The Way of the Immortal Master

Vol 2 Chapter 1832: Unlucky

The Void-Returning Powerful body is self-contained, able to complete the cycle without fake foreign objects, this is a popular saying in the cultivation world.

   To put it simply, even if the Void-Returning Power does not get any supplies from the outside world, it will not starve to death or die of thirst, and can survive forever.

   But as long as the Void Returning Power casts magical powers, it will inevitably consume the body's strength.

   Void-returning powerful energy pulse is long and fast, and the power in the body is almost endless.

   can no longer be a huge power, if it is only consumed without being replenished, it will be exhausted for a day.

   Void-returning power also needs to absorb enough aura to restore the consumed power.

  In the void, there is no aura, not even any matter.

   If Meng Zhang stays here motionless like a dead person, of course he can last a long time.

   But as long as he moves, he will consume his strength, and he needs to be supplemented by external spiritual energy.

   Not to mention, in the seemingly quiet void, it is not always so peaceful.

   Maybe when there will be danger, Meng Zhang needs to use his skills to resist.

   Meng Zhang made a simple estimate, even if he gave up daily practice, he just simply supplemented his spiritual energy.

   The Yuqing Spiritual Machine and Qi Replenishing Pills that    carried on his body could not last long.

   If you can't absorb the aura from the outside world all the time, and your strength can only be consumed without replenished, then Meng Zhang will gradually lose all his strength, and even his life can not be maintained.

   What Meng Zhang wants most right now, of course, is to rush back to Jun Chen Realm as soon as possible.

   Although he still doesn't know how far he is from Jun Chen Realm, his rough estimation made him feel desperate.

   If there is no supply on this road, he will use up all his power and die just like this.

   to be consumed alive, this is really a tragic way of death.

  Meng Zhang not only didn't want to die, but in Junchen Realm, he still had too many concerns.

   Although Meng Zhang was in a very unfavorable environment, he did not appear impatient, but rather calm.

   After he embarked on the road of cultivation, he has encountered numerous crises, many times he was almost in desperation.

   This time he was living in the void, although he had never encountered a crisis, but he still did not cause chaos.

   Meng Zhang quickly calmed down and slowly thought about what he should do.

   If there is enough supply, Meng Zhang moves along the direction of the light coming from Junchen Realm's round, then no matter how long it takes, he will be able to return to Junchen Realm.

   But this is just an if. What Meng Zhang lacks now is supplies.

   Moreover, in the void, walking in a straight line seems to be the shortest route, but not necessarily the best route.

   Traveling in the void, many times, in order to get supplies, you need to travel in a big circle.

   Not to mention, there are countless dangerous celestial phenomena in the void, enough to be a roadblock.

   Even immortals may die in some extremely dangerous celestial phenomena.

   Although Meng Zhang had traveled in the void, he was basically in the void near Junchen Realm.

   There are too many dangers in the unfamiliar void.

   Many guys who are unfamiliar with the surrounding situation, if they are unlucky, they even die without knowing what happened to them.

   To enter an unfamiliar void, it is best to have a relatively completed star map.

The    star map will generally mark safe supply points, and also list those dangerous celestial phenomena, reminding how to avoid them.

   As a monk in the Junchen Realm, using Meng Zhang's channel, he only mastered a part of the star map near the Junchen Realm.

   Even the detailed star map of the star area where Jun Chen Realm is located, Meng Zhang doesn’t know much.

   Not to mention that he is now in a strange void, and Meng Zhang's eyes are even blackened.

   Meng Zhang carefully observes the surroundings, carefully distinguishing every star that enters his eyes.

   He didn't start moving long distances rashly, but carefully calculated in his mind.

  Meng Zhang clearly knew that as long as he started to move, he would continuously consume his own power.

   Before there is a definite supply point, he must act cautiously and carefully retain every bit of strength in his body.

  Perhaps, if he has more power, he will have more life in the void.

   Meng Zhang stretched his hands and feet, changed several lower positions, and changed the angle of view many times, just to facilitate a comprehensive observation.

   A long time later, Meng Zhang sighed in disappointment.

   Although there are countless stars in the void, because the void is too vast, it is almost endless.

   When these stars fall into the void, it is equivalent to spilling a handful of sand into the sea.

   In most areas of the void, there are no stars, or even nothing.

   Meng Zhang’s current position is very embarrassing.

   The nearest star here is very far away.

   With Meng Zhang's ability to move in the void, such a distance almost made him feel desperate.

   Based on his rough estimation, no matter which direction he moves forward, he probably won't be able to reach any star before the supplies are exhausted.

   Meng Zhang felt very puzzled.

  I just forcibly performed a large void movement in order to avoid the pursuit of a powerful enemy, how could such a result occur?

  Is my luck really so low that I have encountered this kind of unlucky event?

   Of course, when I was in anti-space, in order to avoid being overtaken by the enemy, I stayed a little longer and moved a little longer.

  When I return to the positive Due to the gap between the positive and negative space, I will end up here.

   Meng Zhang regrets a bit now, and feels a bit ashamed of his panic in the anti-space.

   Now when I think about it, Meng Zhang is not a big figure among the human cultivators, but a small **** stationed at the front line stronghold.

   That big demon and that demon master, there is no reason to keep chasing him.

   Even if they were to expand their battle results, at most they would clean up Meng Zhang.

   Their real goal is the human monk of the same level as them.

  Meng Zhangdu has entered the anti-space, and they really have no reason to continue chasing.

  Meng Zhang asks himself that he is a man who has experienced many battles and is extremely calm.

   When did he make a misjudgment and lose his sense in the counter space?

   What is this called, the breath is exhausted, so that the lard is covered?

   The emotions of regret and annoyance did not stay on Meng Zhang for long.

   The purpose of his reflection is to learn a lesson, not to let himself feel down, into remorse and unable to extricate himself.

   With Meng Zhang's will, he quickly got rid of the negative emotions.

   When he was in the Jindan stage, he experienced a magical state of mind, exercised his mind and strengthened his willpower.

   Not to mention that he is now capable of returning to the void, and he should have a stronger willpower to deal with various unfavorable situations.

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