The Way of the Immortal Master

Vol 2 Chapter 1843: Mingxinhui

The destination of this void battleship is not the Qingyan realm, but a void fortress outside the Qingyan realm.

   In the void outside the Qingyan realm, this group of Confucian monks built three void fortresses.

  According to the plan of this group of people, these three void fortresses were their base in the void and the starting point for their offensive when vying for control of the Qingyan realm.

   When the Qingyan realm is fully controlled in the future, these three void fortresses are the barriers to guard the Qingyan realm.

   This void battleship is docked at the largest void fortress.

   It is said that when these void fortresses were built, this group of Confucian monks invested a lot of resources.

   Especially the largest void fortress. During the construction process, several great Confucian scholars of the true immortal level all showed great efforts.

   This void battleship is like a hill, already a huge body.

   But in front of this void fortress, it is simply not worth mentioning.

   Seen from a distance, a huge spherical fortress, like an asteroid, just stands in the void.

   The Void Battleship is anchored in the port outside the Void Fortress, and the monks carried inside will leave the battleship in an organized manner. After inspection, they can enter the fortress.

   Then, a Celebrity was dispatched from inside the fort and began to carry all kinds of goods this time.

   Inside the Void Fortress, there is an independent small world. It is divided into many different areas with their own functions.

   Gao Lao and Dong Fuzi are not the first time to enter this fortress.

   Gao Lao rushed to report to the high-level stationed in the fort, and let Dong Fuzi be responsible for the resettlement of Meng Zhang.

   Master Dong's cultivation is probably at the level of the late Yuanshen, and it is not particularly outstanding.

   You have to know that most of the masters hired from outside in the past are of the primordial spirit level, and many of them are capable of returning to the void.

   Inside the fortress, there are many foundation-building and Jindan-level monks.

   Master Dong has a normal cultivation level, but his status is not low.

   After she entered the fortress, people kept taking the initiative to greet her, including many Yangshen-level powerhouses.

   Master Dong saw Meng Zhang's face full of curiosity, and guessed that it was probably the first time he saw such a void fortress.

   In order to satisfy Meng Zhang's curiosity, Dong Fuzi led Meng Zhang around many places inside the fortress and introduced him in detail.

   To some extent, the Void Fortress is a Void Warship that has been enlarged many times.

   Of course, such a void fortress is so powerful and powerful that it can be blocked even in the face of a joint attack by multiple Void Rebirth Powers.

   Inside the fort, there are many different areas.

   Confucius Dong focused on introducing for Meng Zhang some places he will come into contact with next.

   There is a task hall dedicated to publishing tasks. After the hired completes the task, he submits the task here in exchange for rewards.

   There is a general affairs hall where you can receive your daily salary, and you can exchange various items here with your military merits.


  Because of the large number of monks from all parties who have been recruited and hired, there is even a large-scale trading market here.

  The monks can sell their loot here.

   Fuzi Dong's introduction is very detailed. Of course, the real core area of ​​the Void Fortress is a forbidden area. Even Fuzi Dong is not qualified to enter at will, let alone outsiders.

   Fuzi Dong only gave a general introduction to Meng Zhang, and would not easily reveal too many secrets and inside information.

   Meng Zhang has not seen a similar void fortress in Junchen Realm for so many years.

  The strongholds built by the monks of Junchen Realm in the void are mostly built on existing meteorites.

   Even Junchen Realm's main defense system relies on the special existence of Nine Heavens.

   I don't know if the Junchen Realm cultivator is incapable of building a void fortress, or if he doesn't think it is necessary to build it.

   Meng Zhang was led by Dong Fuzi to stroll around, fully satisfying his curiosity.

   Of course, he just satisfies his curiosity and has no more ideas.

   Taiyimen cannot even build a void battleship, let alone set foot in a void fortress.

   Based on his own observations and Dong Fuzi's introduction, Meng Zhang has an intuitive understanding of the void fortress.

   Finally, Dong Fuzi led Meng Zhang to his residence.

   This is an independent space divided from the small world inside the Void Fortress. It is not only much larger than Meng Zhang’s residence on the Void Battleship, but also has excellent conditions in all aspects.

   This is a rolling mountain range, with a large plain at the foot of the mountain range, with rivers and lakes.

  Don't say that it is Meng Zhang alone, even a small sect, which can be settled.

   Many magnificent palaces have been built between the tallest mountains.

   Inside these palaces, there is ample supply of aura, which can meet most of Meng Zhang's needs.

