The Way of the Immortal Master

Vol 2 Chapter 1834: God willing

Meng Zhang carefully checked that this is an ordinary meteorite, with nothing useful on it, let alone aura.

   But his mood suddenly improved a lot.

   A lone meteorite rarely appears in the void.

  Perhaps, there is a group of meteorites not far ahead.

The    meteorite group also does not occur out of thin air.

   Many times, the meteorite group comes from some broken stars or the like.

   Even, this meteorite simply came from a big world.

   Of course, Meng Zhang didn't expect his luck to be so good, so he could meet a big world so easily.

   He only hopes to continue moving in this direction, to be able to encounter the meteorite group, so as to get some supplies.

   For a cultivator, the most important supply is of course Reiki.

   As for Yuqing's inspiration, Meng Zhang does not dare to expect it now.

   Generally speaking, the places where the Yuqing Spiritual Appears are often huge star areas with many stars.

  Especially those places with a big world, it is more prone to appear in the surroundings.

   The sudden appearance of this meteorite gave Meng Zhang great confidence and made him a little excited.

  Meng Zhang is more determined about the results of the deduction of Dayan.

   He took a little rest and continued to move in this direction.

   What I saw along the way, as expected, did not exceed Meng Zhang's expectations.

   Soon after he moved in this direction, he discovered some lone meteorites one after another.

   Although there is still no aura on these meteorites, they are almost useless to Meng Zhang, but he is still very happy.

   But Meng Zhang's happy mood didn't last long.

   Another long period of time passed, Meng Zhang never found the slightest, and no meteorite appeared in this direction.

   Meng Zhang still maintained this direction at first, but after a long time, he has not found anything, and his heart will inevitably shake.

  Perhaps, he is not well versed in heavenly secrets, and the deduced result is wrong.

   Perhaps, those meteorites that were alone broke into their path by accident, and the real group of meteorites is still in other directions.

   Or, change the direction yourself and try a new route?

   This idea just came to mind, but it was rejected by Meng Zhang.

   Until now, except for believing in the results of Dayan's calculations and continuing to move in this direction, other choices are not advisable.

   Meng Zhang didn't pause much, and set off on the journey again.

   In the blink of an eye, Meng Zhang fell into the void and began to move in a fixed direction. Ten years have passed.

   If it is under normal circumstances, ten years is not worth mentioning the power of rebirth.

  Maybe, more than ten years have passed since a certain person can take a nap.

   But Meng Zhang is currently in the void of nothingness, and besides nothingness, there is nothingness around him.

   More importantly, Meng Zhang lacks sufficient supplies.

   During these ten years, Meng Zhang had to temporarily stop even his daily routine practice.

   He did not dare to consume the Jade Clearing Machine at will, but to save every strand of Jade Clearing Machine and use it at the most critical moment.

   Every time he saves a little more aura, he can hold on for a little longer.

   Maybe, at the last moment, there is a little bit of aura, which is the difference between life and death.

   Another ten years have passed.

   In these ten years, Meng Zhang carefully cast spells, trying to reduce the consumption of true yuan.

   Now, he has become extremely stingy, and he can't wait to use one part of true yuan into ten parts.

   But even though Meng Zhang was so economical and so careful, in the face of a situation where he could only get in and out, his true essence was slowly being consumed, and the jade clear spirit on his body became less and less.

   Ten years and ten years, Meng Zhang has been living in the vast void for more than thirty years.

   Just when he was depressed, he finally got a new harvest.

  In front of Meng Zhang, a shooting star crossed the sky and moved at high speed to Meng Zhang’s left side.

   With Meng Zhang’s magical powers, it’s just a matter of waiting.

   He took a step and appeared next to the meteor.

   The so-called meteors are nothing but meteorites the size of a hill.

   Meng Zhang waved his big hand and stopped the meteorite.

   After some inspection, Meng Zhang was surprised to find that there was a weak spiritual energy on the meteorite.

   Although these auras are very weak, and they are hidden deep in the core of the meteorite.

   But this is the first time Meng Zhang has been supplied with external aura since he entered the void.

   Meng Zhang hesitated for a moment, then broke open the meteorite and absorbed all the aura hidden in it.

   This aura is insignificant in terms of quantity, and the quality is even worse.

   If you are in the Junchen Realm, I am afraid that ordinary Jindan real people will not look at this aura, and will not bother to absorb refining.

   For Meng Zhang, he took this meteorite and broke it open, and the aura consumed was far greater than the aura that had been absorbed and refined just now.

   Really want to settle the bills, Meng Zhang is completely out of the gain this time, the consumption is more than the gain.

   When things like this happen a few times, Meng Zhang is really struggling to make ends meet.

   But Meng Zhang was still very happy.

   He captured this meteorite, which proved that Dayan's calculations were correct, and he could get supplies in the void.

   Maybe next time I can get a lot of aura.

   With this thought, Meng Zhang continued on the road.

   This time, Meng Zhang moved in the original direction for more than five years, but still no gain.

   It seems that the captured meteorite is just an isolated case.

   Even Meng Zhang felt a sense of irritability inexplicably.

   This is really a trick of God.

   Meng Zhang couldn't help but sigh.

   Of course, the will of heaven here is not the sense of heaven in Jun Chen world.

   It's too far from Junchen Realm, and Junchen Realm's sense of heaven can't control it here.

   Ordinary mortals know the truth that man can conquer the sky, and many cultivators often talk about going against the sky, all day long, it is **** that you will be a person if you go against the sky, and that you will become an immortal.

   But there are only high-ranking monks like Meng Zhang. The more advanced the cultivation level, the more he feels that the will of heaven is high, illusory, unpredictable, and unpredictable.

   The more he can sense the will of heaven, will he know its vastness and vigor, and he will be full of awe.

   This is just a little bit of knowledge of the high-level monks of the heavenly consciousness of the various big worlds.

   In the legends of the cultivation world, in addition to the respective heavenly consciousnesses of each great world, there is also a heavenly existence that surpasses the heavens and all worlds, which encompasses the entire void.

   Even, only this providence is the real providence.

   This divine will is even more elusive and difficult to find, even immortals can hardly perceive its existence.

  Meng Zhang also knew a little bit about this legend because he was a celestial clerk.

   Meng Zhang sighed, and did not allow the negative emotions to stay on him for long, he re-energized and embarked on the journey again.

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