The Way of the Immortal Master

Vol 2 Chapter 1835: Encounter

Maybe God's will really exists in the dark.

  After tossing Meng Zhang for so long, God's will finally began to favor him.

   After Meng Zhang drifted in the void for more than three years, he finally made a different discovery.

   At a very far distance from Meng Zhang, a meteor was passing by at high speed.

   In this empty void, any existence will cause Meng Zhang's great attention.

   Meng Zhang took a closer look at the shooting star, his face changed.

   What kind of meteor is this? It is clearly an artificial flying object.

   After drifting in the void for so long, there has been no discovery. Now that a brand-new discovery has finally been made, Meng Zhang suddenly became excited.

   He started to move almost without thinking.

   Meng Zhang took a step forward, showing the Void Shift, with all his strength to chase the "shooting star" in front of him.

   As for whether the opponent is an enemy or a friend, Meng Zhang has completely ignored it.

   Of course, in this void far away from Junchen Realm, the possibility of Meng Zhang encountering an enemy is so low that it is almost non-existent, the most likely is to encounter a stranger.

   After several large movements of the void, Meng Zhang was already very close to the "shooting star".

   The distance is getting closer, and Meng Zhang can see more clearly.

   This is mostly a void battleship, and its shape and specifications are quite different from those commonly used in Jun Chen world.

   However, judging from its appearance style, most of it was built by the human race.

   This void battleship flies very fast in the void, and Meng Zhang has spent a lot of effort to barely get close to the opponent.

   Before figuring out the details of the other party, Meng Zhang did not rashly contact the other party.

   There are many big worlds and countless races in the void

   There are many enmities among the major races.

   Even within the human race, there are many contradictions and even struggles because of the different origins in the big world and the different cultivation systems.

   Even if everyone is a Taoist human cultivator, because they come from different sects and have different philosophies, they may still be bloody.

   After approaching the void battleship, Meng Zhang carefully hid his tracks and quietly followed behind.

   Anyway, since this void battleship can sail alone in the void, there must be something Meng Zhang is struggling to pursue on it.

   Whether it is a star map of a nearby star area or sufficient supplies, it can solve the current problems Meng Zhang is facing.

   The flying speed of this Void Battleship is extremely fast, even if Meng Zhang displays Void Shift, he can barely catch up with the opponent.

   As time goes by, Meng Zhang's consumption is getting bigger and bigger, and he is struggling to catch up.

   Meng Zhang carefully considered what kind of face he should appear, how to deal with the passengers on this void battleship, how to gain their trust, and how to get their help?

  If it is a last resort, Meng Zhang is not prepared to use violence easily to forcibly occupy this void warship.

   As soon as he came, his philosophy of dealing with things was not the kind of trouble-making, and everything was solved by violence.

  Secondly, this void battleship dared to trespass into the void alone. Most of it had the combat power of returning to the void, and Meng Zhang might not be able to beat the opponent.

   While Meng Zhang was thinking, a loud voice came into his ears.

   "Your Excellency, when are you going to follow? Could it be that your accomplices set an ambush in the front?"

   Before the words fell, two figures flew out of the void battleship, flying directly towards Meng Zhang.

   The flying speed of the Void Battleship also began to slowly slow down.

   An old man wearing a robe and Eguanbo belt was shouting to Meng Zhang.

   Another middle-aged man in black robe yelled unceremoniously from the side.

   "Old man, what are you talking about with this kid. In the opinion of the old man, this person is either a spy for a star thief or a running dog of those true gods."

   As for what a star thief is, Meng Zhang had heard of it when he was in Junchen Realm.

  In the void, some powerful guys, in groups, robbed and robbed passengers or ships in the void.

  This kind of guy is the so-called star thief.

   If the star thief is strong enough, he even dares to attack some big worlds with insufficient strength.

   For the vast majority of races in the void, Star Thieves are hateful locusts.

   Although Meng Zhang might not be afraid of the other party, he didn't want to put on a star thief hat inexplicably.

   You should know that in the void, the star thief has an extremely bad reputation, and is often wanted by various big worlds.

   As for the hats of true gods running dogs, Meng Zhang is even more respectful.

   "Two people, is there any misunderstanding? I am just a little monk who lives in the void, definitely not a star thief, and has nothing to do with any true god."

   Meng Zhang hurried to distinguish between words to avoid unnecessary conflicts.

   In the void, the voice cannot be transmitted, and ordinary people can't talk naturally.

   Only strong characters can force their own voices into the opponent's ears, or simply pass them within a certain range.

   At the same time that the other party's voice entered Meng Zhang's ears, Meng Zhang also had a small contact with the other party's divine mind.

  According to Meng Zhang's observation, the two of them in front of them are all powers of the Void Rebirth level.

   "It sounds good. Since it is not a star thief, and there is no collusion with the true god, why is your kid sneakily following behind."

   "Boy, don't think that you can hide from the old man by concealing your actions."

   "From the time you caught up with us and started tracking, the old man found your trace."

   Meng Zhang secretly said ashamed, he was still careless.

   What he thought was a secret action had already fallen into the eyes of the other party, and caused the scene of misunderstanding before Zhang was not afraid of the other party, but he was indeed innocent, and he was reluctant to go to war easily.

   Meng Zhang, who knew he was a bit wrong, lowered his posture and explained it honestly.

   In order to win the trust of others, he recounted his experience in detail.

   Of course, he still has a sense of what should be said and what should not be said in the middle.

   He mainly tells that in order to avoid the enemy, he rashly used the void to move, and finally fell into the void.

   It was pure coincidence that he encountered this void battleship, and it was definitely not a prior arrangement.

  Because he is not familiar with the nearby situation and has not enough supplies on his body, he tried to get close to this void battleship, hoping to ask for help.

   As for why he kept following behind, he was not malicious, but was unfamiliar with the situation, for fear of making any taboos.

  Meng Zhang's tone is very sincere, and everything he said is basically true, there is nothing to fabricate.

   The old man called "Gao Lao" listened very carefully and never interrupted Meng Zhang's narration.

   After Meng Zhang finished speaking, he had a thoughtful expression on his face.

   Although the black-robed old man still didn't believe in Meng Zhang, he temporarily calmed down and didn't rush to kill him.

   Among the two, the old man is obviously the one in charge.

   Although the black-robed old man was still hostile to Meng Zhang, he didn't act rashly, but went to ask the old man for his opinion.

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