  Meng Zhang carefully felt that the blessed land just built by Taiyimen was almost at this level.

   has ample aura here, in his daily practice, it can greatly save the consumption of Yuqing Spirit.

   Soon after Meng Zhang was settled, the senior man came to visit Meng Zhang again.

   Gao Lao led Meng Zhang to visit the senior Confucian monks stationed in the fortress.

  According to the agreement reached by the two of them before, and perfecting a lot of details, Meng Zhang officially began to accept employment.

   For the power of returning to the void, the remuneration for employment is generous and the constraints are relatively small.

   The high level of this branch of Confucianism has issued many tasks in the task hall. In this way, the strong from all sides are encouraged to actively participate in the battle and strive to eliminate the men of several true gods.

   Most of these tasks are mainly voluntary.

   Of course, every once in a while, high-level officials will release some compulsive tasks, forcing everyone to participate and not being allowed to refuse.

   The branch of Confucianism where Gao Lao and them belong is called Mingxinhui within Confucianism.

   After a long time, this name spread slowly, and many outsiders also called them this branch.

  Mingxinhui is a small branch among the many branches of Confucianism.

   There is no great Confucian at the level of immortality, the strongest is the great Confucian at the level of true immortal.

   The several big Confucian scholars who presided over the Mingxin Meeting were very high-spirited and full of ambitions.

   For many years, Mingxinhui has been tirelessly spreading Confucianism to the world and training Confucian monks.

   This time, they are enemies with a few true gods, competing for the Qingyan Realm.

   Several arrogant Confucian scholars are unwilling to ask for help from their colleagues, they want to rely on their own strength to win the Qingyan Realm.

  Of course, Mingxin knows its own power, including the financial resources of Mingxinhui, and the high-level connections of Mingxinhui...

   Therefore, in addition to mobilizing its own monks, Mingxinhui also called for friends from the top to find good monks from all walks of life. On the other hand, it is to offer high rewards and hire powerful people from all walks of life.

  Know yourself and the enemy before you can survive a hundred battles.

   When Meng Zhang communicated with Gao Lao, he asked the enemy many times.

   On this issue, Elder Gao didn't hide it much.

   Several enemy true gods have very strong powers, and they have a big world controlled by themselves.

   There are a large number of believers under them, many of whom are strong.

   In addition, they have also hired a lot of powerful people from all walks of life, and they have repeatedly recruited friends to help.

   This time, the Void Battleship was attacked by a group of star thief on the road, which shows that several true gods have also recruited star thief forces for their own use.

   In the void outside the Qingyan Realm, several true gods have also built a void fortress, so that they can confront Mingxinhui for a long time.

   The goal of the two sides is the Qingyan Realm.

   But in order to protect the Qingyan Realm, both sides deliberately controlled the intensity and scale of the battle within the Qingyan Realm.

   After all, so far, both sides are full of confidence in capturing the Qingyan Realm and are unwilling to destroy it too much.

   In the long-term battle, the two sides reached a lot of tacit understanding.

  Mingxinhui’s Confucian scholars preached in the Qingyan world and cultivated their own sphere of influence.

   Several true gods also spread their beliefs in the Qingyan Realm, develop believers vigorously, and establish a powerful force.

   Large-scale battles often erupt between the forces established by the two sides in the Qingyan Realm.

   Of course, these battles dominated by the natives of the Qingyan Realm will not be too high.

   In order to help one's own forces fight, the void fortresses of both sides will continuously send out strong men of the primordial spirit level to participate in the battle in the Qingyan realm.

  The fighting between the two sides has been going on for hundreds of years, with numerous casualties, but there has been no final victory or defeat.

   Sometimes, one party has the upper hand, but the situation is quickly reversed.

   In short, both sides are currently in a long and protracted battle, and no one can see the hope of victory.

   In addition to the battle within the Qingyan realm, the two sides will also entangle their strengths and start a series of battles in the void.

  The battle in the void is the time for the Void Returning Powers to show their talents.

   Meng Zhang knew that his main battlefield should be in the void outside the Qingyan Realm.

   What Meng Zhang wants to know most is how many imaginary powers of heaven, earth and law are available to both the enemy and us, and what opponents need special attention?

   Gao Lao told Meng Zhang that among the powers of returning to the void of the two sides participating in the war, there were very few levels of heaven, earth and law.

   Take the cultivator as an example, the cultivator who has cultivated the phenomena of heaven and earth is not far away from becoming immortal and attaining Dao.

