The Way of the Immortal Master

Vol 2 Chapter 1831: Wandering into the Void

The Great Move in the Void is a secret method developed by the cultivator to move long distances in the void.

   This secret method is widely circulated in the realm of comprehension, it is not difficult to practice, easy to learn, and the threshold is very low.

   Even the true primordial spirit can perform this secret method.

   But when this secret technique is used, it has extremely strict conditions.

   This secret method can only be used in the void, this is the minimum requirement.

   must be performed in a very empty and vast space, and it is best not to have any obstacles around it.

   cannot be in a fighting or trapped state when performing Void Shift.

   Before casting a spell, you must carefully locate it.

   During the casting process, there can be no distractions, and the position before and after the big shift must be firmly locked.

  In the void, everyone often uses the position of the stars for positioning.

   The position of the stars is relatively stable, changes slowly, and is easy to identify.

   Observing astrology is originally a profound knowledge, not everyone is proficient.

   Just in the process of moving the void, it is not too difficult to use the position of the stars.

   But in this process, it is very easy to be disturbed.

   When Meng Zhang used the Void Shift, he almost violated all the points of attention.

   Even a beginner, I am afraid that he would not make so many mistakes.

   But in the face of a life-and-death crisis, Meng Zhang was eager to escape and had to do so.

   In his opinion, at this time, using the Void Move to escape, at most, it is to get lost in a different space.

   With his attainments on the space avenue, he can at most suffer a bit afterwards, and with a little effort, he can still return to the normal space.

   I saw an abnormal distortion in the space around Meng Zhang's body, and his figure disappeared in time before the long **** river enveloped him.

   The principle of the secret technique of moving the void is to allow the caster to enter the counter space to move, and then return to the positive space.

  Meng Zhang and the others usually live in a positive space.

   Like the front and back of a palm, there is a positive space, and naturally there is a counter space corresponding to it.

  In the anti-space, all the rules of heaven and earth are completely different from the positive space. Including distance and time flow rate.

   The cultivator moved a little distance in the counter space, and when he returned to the positive space, he might have crossed millions of miles or even thousands of miles.

   The cultivator felt that he had only stayed in the anti-space for a short while, and when he returned to the normal space, it might have been several years.

   Although Meng Zhang escaped into the anti-space in time, because the **** river was chasing too closely, some of the power still penetrated in and followed him closely.

  Meng Zhang knows that for the real strong, anti-space is not an insurmountable natural danger.

   With the powerful strength displayed by that great demon, he is fully capable of exerting a certain influence on the counterspace.

   In order to completely get rid of the enemy, Meng Zhang had no longer cared about positioning, and moved desperately in the anti-space.

   He didn't know how far or how long he had moved, and even his sense of time and space became dull.

   Finally, Meng Zhang felt that he had completely got rid of the enemy's pursuit and was no longer affected by the enemy's power.

   But at this time, he has lost his sense of orientation and does not know his position in the positive space.

   Even if it is the power of returning to the void, you can't stay in the anti-space for a long time.

  If you stay here for too long, the consciousness of the cultivator will be completely lost and assimilated here.

   Meng Zhang keenly realized that he must leave here.

   He used the secret technique and made a strenuous leap, and he successfully left the counter space and returned to the positive space.

   After returning to the normal space, Meng Zhang did not relax his vigilance, but carefully looked around.

   If he is unlucky, he has not been able to move enough distance, maybe he is still surrounded by the enemy.

   Fortunately, his luck is not that bad, there is no smell of enemies around, and no trace of the battlefield can be seen.

   Meng Zhang breathed a sigh of relief, and began to observe the surroundings carefully, trying to determine where he was.

   The surrounding environment is very strange, this is a void he has never been to.

   This is not unexpected.

   The Secret Art of Void Move is originally used to move long distances in the void.

   His current position should be some distance away from the battlefield.

   Meng Zhang carefully observes the stars in the sky.

   In the void, there are countless stars.

   Almost every star is a complete world.

  Of course, only a few of these worlds are suitable for human survival.

  Some stars are extremely cold, and they are in the snow and ice all year round.

  Some stars are simply a big day, and the sky full of fire makes the cultivators inaccessible.

  Some stars are so dim that they are almost invisible in the void.


   The more knowledge of the stars he has, the easier it is to determine his position in the void.

   There is no lack of knowledge in this aspect in the Taiyi Sect inheritance accepted by Meng Zhang.

   Not to mention that he has read countless classics in the Tiangong Collection.

   With his knowledge, he didn't spend much time, and he roughly determined where he was.

   Almost at the same time, his face became difficult to look.

   The void is vast and boundless, with countless large and small worlds.

In order to facilitate the distinction, the Void is divided into many different star regions by the Because this division method is simple and easy to understand, it is easy to use, and gradually spread among the many worlds of the Void, and it is for many races. Used.

   In the star area where Junchen Realm is located, there is a dazzling round of sun, and no creatures can survive on it.

   Around this big day, there are many big worlds.

   Junchen Realm, Shenchang Realm, Ten Thousand Demons Realm...

   All the stars in this star area exude their own special light.

   Among them, the light emitted by the big sun is the most dazzling, the most special, and the farthest transmission.

   In the void, if you want to locate the star area where Junchen Realm is located, you mainly rely on observing the big sun.

   Of course, positioning to the star area where Jun Chen Realm is located does not mean that he has the ability to rush there.

   Void is vast and boundless, and there are countless dangers. Even immortals who are immortal can't walk everywhere in Void.

   For cultivators, their limited lifespan is even more unable to support them to reach certain regions that are too far away.

  Meng Zhang's current location is located far away from the star area where Jun Chen Realm is located.

   Meng Zhang could not accurately calculate how far he was from Jun Chen Realm.

   The big sun in the star area where Junchen Realm is located is almost invisible in his eyes, only emitting light the size of a needle.

   I don’t know how many years ago these lights came out.

   He doesn't even know how many years have passed since he fled the battlefield.

   In the end, Meng Zhang had to admit that he was lost in the void.

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