The Way of the Immortal Master

Vol 2 Chapter 1830: Critical juncture

Meng Zhang's vacation time is not much. He didn't stay at Taiyimen Mountain Gate Riyuefudi for a few days, so he hurriedly left.

   When Meng Zhang came to Tiangong, he was planning to visit his old friends, the old man Yinhu and mother-in-law Qiansi.

   But when they went to their residence, the visit was unsuccessful, only to realize that they were all transferred to the front line because of the tense fighting on the front line.

   The silver pot old man originally had a role in the heavenly palace, and he was responsible for the internal affairs of Junchen Realm.

   Even he, who was not good at frontal combat, was transferred to the battlefield, indicating that the manpower on the front line began to be insufficient.

   Although the mother-in-law Qiansi was born in casual cultivation, she used to work for Tiangong for many years.

   Faced with the recruitment of Tiangong, she couldn't escape either.

   Judging from the atmosphere of the Tiangong, the battle on the front line should be tense again.

   The military laws of the Heavenly Palace are strict, and Meng Zhang dare not delay without reason.

   He hurriedly left the palace and headed to the void battlefield.

  According to the usual practice, he first went to see the Lord of the Cold War.

   After seeing the Lord of the Cold War, he learned about the recent battle.

   During the period of Meng Zhang's departure, it was probably to avenge the last big counterattack organized by King Xue Jian. The extraterritorial invaders once again concentrated their forces and launched a large-scale attack on the human monks of Junchen Realm.

   At present, invaders from outside the territory are mainly attacking from other directions. The line of defense stationed by the Supreme Master in the Cold War was relatively calm for the time being.

  The more so, the more the Cold War Supreme did not dare to relax, on the contrary, he became more vigilant.

  Meng Zhang and Ba Wudi, they all returned to the void battlefield in time.

   They continue to be stationed at the stronghold on the front line.

  The stronghold they are stationed in is located at the outermost periphery of the meteorite belt. Once an enemy attacks, they will serve as a warning for the entire line of defense.

   After learning about the latest situation, Meng Zhang had an uncertain hunch in his heart.

   He knew that the position he was stationed at was too dangerous, but he had nothing to do.

  Not to mention that when the war is imminent, even on weekdays, he absolutely dare not escape.

   The heavenly palace has strict military laws. For those who disobey the military order, that means cutting and cutting, and will never show mercy.

  Don't say it was Meng Zhang, even the monks of the Holy Land Zongmen didn't dare to openly resist the order on the battlefield.

   If Meng Zhang disobeys the military order, not only he himself, but also Taiyi Sect will be harmed.

   Ba Wudi and Chunyu Zhongda did not have the sharp spiritual sense of Meng Zhang, but they were both battle-tested and extremely rich in combat experience.

   The current situation in the void battlefield also made them very vigilant and even uneasy.

   The two of them came from the Great Li Dynasty, and they are also unwilling to be dragged down by the forces behind them because of their own relationship.

   The three exchanged briefly, and soon reached a consensus.

   Before the enemy attacked, they were not qualified to escape.

   They must strengthen their guard. When the enemy comes, they will immediately send out a signal, cover each other at the same time, and try their best to escape.

   The days of waiting for the enemy to come are always particularly difficult.

   They have been in contact with the rear to keep abreast of the latest battle situation.

  In other directions, the battle has entered a white-hot stage.

   The principals who were stationed in other directions saw that the Cold War Supreme had not yet started fighting on this side, and some people could not help asking the Cold War Supreme to mobilize troops to support their responsible direction.

   To these requirements, the Cold War Supreme refused.

   This is not that the Cold War superiors only tried to protect themselves, they were too selfish. But he knows deeply that the current peace is only an illusion, and the enemy will launch a large-scale attack at any time.

   The Lord of the Cold War has concentrated all the forces at hand, organized into several mobile teams, and is ready to attack at any time behind the outermost stronghold.

   There is no way, as a defender, to guard the long line of defense, many times have to be so passive.

   When the extraterritorial invaders really attacked, Meng Zhang and the three people felt a sense of relief.

   On this day, when the Meng Zhang trio were still in the stronghold, using the magic circle deployed in the stronghold to monitor their surroundings, a sudden change occurred.

   I saw a vast, long, **** river, leaping out of the void quickly, and all of a sudden, it filled the surrounding space, an overwhelming stronghold on the front line.

  Although the direct target of this **** river is not the stronghold of Meng Zhang and the others, the moment they saw the **** river, they felt a sense of horror.

   At the forefront, of course Meng Zhang and the others are not the only stronghold.

   The **** river swept across a stronghold and immediately flooded that stronghold. The monk stationed in it disappeared without even a ripple.

   With Meng Zhang’s knowledge, he knew that this was definitely a powerful monster.

   In order to fight against such a great demon, at least one has to cultivate the power of returning to the void of heaven and earth to have such ability.

   When the enemy appeared, the Meng Zhang trio immediately fled the stronghold while sending out a signal for help from the back according to the original plan.

   The three men of Mengzhang disappeared from the stronghold with their front feet, and a huge elephant foot fell from the sky on the back foot, crushing the huge meteorite where the stronghold was located with one foot.

   A mobile team composed of many Void Returning Powers is in the rear.

   After they receive the distress signal from here, they will come to support them as quickly as possible.

  Meng Zhang, they only need a short time to meet the team.

   But it was at this time that the huge **** river swept over and immediately blocked Meng Zhang's retreat.

   Obviously, this great demon wants to kill as much as possible the human monks before they retreat.

  Meng Zhang's current combat effectiveness is not weak, but he still doesn't want to collide with this great demon head-on.

   His figure flashed quickly, trying to bypass the **** river, trying to escape back to the back.

   A huge golden colossus appeared on the edge of the meteorite belt, and with a flick of its proboscis, countless meteorites on the edge of the meteorite belt were shattered, and the mighty power rushed directly to the three of Meng Zhang.

   The enemy is too strong, Meng Zhang and the others dare not confront them head-on, just running for their lives.

  Although it only needs to resist for a while, the reinforcements from the rear will be able to arrive.

   But they all know that as long as there is a little delay, they might become the prey of the great demon.

  The Void-Returning Power among the cultivators is extremely survivable, but the Great Demon is often the nemesis of the cultivators, and there are many ways to deface or even destroy their foundation of existence.

   In the process of evading the enemy's attack, Meng Zhang not only separated from Emperor Ba Wu, but also fell into an extremely dangerous situation.

   He was almost surrounded by the **** river, and he was about to lose the space to dodge and move.

  At the most dangerous moment, in desperation, Meng Zhang made a very unwise but effective decision.

   He did not continue to flee into the meteorite belt, but did the opposite.

   He exerted his full force on the Void Shift and fled away from the meteorite belt.

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