   Their main thoughts are on how to break through the realm of real immortality, and they are no longer willing to participate in all kinds of unnecessary battles.

   If you want to hire such a power, ordinary foreign objects are basically useless, and you must have the kind of treasure that helps them break through the real immortal to be able to impress them.

   There are such treasures, and Mingxin knows that they don’t use them enough, so I don’t want to use them to hire others.

  Is it not good to use this kind of treasure to train one's own direct monks? Why use it for others?

   If you don’t pay a sufficient price, of course you can’t hire a strong person at this level.

   But in Junchen Realm, the situation is very special.

   Because several true immortals cast spells together thousands of years ago, they affected the world rules of Junchen Realm.

   During their sleep for thousands of years, the rules of heaven and earth in Junchen Realm prevented the birth of true immortals.

   The highest realm that Junchen realm monks can cultivate to is the power of returning to the void by cultivating the phenomena of heaven and earth.

   Accumulated over a long period of time, Jun Chen Realm has so many powers of returning to the void by cultivating the phenomena of heaven and earth.

   And Mingxin Hui didn't have this problem here, the cultivators in the Hui had the strength and opportunity to break through to the real immortal level, and regardless of success or failure, they would try hard.

   Even if many people fail to break through and die, they still cannot stop the newcomers from succeeding.

   After all, among the many losers, there are always individual winners.

   is not like Junchen Realm, all the cultivators who try to break through the realm of real immortality will die without life and all fail.

   Ming Xinhui and a few true gods, there are only a handful of Heaven-Earth-Dharma-phase-level rebirth powers who have come to the battlefield.

   They usually sit in the Void Fortress most of the time, and rarely participate directly in the war.

  The main opponent that Meng Zhang needs to deal with is the general reversal power.

  Of course, there are many masters among these rebirth powers.

  Especially some of the veteran reversal powers, so powerful and difficult to entangle.

   Meng Zhang didn't tell Gao Lao his true age, let alone the time it took him to break through various realms.

  According to Meng Zhang’s strength, especially his ability to defeat the intractable monster, the senior judged that Meng Zhang’s advancement has been in vain for many years and he is an out-and-out veteran.

   Although Gao Lao judged Meng Zhang's age wrongly, his judgement of Meng Zhang's strength was quite accurate.

  The fighting between the two sides has lasted for so many years, and Mingxin will use various methods to send many Void-Returning-level powers to the battlefield here.

   But a master of Meng Zhang's level is still relatively rare.

   Senior Gao introduced to Meng Zhang in detail the strong in the enemy camp, the methods they are good at, and so on.

  Since Meng Zhang showed strong enough strength, of course he got the attention of seniors.

   The old man also counted on Meng Zhang to kill more powerful enemies on the battlefield and make more contributions.

   As the person who hired Meng Zhang, he can naturally get a share of the credit.

   Although he gave Meng Zhang a detailed introduction to the enemy and us, after all, Meng Zhang is a newcomer to Dong Fuzi has fought here for many years, not only has entered the Qingyan realm for many times, but has also been fighting in the void for many years.

   She followed the Void Battleship back and forth this time, which was also considered a break.

   The senior still arranged for Dong Fuzi to continue to serve Meng Zhang and help Meng Zhang to familiarize himself with the situation here as soon as possible.

   It's impossible to waste time and energy on trivial things like Meng Zhang's powerful ability to return to the emptiness.

   Many things that are not too important, Meng Zhang is also happy to leave Fuzi Dong to do.

   Anyway, it seems that Dong Fuzi is not low in the Mingxinhui, and should be trusted.

   In the previous battle with Star Thieves, Meng Zhang not only destroyed many flying boats and killed many enemies, but also captured many flying boats and prisoners.

  All the trophies were collected by Meng Zhang into his mustard space.

   Meng Zhang’s mustard seed space is large enough to hold these trophies.

   Those prisoners were imprisoned for their cultivation, so they were imprisoned.

   Although Taiyimen has been able to manufacture Tier 4 flying boats, both the output and the quality are very mediocre.

   After knowing that there was a trading market in this void fortress, Meng Zhang selected a group of prisoners and asked Dong Fuzi to help them bring them to the trading market to sell them in exchange for the Jade Chrysanthemum.

   These captives are either at the Golden Core level or the Primordial Spirit level, which is still very useful.

   Not to mention evil monks, but righteous monks, there are many ways to make good use of them.

   There is a bottom line for Mingxin to act, and there is no hiring monk.

   However, they can't control things like trading captives.

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