The Way of the Immortal Master

Vol 2 Chapter 1840: Star thief

Meng Zhang is not unfamiliar with such a strange state, he has a feeling of deja vu.

   After this void warship passed through the wormhole, the people on it began to slowly return to normal.

   Meng Zhang carefully recalled that when he used the Void Shift, he entered and exited the anti-space many times. But every time, he only dared to enter the surface of the anti-space, and didn't dare to go deep.

   A little deeper, the feeling just now will appear, which makes him dispel the deeper thoughts.

   With his current cultivation base, he can't go too deep into the counter space, let alone touch the more secrets of the counter space.

   It seems that the so-called wormhole has a lot to do with anti-space.

   In the anti-space, there are many secrets, which he needs to explore slowly in the future.

   After leaving the wormhole, he was not far from the Qingyan Realm.

   Seeing that they were about to reach the Qingyan Realm, the many monks on board began to become excited and nervous.

   The main task of this void warship is to deliver supplies and reinforcements to the Qingyan Realm.

   After several great scholars and several true gods reached an agreement to let their subordinates take action and directly participate in the battle instead of them, Qingyan Realm soon became a killing battlefield, and the battle became more and more fierce.

   At the very beginning, several Confucian scholars only let their direct descendants participate in the war. With the increase in casualties and the expansion of the scale of the war, it is obviously difficult for them to deal with this branch alone.

   So, these Confucian masters first called out friends everywhere, looking for benefits to help out. Then he offered a high reward, soliciting monks from all sides to come and help.

   On this void battleship, the newly recruited monks were carried.

   They want to go to the front quickly to make up for the losses in the previous war.

   Among these monks, the origins are complicated. There are many Taoist monks and Confucian monks, and there are even strong men of other races besides the human race.

   While visiting the battleship, Meng Zhang discovered the powerhouses of the Spirit Race and the Barbarian Race.

  Spirit races and barbarians are large races with a large number of people, and they are distributed in many worlds in the void.

   There are spirit races and barbarians among the extraterritorial invaders who invaded Junchen Realm. This does not mean that Meng Zhang needs to treat spirit races and barbarians from other places as enemies.

   Actually, I have been in the void for a long time, especially those mercenaries who accept employment all the year round. I don’t have too many races and sects in my mind.

   There is only one point. In most cases, the demon monks and monsters are the public enemies of various creatures.

   After passing through the wormhole, Meng Zhang was still in his home to experience his previous feelings.

   Suddenly, he felt the sky spin, the earth in front of him began to vibrate violently, and the sky was also shaking endlessly.

   In the face of sudden changes, Meng Zhang did not panic.

   With his cultivation base, even if this void battleship is completely destroyed, he can still survive in the void safely.

  The occurrence of such a change is obviously an accident with the void battleship outside.

   Now that he has agreed to accept employment, it is natural that Meng Zhang can't stay out of the matter.

   He was about to contact Dong Fuzi, and the communication jade symbol he was carrying lit up.

   Confucius Dong used the communication jade talisman to send him a message, and the Void Battleship was suddenly attacked by a star thief.

   Meng Zhang has never seen a star thief, before he was misunderstood as a star thief by the old man and the black poison.

   Star Thieves are the public enemies of many great worlds in the void, hated by countless travelers who travel to and from the void.

   But many forces in the void have secretly colluded with the star thief.

   With curiosity, Meng Zhang quickly left the residence and went outside.

   As soon as he appeared, he met Master Dong who hurried over.

   The situation is urgent. Dong Fuzi didn't be polite with Meng Zhang, so he went directly to the topic and talked about the latest situation.

   There were a lot of Star Thieves coming this time, and there were a lot of strong ones, and they obviously had been ambushing around long ago, and they launched a surprise attack as soon as their own Void Warship appeared.

  Because there are also strong people of the Void Returning level among the enemies, they caught their own side by surprise at the beginning.

   In order to avoid damage to the Void Warship, Gao Fuzi and Black Poison Sanren have already gone to fight first.

   Master Dong came to call Meng Zhang, hoping that Meng Zhang would help him when he needed it.

   After all, Meng Zhang, as the third Void Returning Power on this Void Warship, his strength should not be ignored, and he might be able to reverse the situation of the battle.

   Still the same sentence, since Meng Zhang has agreed to accept employment, he will not be stingy with this little effort.

   He is not the kind of person who fears and avoids war, and it is not difficult to fight against star thief.

