The Way of the Immortal Master

Vol 2 Chapter 1841: Hit hard

After Meng Zhang discovered the secret great demon, he didn't rush to do it, but first told Master Dong next to him.

Dong Fuzi heard that there was a great demon hiding nearby, his face changed greatly in fright, and Hua Rong turned pale.

As a Confucian monk, she is no stranger to the horror of the Great Demon.

The great demon will not only demonize Taoist practitioners, but also Confucianism and Buddhist monks.

Many of Dong Fuzi's sects fell into the hands of Demon Dao.

But Dong Fuzi was also a primordial cultivator at any rate, and soon calmed down and asked Meng Zhang how to deal with it.

Judging from the current situation in the field, there is only Meng Zhang who has not taken a shot, and there is still room to deal with this hidden monster.

Meng Zhang gave Dong Fuzi a few words, asking her to communicate with the monk who is driving this void battleship, so that she can cooperate in the next battle.

The Void Battleship is capable of launching Void-Returning-level attacks anyway. If used properly, in the next battle between Meng Zhang and the Great Demon, it can more or less play a role in dragging.

Although Meng Zhang didn't fear this great demon, he wouldn't have the slightest desire to underestimate the enemy.

He will use all the power he can use to strive for advantages in all aspects.

Meng Zhang used a secret technique to temporarily achieve the effect of connecting himself and Dong Fuzi.

The two can communicate with each other in their hearts to facilitate the next battle.

After Dong Fuzi communicated with the monk who was driving the Void Warship, he temporarily obtained the command of the Void Warship.

Dong Fuzi was able to be sent by the senior to receive Meng Zhang, not only because of her good cultivation skills and exquisite thoughts, but also because of her high status on this battleship, which can meet many of Meng Zhang's requirements.

After everything was prepared, Meng Zhang did not rush to make a move, but silently waited for the opportunity.

Numerous flying boats launched a siege on this void warship from all directions.

Among them, also mixed with all kinds of star thief.

These Star Thieves, who came from different cultivation systems and even had different races, were able to cooperate tacitly to give full play to their combat effectiveness.

In order to deal with the siege, this void warship consumed a lot of power.

At this time, a strong man flew out of a flying boat, roared in the void, and then turned into a giant with a height of thousands of feet.

This is a barbarian, and it is a strong man at the level of the sun **** among the barbarians.

This strong barbarian launched an impact in the void, facing the attack of the void battleship, and rushed to the void battleship.

He waved a pair of huge fists, and hit the void battleship fiercely.

Although there was a burst of light on the hull of the void battleship in time, blocking his huge fists.

However, the terrifying force still repulsed the Void Battleship, making it difficult to maintain its balance, and kept retreating towards the rear. Minus

The huge hull of the Void Battleship is constantly rolling, trying to maintain balance.

At the same time, several thick beams of light shot out from the void battleship, which beat the barbarian strong back again and again.

The big demon, who had been hiding in the dark and wandering around for a long time, finally waited for his chance.

The big demon's figure appeared silently beside the void battleship.

This great demon did not directly force an attack.

He tried to infiltrate his own power into the void battleship, demonize the many masters in it, and try his best to take the void battleship completely.

For the big devil, a void battleship is a very good trophy.

Whether it's for personal use or for sale, it's totally fine.

Just as this great demon was about to use the magic path secret method, a sharp sword light spurted out of the void.

Meng Zhang sacrificed the Chiyin Sword and displayed his long-prepared Hidden Killing Sword. He violently attacked his opponent by surprise.

Before this operation, the Star Pirates had obtained accurate information and had a clear understanding of the internal situation of this void warship.

The only two Void-Returning-level abilities above the Void Battleship, Elder Gao and Black Poison Sanren, have been entangled.

According to the plan, this great demon can launch a surprise attack on this void warship without an opponent of the same tier.

Out of caution, this great demon didn't rush his hands. Instead, he hid it and waited for a while before he found a chance for a sneak attack.

But just as he was about to do it, he was attacked by Meng Zhang.

The Hidden Killing Sword was originally a sword of assassination, which contained the power of Tao Yun.

As a flying sword of magic weapon series, Chiyin Sword Sha is very powerful.

In the face of the sneak attack, even though the great demon had no precautions in advance, he still responded in time.

I saw his figure suddenly turned into a dark curtain, which in turn enveloped Meng Zhang.

There was nothing in the void, emptiness and darkness, nothingness. Sacrifice as Sacrifice as

Some monks with extraordinary vision can see distant stars at the right place and timing.

But these stars are so weak that they are better than nothing.

The dark scene transformed by the great demon suddenly expanded, firmly enveloping a large area of ​​the surrounding space.

Meng Zhang felt the darkness before his eyes. Not only was his five senses blinded immediately, but he also lost the sense of the spirit that he released, and suddenly became blind or deaf...

Meng Zhang didn't have the slightest panic and still continued to operate the silent killing sword.

The fierce sword light suddenly pierced the surrounding shady, and a series of insidious sword evils directly fell on the body of the great demon.

The void battleship that was originally the target of the Great Demon sneak attack, at this time, under the guidance of Meng Zhang, also began to counterattack.

One after another huge golden letters flew out of the battleship, like hills, rushing directly to the great demon.

Due to Meng Zhang's restraint, it was difficult for this great demon to dodge directly.

After the black curtain transformed by the great demon was stained with golden text, his movements became much slower.

Meng Zhang seized the opportunity to display a killer skill, the yin and yang extinction divine thunder he comprehended by himself.

Since comprehending this magical power of thunder, Meng Zhang has never used it when confronting an enemy.

On the one hand, even though this is the magical power of thunder that he has comprehended on his own, it still takes a lot of time and energy to slowly improve and cultivate.

Secondly, because this thunder magical power almost exhausted the yin and yang changes, it was very consistent with his major practice, and it was so powerful that he was treated as a hole card and he didn't want to expose it easily.

This time I came to a strange place, and the others around didn't know his true details. Mi He Mi

He met the big demon he hated the most, and he just had a target to practice his hands. Through actual combat, he could test the power of this thunder magical power.

I saw that all other forces around him were repelled away, leaving only the yin and yang to linger.

The yin and yang entangled and hovered, thunder shining, and the entire void was shaken.

The shady scene of the great demon was suddenly blasted to pieces.

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