The Way of the Immortal Master

Vol 2 Chapter 1844: Speed ​​Shenzhou

Meng Zhang stretched his body and sighed deeply, feeling that his fatigue for many days had been relieved.

It has been almost twenty years since Meng Zhang came to this void fortress.

It was almost the same time that he accepted the employment of Mingxinhui and fought the men of several true gods.

Meng Zhang felt deeply that the task of Mingxinhui was really not easy.

In these two decades, apart from completing a few tasks selected by his own family, most of his time was spent on completing the mandatory tasks of Mingxinhui.

Among them, many of them were forcibly called up to participate in the battle between the two.

The scale of the battle in the void is very large, and the intensity is extremely strong.

He has participated in many battles between the Void Rebirth Power, and there are times when he wins and there are times when he loses.

He has injured his opponents and wounded himself several times.

The Confucian scholars here at Mingxinhui still have a bottom line.

This is also because Confucianism has always regarded itself as an upright and upright leader, and a bunch of big Confucianists all want face.

Mingxinhui didn't make any effort to solicit those sidemen with too bad reputations.

As for Ghost Dao and Demon Dao monks, they will not have anything to do with them.

But on the side of several true gods, there are all kinds of monsters, ghosts and snake gods.

The Zuo Dao monk who hates ghosts, the notorious Star Thieves group, and even the public enemy Demon Monk in the cultivation world...

As long as they are valuable in use, several true gods will spend their energy to attract them.

Meng Zhang's participation in this battle was also an eye-opener, and he was able to fight against the strong from all sides.

With ample supply of resources, Meng Zhang's cultivation base is still growing rapidly even if his cultivation time is severely insufficient.

Meng Zhang originally had a good combat effectiveness.

In the long and high-intensity battle, he got a lot of exercise and made great progress.

Meng Zhang not only defeated and injured many powerful players of the same rank, but also killed two opponents of the same rank.

A demon master was beheaded by him with Chi Yin Sword.

A Zuodao monk was bombarded and killed by the **** of extinction by him.

Even if other cultivation systems are capable of returning to the void, it is not as difficult to kill as a Taoist practitioner.

But the Void-Returning Power often has a lot of cards to save life, rich experience, strong vitality, not so easy to kill.

In twenty years, Meng Zhang killed two opponents of the same rank, and his active performance on the battlefield made him instantly famous and became a well-known figure on the battlefield.

You know, although the two sides have fought for so many years, the cultivators of the Yuanshen and even the Yangshen level have been killed and injured from time to time, but it is still relatively rare that the Void Returning Power can suffer casualties.

In many cases, even within a few decades, there may not be a case of returning to the virtual world and falling.

Meng Zhang's performance was so dazzling, it immediately attracted the attention and attention of the strong men on both sides.

As a result, he suddenly had a lot of trouble.

When he appeared on the battlefield, several true gods' subordinates would send selected strong men to stare at him, entangle him, and prevent him from gaining further results.

Meng Zhang's fighting power is strong, and among the powers of returning to the virtual world, he can be regarded as a strong one among the best.

However, there is still a big gap between being invincible in the world and sweeping the same level.

Once entangled by a specially selected enemy, he will have to fall into a long and bitter battle, and it will be difficult for him to achieve greater results.

Meng Zhang accepts the senior elder's employment, in addition to desperate and hope to get help from him, he also has the intention of doing more meritorious service and redeeming the needed items with his military merits.

He is now being watched by the enemy, and it is naturally difficult to obtain more combat exploits.

In his own camp, Meng Zhang would welcome some jealous eyes from time to time.

Meng Zhang was too busy at first, and his vision became higher.

He has been here for almost twenty years, but apart from the old man, he hasn't made friends with strong people of the same rank, and at most he has gotten acquainted with one or two guys.

Meng Zhang didn't care about this.

He didn't come to this place to make friends.

As long as there is no obstruction to his business, he doesn't care much about how others view him.

It was the enemy's approach that caused him a little more trouble.

Meng Zhang secretly planned to think about how to get rid of the current situation.

At this moment, a loud voice came in from outside his residence.

Meng Zhang didn't want to meet the guests at this time, but he couldn't ignore the other party.

With a look of helplessness, Meng Zhang personally welcomed the guest in and greeted him into a huge palace.

This guest was a sincere monk from the Mo family's return period, and one of the few old acquaintances of Meng Zhang.

The Mohist family has a long heritage and is well-known for its ability to manufacture various institutions.

Mohist and Confucianism have a close relationship, and there are many contacts between members of the two sides.

This time Mingxin will fight against several true gods, and several great Confucian scholars are unwilling to ask for help from other branches of the same sect, but look at the Mohist school.

Among the many branches of the Mohist family, the public transport family is considered to be a very powerful one.

Even the strong man in the public defeat family has held the position of the head of the Mo family many times.

Mingxinhui has been in friendship with the public loser family for many years, and it can be called a traditional ally.

The public loser family was one of the first forces that responded to the invitation of the Mingxin Society and came to fight in the Qingyan Realm.

As the power of rebirth and sincerity, among the Mohist monks participating in the war, his status is very high.

In the past few years, Gong Shucheng and the other saint named Di Likai forged an unresolvable feud.

Over the years, it has spent countless experiences and paid a great price in public losses, and has been trying to kill Di Likai.

But the opponent was too tenacious, and all his many efforts failed.

Just when he was frustrated, Meng Zhang came to this battlefield, actively participated in the war, and showed strong combat effectiveness during the war.

Especially after Meng Zhang killed a demon master and a side monk, Gongzucheng was very excited, and finally he took the initiative to come to the door.

Gongzhucheng asked Meng Zhang to help him kill the saint Di Likai, and afterwards he would give Meng Zhang a satisfactory reward.

A saint is often one of the most important believers of a true God.

The saints themselves are very powerful has many strange things.

When needed, the saints can even call the true gods of their own faith to come.

At that time, the enemy of the saint will face a true **** who can rival the true immortal.

Meng Zhang, who was unwilling to make extravagances, was originally prepared to refuse the request for fairness and sincerity.

But when Gongzucheng offered the reward he had prepared long ago, Meng Zhang quickly changed his mind and was willing to kill Di Likai.

Meng Zhang changed so quickly, of course, because the sincerity shown by the fair and honest, the treasures he took out were too precious.

This treasure is the extremely fast Shenzhou carefully crafted by the masters of the Mo family.

Speed ​​Shenzhou can go to the sky, travel through the void, and travel between various big worlds.

This extremely fast Shenzhou spent countless resources of public losers and dispatched many family master craftsmen to make the final success.

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