   Gao Lao and Hei Du Sanren have already taken action, and they are also worried about the damage to the Void Battleship, presumably the star thief who is attacking is not a general generation.

   Seeing Meng Zhang happily agreed to help, Dong Fuzi finally breathed a sigh of relief.

   Earlier, Star Thief suddenly struck. Before Gao Lao and Hei Du San Ren went out to fight, Hei Du San Ren suspected that Meng Zhang was the inner response of Star Thief.

   After all, the time when the Star Pirates came was too coincidental, shortly after Meng Zhang entered the void battleship.

   If Meng Zhang and the Star Pirates are in the same group, they come together inside and outside, and Meng Zhang launches destruction inside the Void Battleship, the consequences would be disastrous.

   Fortunately, at a critical moment, Gao Lao chose to believe in his own judgment and believed that Meng Zhang had not lied before.

  Meng Zhang's previous remarks were very detailed. During the process of communicating with the senior elders, he talked a lot about Jun Chen world.

   These things are too vivid, it is unlikely that Meng Zhang made up.

   The old man still has a lot of confidence in his knowledge of people.

   The old man believes that Meng Zhang is not an enemy. He and the black poison scattered people go out to meet the enemy first, and let Dong Fuzi go to communicate with Meng Zhang.

   After seeing Meng Zhang, Dong Fuzi finally determined that he was a friend and not an enemy.

   Master Dong led Meng Zhang to the exit of the Void Battleship.

   In this place, you can already see most of the battlefield.

   I saw a fleet of flying boats swarming from all directions, like locusts, desperately rushing towards their own Void Battleship.

   These flying boats are much smaller than their own Void Warships, but they are more flexible.

   These flying boats do not have the ability to travel long distances in the void, and most of them have no independent space inside, and can only be used for close combat in the void.

   Of course, the so-called close range is only a scale relative to the void.

   Actually, these flying boats can easily sail tens of millions of miles in the void.

  Many of those who can manipulate these flying boats to attack are primordial spirit level monks, and some Jindan level monks.

   If you want to survive in the void, you must at least have a golden core period of cultivation.

   Of course, the Golden Core cultivator cannot use the Void Movement, cannot travel long distances in the Void, and can only move in a small area.

   If you want to carry out maneuvering operations in the void, or carry out long-distance raids, at least you must be a monk of the Yuanshen stage.

   These flying boats in front of me are basically pure combat flying boats, dedicated to combat.

  According to the standards of Junchen Realm, these flying boats are all Tier 4 flying boats, and they can easily launch attacks at the primordial spirit level.

   Golden Core powerhouses can leapfrog and challenge the flying boat.

  A powerful soul who controls the flying boat can greatly save his own strength, and he can also issue a more powerful attack.

   Although the effect is not as great as the Void Warship, the power of attack is far less than that of the Void Warship.

   But there are many flying boats, which can play a great role in restraining.

   If the Void Battleship cannot destroy these flying ships in time, the flying ships will continue to consume their power, and even cause numerous wounds on the battleships.

   Flying boats are generally equipped with various powerful war tools.

   I saw these flying boats shooting out fire dragons with teeth and claws, fiery beams of light, sharp arrows...

   Various attacks enveloped a large area of ​​the surrounding space, almost blocking all the evasion routes of the Void Warship.

   This void battleship is huge, but its movements are not clumsy at all.

   The huge figure of the Void Battleship is maneuvering flexibly, trying to dodge all kinds of attacks.

   But due to the large number of flying boats, the attacks were too dense, and many attacks still accurately fell on the void battleship.

   A light shield rose from the hull of the void battleship.

   Many attacks fell on the mask, and there was no ripple.

   Of course, these attacks are not entirely meaningless.

   At least, these attacks will greatly consume the defensive power of the Void Warship.

   Void Battleship is not only beaten but not fight back, it will also launch a counterattack.

  Void battleship is equipped with a lot of powerful war tools, only need a little use, you can launch a powerful counterattack.

   With the void battleship as the center, a strong wave spread to all directions.

   Any flying boat touched by the fluctuations was immediately shattered.

  Many monks who were driving the flying boat had not had time to escape from the flying boat, and they were shattered along with the flying boat.

After    issued such an attack, the Void Battleship paused for a while.

   More flying boats from behind took the opportunity to jump over, seizing the opportunity to attack continuously.

  After some flying boats were destroyed, a lot of strong men flew out of them.

   Some of them entered other flying boats, and they simply cast spells directly, and continued to attack the void warship.

