The Way of the Immortal Master

Vol 2 Chapter 1829: Sun and moon blessed land

Although Meng Zhang is not in the sect all the time, under the middle and high-level leadership of the Taiyi Sect headed by Niu Da, the head of the Taiyi Sect, the entire sect is functioning normally, and its development is thriving.

   In the past 30 years, the follow-up construction work of Fudi has been completed one after another, and most of the buildings above have been completed.

   Taiyimen Gate, which was originally located in Baicaopo, has gradually moved over.

  Now, most of the major institutions in the gate have moved to the blessed land.

   The current Taiyimen Mountain Gate is this blessed land.

  Of course, there are several third-order spiritual veins underground in the Baicaopo place, and the ground is full of spiritual energy. It has been managed by Taiyimen for many years and opened up a large number of spiritual fields and spiritual medicine gardens.

  The gate of the mountain has moved away, and Baicaopo can't just give up.

   In addition to some left-behind monks continuing to operate this, the Taiyimen senior officials are also planning to use it as an important other courtyard.

   Meng Zhang flew over the blessed land, looking at the scene below, sighed a lot in his heart.

   After this time of precipitation, Fudi began to stabilize completely, and was able to stably supply enough aura.

  The primordial primordial monarchs in the door, daily practice no longer needs to consume a lot of nine days of essence and jade clear spirit.

   They only need to be in the blessed land to have ample supply of spiritual energy.

  In many places in the blessed land, the spiritual farmers of Taiyimen have begun to plan and build large and small spiritual medicine gardens and spiritual fields.

  With the conditions of the blessed land, the elixir garden and the spiritual field here can cultivate and plant the elixir and the spiritual valley above the fourth level.

   Of course, after the completion of the blessed land, it does not mean that you can sit back and relax.

  Blessed Land needs careful maintenance by the monks in the door.

  If the conditions are right, the monks in the door will continue to migrate their spiritual veins from other places to enhance the foundation of the blessed land.

   As for continuing to invest all kinds of heaven, material and earth treasures into the blessed land, that is even more desirable.

  Blessed land is also divided into superior and inferior.

   Fortune Land will continue to improve and play a greater role if it manages well and continues to develop well.

   Now the blessed land of Taiyimen, it is very difficult to support Meng Zhang's rebirth period power.

   When Meng Zhang was in the blessed land, he couldn't unscrupulously huff and breathe spiritual energy and practice.

  Meng Zhang is not short of spiritual resources for the time being, and he is not very worried about this problem.

   Soon after returning to the mountain gate, Meng Zhang summoned the middle and high level of the gate, including Niu Dawei.

   The middle and high level of the door reported to Meng Zhang on all aspects of the door.

   In short, everything goes smoothly in the door, and there are no major problems.

   Meng Zhang took out the two incomplete demon void battleships stored in his mustard space, and handed them to the monks of the Shengongtang in the door for research.

After so many years of development, Taiyi Sect has also absorbed the inheritance of the sects of Ingenious Sects and other allies. Many masters who are good at organ skills have been cultivated in the door, and they have deep accumulation in the creation of various organ creations.

  I hope that these monks can slowly accumulate the foundation for building a void battleship by studying the Void Battleship of the Monster Race.

   Although the time spent in the sect was very short this time, Meng Zhang not only explained some precautions for the middle and high level of the sect, but also took time to instruct the cultivation of several cultivators in the sect.

   Among these cultivators are three of his disciples, as well as the Tianjiao who is mainly cultivated in the school.

  I haven't seen him for many years. The three disciples Niu Dawei, An Xiaoran, and An Moran are very satisfied with the progress of their practice.

  In the realm of comprehension, a high-ranking monk like Meng Zhang may spend hundreds of years on a trip and a retreat.

  Middle and high-level people have long been accustomed to the absence of the head.

   Taiyimen has a complete organization, with a clear division of labor between the middle and upper levels, which is enough to ensure that the martial art can operate normally even if the head is not in the door.

   Several times, Meng Zhang was thinking about it, and simply passed on the position of head to others.

   Anyway, in terms of his cultivation base and contribution to the sect, the position of this head will not affect his prestige and supremacy in his sect.

  There is a head of the gate who lives in the mountain gate, and many things will be convenient.

   But every time this idea floated in his heart, his keen sense from the heavenly Secret Master prevented him from doing so.

   Although I don't know why for the time being, Meng Zhang knows that keeping his position and status as the head of the Taiyi Sect will be of great benefit to him in the future.

   Since Taiyi Gate was built with a blessed land and the mountain gate was moved here, it should have a nice name.

   Before Meng Zhang was not in the door, everyone did not rashly call the shots.

   Now that Meng Zhang is back, the power of naming is given to him.

   Meng Zhang, who has difficulty in naming, thought for a long time before he took the name of the sun and the moon blessed land.

The reason    is so named is that Meng Zhang practiced a practice called "Round of the Sun and Moon", which laid the foundation for his future achievements.

   The second came because Meng Zhang felt in his heart when he thought of naming the blessed land.

  三来, it is because there are many places where the power of the sun and the moon is used in the construction of this blessed land.

   After the blessed land was built, the blessed land was filled with strong sun and moon power.

  The blessed land operates according to the law of rising and falling, continuously absorbing the power of the sun and the power of the yin.

   Sun Moon Blessed Land is now temporarily divided into two layers inside and outside.

   The outer layer is a vast area with a radius of hundreds of miles.

   Within this area, the closer to the center, the more aura.

  Affected by the blessed land, the environment in a place with a radius of thousands of will gradually get better.

  The first floor of the blessed land is an independent space, which is already a little bit small.

   This independent space is located in the center of the blessed land, and the area inside is temporarily less than a hundred li.

   The aura of this independent space is much more abundant than the outside, and it is the true essence area.

   Of course, as the blessed land slowly develops and improves, the area inside the independent space will gradually become larger.

  In the future, the inside will develop into an independent small world that can accommodate many creatures to thrive and thrive in it.

   Actually, there is a saying in the realm of cultivation that that independent space is the real blessing.

   As for the seemingly vast area outside, it is just an extension of the blessed land, not really a blessed land.

  In Meng Zhang's vision, if a disaster that destroys the world and the earth occurs in Junchen Realm, the monk in the door avoids the blessed land, in fact, avoids that independent space.

   If that independent space grows into a complete small world, even if Jun Chen realm is destroyed, it can still exist outside Jun Chen realm.

   The creatures hiding inside can also avoid the catastrophe.

   It's just that the independent space is far from perfect, and there is still a lot of room for development.

   If Junchen Realm is really destroyed, it will definitely be a big challenge for Sun Moon Blessed Land to accommodate the monks of the Hanhai Dao League headed by the Taiyi Gate, and even the vassal mortals.

  According to the instructions of Meng Zhang before he left Taiyimen, even in the days when he was not in the door, the middle and high-level members of the door would continue to invest resources continuously, and constantly improve and upgrade the sun and moon blessed land.

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