Zhang and the others couldn't help chatting with the monks who were familiar with them.

   Ever since Meng Zhang came to the void battlefield, he has been stationed at the front edge stronghold, and has not dealt much with other monks.

  The Emperor Wudi and Chunyu Zhongda were born in such big powers as the Great Li Dynasty, and they have relatively extensive contacts.

   Many familiar monks, they had friendships before the advanced stage of Void.

   With the face of Emperor Ba Wu and Chunyu Zhongda, Meng Zhang also got in touch with many monks around him.

   In the previous battle, although Meng Zhang did not form a team with other people, he just kept the original three-person team.

   But many scenes of his fighting have fallen into the eyes of those who are interested.

   Meng Zhang showed strong combat effectiveness in the battle, which attracted the attention of many people.

  The cultivator has always respected the strong, and everyone respects the powerful monks and is willing to make friends with them.

   After some conversation, Meng Zhang met many people and learned a lot of information that was not clear before.

   The counterattack organized by Monarch Snow Sword was that she personally transferred the monks from the Heavenly Palace, and carried out in the direction of the cold war.

   After the counterattack was launched, Banxue Jianjun informed the monks who were responsible in other directions, asking them to immediately attack the invaders outside the territory, contain the enemy's power, and cooperate with her counterattack.

   Although it is still unclear about the battle situation in other directions, after the counterattack was launched, the human monks in several directions exchanged information with each other more frequently.

   According to the information currently known, some counterattacks launched in other directions have gone smoothly, while others have not.

   It's no wonder that if you didn't have enough preparations in advance, and launched a counterattack in a hurry, of course, there will be many things that don't cooperate well.

   But no matter what, the overall battle is still relatively smooth.

   At the very least, in the direction of the garrison in the Cold War, the extraterritorial invaders were driven out of the meteorite belt, and many enemies were wiped out, which was considered a major victory.

   After waiting for a long time, the enemy's counterattack strength will not reach for a long time.

   It is impossible for everyone to wait forever like this, and several heaven and earth phenomena disappeared.

   Next, the Lord of the Cold War personally led many monks, arranged defenses around, and established a line of defense.

  Meng Zhang and their three-person team are still stationed at a stronghold.

   It's just that the stronghold this time is located on the edge of the meteorite belt, and it is closer to the enemy than the stronghold that was stationed before.

   After setting up the defense, everyone relaxes temporarily.

  At this time, the wars in other directions have also ended.

   Before this, monks from other directions unconditionally cooperated with King Snow Sword.

   Now that the war is over, many monks from the sect of the Holy Land are starting to wrestle again.

  They dared not publicly accuse Ban Xue Jianjun, but complained behind their backs, and Ban Xue Jianjun did not ventilate with them beforehand, so he launched such a large-scale counterattack. In the rush, they all paid a huge price.

   Even though Mr. Snow Sword Companion was reluctant to talk to these guys, he still had to make some comforting actions for the unity of the entire cultivation world.

   After the end of the war, it is inevitable to reward the merits.

   In a battle like this, there are very few cases of false claims about military achievements.

   Whether it is conquering the enemy's stronghold or beheading the enemy's strong, it will leave very obvious traces.

   Under all eyes, it is quite obvious who did what and how much effort he exerted.

   Since most of the enemies retreated in time, the human monks who chased them in the rear, unless they were lucky, would get mediocre results.

  Meng Zhang's performance this time is quite eye-catching among the many teams.

   After some simple calculations, each of them has gained a lot of military exploits.

   After a big battle, there will be a rest period as usual.

  Meng Zhang has been in the Void Battlefield for more than 30 years, and he can redeem a certain vacation and leave the Void Battlefield temporarily.

  Meng Zhang, Ba Wudi, and Chunyu Zhongda are all preparing to take a trip back to Junchen Realm through this holiday.

   They still have a powerful sect in Junchen Realm, and they are really uneasy.

   After the vacation was exchanged, and the cultivating monks were handed over, Meng Zhang and the others returned to Junchen Realm.

   After returning to Tiangong, Meng Zhang used his accumulated military exploits to exchange a batch of supplies.

   is mainly used for his daily practice of Yuqing Lingji, and there are a few pills that can be taken during the return period.

   Meng Zhang did not stay in the Tiangong for a long time, and returned directly to the blessed land of Taiyimen.

   In these years, after continuous and extensive construction, this blessed land is not only basically completed, but also has many more buildings on it.

   A group of magnificent, majestic and majestic palaces just stand on the blessed ground.

   Even, there are several rivers leading out above the blessed land.

   palace buildings, water pavilions, ponds, lakes and streams are interspersed among them.

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