The Way of the Immortal Master

Vol 2 Chapter 1842: arrival

The main target of this yin and yang extinction divine thunder was the great demon, but its powerful aftermath brought many other results.

Many flying boats around were affected by the aftermath and were blown up one after another.

Even the strong barbarian of the Yang God level, after stabilizing his figure, originally planned to fly over and continue to attack the void battleship.

But he was out of luck. Just as his figure approached this side, the power of the yin and yang extinction **** thunder broke out, and he was just wiped out.

In a fight against the Void Returning level, the strong Yang Shen didn't have much room to intervene.

The Junchen Realm cultivators have various methods, and the Yang Shenqi cultivators do not have a strange treasure in their hands, and they are not much better than the ants in the face of the Void Returning Power, let alone a barbaric clan.

汜豜汜. The barbarian screamed, the huge half of his body disappeared suddenly, and the remaining half of his body was thrown away half-dead.

The aftermath of the yin and yang extinction **** thunder is so terrifying, the result of the big demon as the main target of the attack can be imagined.

The great demon is the great demon, even if he was seriously injured, his strong vitality still saved his life.

A group of black shadows quickly fled to the distance, and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

Meng Zhang had the idea of ​​doing everything possible to eliminate evil, trying to completely kill this great demon.

You know, he made a sneak attack this time, and the cooperation of the void battleship, taking advantage of his lack of preparation, achieved such a result.

If this great demon escapes this time and recovers, it will be somewhat of a problem in the future.

Meng Zhang was preparing to continue chasing the big demon, but the flying boats around, and many powerful men at the primordial spirit level, suddenly seemed to be crazy, regardless of life and death, or even a posture of death, and rushed towards Meng Zhang frantically. .

Even though these are no different from ants in Meng Zhang's eyes, there are more ants, which is more or less a trouble.

Meng Zhang waved the Chi Yin sword evil spirit, the sky full of sword light flashed, and all the flying boats and the like that rushed over were shattered.

But after a little delay like this, the big demon had already escaped without a trace.

The Void Returning-level battle broke out here, and the Gao Lao and Black Poison Sanren over there were naturally alarmed long ago.

Elder Gao secretly cried out in his heart, knowing that this time he was in an ambush by the enemy, maybe this void battleship would be completely ruined here.

He made an all-out effort, trying to push back the two-headed strange bird that entangled him, and went to reinforce it.

He did not expect that Meng Zhang was so powerful that he would defeat the great demon all at once.

If it weren't for the fact that the power fluctuations just now were true, the old man could not help but wonder if he had hallucinations.

Before the big demon escaped, he didn't notify his companions.

Among these star thief, many people were secretly moved by him.

In order to cover his escape, he did not hesitate to urge the secret method to let these star thief take the initiative to die, desperately entangled Meng Zhang.

The two-headed strange bird and the ghost cultivator are both cunning people, always paying attention to the surrounding battles.

Seeing the big demon escape, they knew that the situation was not good, they also tried their best to escape from the battle and escaped here.

Elder Gao was worried about the situation of the Void Warship, so he didn't want to pursue it.

The Black Poison Sanren also failed to entangle that ghost repair.

Many of the flying boats that had besieged the Void Battleship had also fled here one after another.

After the opponent fled, Gao Lao and Hei Du Sanren managed to escape and returned to the Void Battleship.

Although Meng Zhang had shown great power before and defeated the lurking great demon, Old Man Gao was worried that the star thief had any tricks, and he gave priority to guarding the void battleship.

Meng Zhang killed a lot of star thief around him.

For groups like Star Pirates, he will not show any mercy to his subordinates.

Relying on the cultivation base of crushing the enemy, he even manifested a powerful hand and captured a lot of flying boats.

Smaller mosquito legs are meat.

Meng Zhang, who has been living in the void for many years, is afraid of poverty. Seeing that it is cheap, I am absolutely unwilling to let it go easily.

In the end, with the exception of the three Void Returning Powers who managed to escape, most of the team sent by the Star Pirates fell into the hands of Meng Zhang.

After confirming that there were no other threats around, Old Man Gao personally took Meng Zhang back to the void battleship.

After this battle, Meng Zhang is considered to have presented a certificate of fame, and the old man trusts Meng Zhang even more.

You must know that the powerful and materials carried on this Void Battleship are very important to the battle for the Qingyan Realm.

If you lose these things, you don't know how much time and energy it will take to make up for them even with the elders' ability.

Gao's attitude towards Meng Zhang became more enthusiastic.

In order to thank Meng Zhang for this shot, he gave a big gift.

That was a huge amount of Jade Qing Lingji, and there were also a few bottles of pills that could be used to regain the Void.

From this moment on, Meng Zhang had officially entered the war.

As an employer, the senior elders will begin to pay Meng Zhang.

According to the price negotiated by the two parties, the Jade Ching Chrysanthemum provided by Gao Lao barely meets the needs of Meng Zhang's daily practice.

During the conversation, Meng Zhang asked about the origins of these star pirates, why can they set up an ambush here so accurately?

For Meng Zhang's first question, Gao Lao readily gave the answer.

This star thief group was originally active in the area near the Qingyan Realm.

After several great Confucian scholars and true gods came to Qingyan Realm one after another, they fled here long ago.

After all, no matter it was these great Confucian scholars or true gods, with their hands up, this group of star thief could be destroyed.

Now this star thief group appears here, ambushing the Confucian void, then most of them were hired by the true gods, or they were simply incorporated.

Sacrifice such as sacrifice such as. That Gui Xiu claimed to be a Lishun Daoist, and that two-headed strange bird was called a Two-headed Demon Lord, and they were all high-ranking stars of this star thief.

As for the great demon, Elder Gao hadn't seen it before.

Either it was a hidden hole card of the Star Thieves group, or it was a thug sent by a few true gods.

As for why these star thief could set ambush accurately, Gao Lao didn't know the reason yet.

However, he told Meng Zhang that after he completed this mission, he would fully investigate the matter.

According to Meng Zhang's guess, the enemy's ability to obtain such accurate information is mostly due to internal problems.

Meng Zhang knew that the problems he could think of, Elder Gao could also think of, so he didn't say much.

Meng Zhang showed enough strength, and then naturally enjoyed better treatment.

On the contrary, the fellow Hei Du Sanren, who couldn't understand Meng Zhang from the beginning, now also keeps a distance from Meng Zhang.

This void battleship consumed a lot of power in the battle, but the body was not injured.

After the battle, after a short break, the Void Warship was on the road again.

The place where they were ambushed was not far from their destination.

Next, after about five days of sailing, this void warship finally arrived at its destination.

Mi He Mi. This made the old man who was worried all the way, and finally heaved a sigh of relief.

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