   The source of members of an organization like Star Pirates is very complicated.

   Taoist cultivators, Confucian scholars, and even Buddhist monks are all commonplace.

   What kind of monsters, barbarians, etc., let alone.

   Many notorious wanted criminals in the big world, desperate scum, will join Star Pirates.

  Even, in some star thief groups, there is no lack of ghost repairs and even demonic repairs.

   Now, hovering near this void battleship, the one who secretly looks at it is a great demon.

   If the flying boats that attacked the void warships before were just a disease of tinea and scabies, then this great demon is a real confidant.

   Although there are a large number of flying boats, they look aggressive, but they can only consume the power of the void warships, and at most severely damage them.

   If you want to completely sink this void warship, it will be difficult to double the number of such flying boats.

   Apart from anything else, there are so many powerful men aboard the flying boat, at a critical time, they will not sit and watch the void battleship be destroyed.

   But this big demon wandering nearby, not only has the ability to destroy the void battleship, but also can easily destroy most of the strong on the ship.

   A little farther away, Gao Lao and Hei Du San Ren are battling their opponents endlessly.

   The old man held a bamboo slip in his hand and read Confucian scriptures aloud in his mouth.

   A demon lord has already revealed his original form, and he is a huge two-headed strange bird.

   This two-headed strange bird pounced on Gao Lao many times, but was pushed away by golden rays of light.

   The continuous diffusion of these golden rays not only blocked the opponent's attack, but also suppressed the opponent in turn.

   Judging from the old man's ease, he has slowly begun to gain the upper hand.

   Black Poison Sanren’s opponent is a rare ghost repair.

   That was a thin old man wearing a big cloak and a gloomy face. He was holding a black flag in his hand and was fighting the black poisonous Sanren inextricably.

   In the Junchen Realm, the ghost cultivator is not too rare.

   But it is a ghost repair who can advance to the rebirth period, then Meng Zhang is unheard of.

   Ghost repair is not difficult to get started, but after entering the high-level, you have to face many challenges.

   The more advanced the ghost repair, the rarer it is.

   In a world dominated by human cultivators like Junchen Realm, the higher level will not allow ghost cultivators to easily appear in the rebirth period.

   It was the first time to see Meng Zhang who was ghost repairing in the rebirth period with his own eyes, and couldn't help but look at him a few more times.

   Gao Lao and Hei Du San Ren were temporarily restrained by opponents of the same level. Not only were it difficult to take care of this side, but also did not discover the crisis in time.

   Although the Void Battleship can exert the combat effectiveness of the Void Returning level, it is impossible to truly beat the Void Returning level power.

   What's more, the opponent is the Great Demon of the Demon Dao, whose strength is much stronger than the general Void Returning Power.

   Judging from the arrangement of the opponents, they were well prepared.

   Not only did they know the route of this void warship, they were able to accurately set up an ambush here.

   and also arranged enough power to easily destroy this void warship to destroy the reinforcements and supplies on it.

   It is also the seniors who were lucky, they met Meng Zhang on the way, and accepted Meng Zhang's joining.

   Meng Zhang had a lot of dealings with the big demon, and the demon repairs and monsters killed were incalculable.

   Meng Zhang was the first to spot the big demon secretly wandering nearby, and roughly judged the opponent's strength.

   If the opponent is the kind of great demon who has condensed the level of heaven and earth, Meng Zhang will leave everything here and immediately run away, no matter how far away.

   But based on his observations and years of experience in fighting against the devil's path, the strength of that great demon is far from reaching that level of irresistibility.

   Although the strength of the Great Demon is often stronger than the general Void Rebirth Power, Meng Zhang is not an ordinary Void Rebirth Comprehensionist.

   Since he was stationed in the void battlefield, after refining the source crystals obtained from the source sea, he has asked himself that he is not weaker than those senior Void-returning powers.

  Don't look at him when he faced the big demon who incarnate in the blood river, he looked vulnerable.

   But that is because the enemy is too strong, and the situation is unfavorable.

   If you are really driven to a desperate situation, you have to fight the great demon incarnate in the blood river, even if Meng Zhang loses, he will bite off a piece of his opponent.

   Meng Zhang, who was full of hatred for the Great Demon, just happened to find a hidden Great Demon, new and old hatred immediately flooded his heart.

   I can't help the guy who is incarnate in the blood river, and he will be afraid that a sneaky guy like you will fail.

   I have to leave you a deep lesson.

   Meng Zhang was secretly ruthless in his heart.

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