The Way of the Immortal Master

Vol 2 Chapter 1845: intelligence

Speed ​​Shenzhou was built using the Mohist institution technique, and it was an out-and-out high-level institution creation.

To manipulate such a mechanism creation, you don't need to be too advanced in cultivation, even the true primordial soul can easily impose it.

For Meng Zhang, to travel long distances in the void with his body is an exhausting task.

If he wants to return to Junchen Realm, he will inevitably sail in the void for many years.

With this extremely fast Shenzhou, his journey can be greatly shortened, saving his energy and resources consumed.

Although this speed Shenzhou is not like a void warship, it has a huge independent space inside, which can carry a large number of creatures for void travel.

However, this extremely fast Shenzhou is known for its speed and is especially suitable for long-distance sailing by a few people.

On this extremely fast Shenzhou, a star map was specially carved.

This star map covers a wide area and contains a lot of precious information.

Both the speed Shenzhou itself and the star map are what Meng Zhang urgently needs.

Therefore, Meng Zhang agreed to the request of public loss and sincerity, and killed Di Likai, the saint, in exchange for the speed Shenzhou.

But some time ago, although Meng Zhang had encountered Di Likai several times on the battlefield, he had never had the opportunity to punish each other.

Even the two sides had no chance to fight directly.

As soon as Meng Zhang appeared on the battlefield, he was caught in a fight with a powerful enemy, and he couldn't distract him at all.

In a blink of an eye, three years have passed, and there was almost no progress in Meng Zhang's killing of Di Likai.

It stands to reason that you shouldn’t be anxious if you have a sincere cultivation base and a state of mind.

I don't know why, this guy came to urge Meng Zhang several times, making Meng Zhang a little annoyed.

If it weren't for the generous rewards offered by fairness and honesty, he had the intention to give up.

Just after going through a big battle, and not long after returning to his home, Gongzhucheng was like a debt collector, and he hurried to catch up with the door. Meng Zhang felt a bit angry in his heart.

However, thinking of the importance of speed Shenzhou, Meng Zhang still suppressed his anger and invited in sincerity.

As soon as the two sides met, Meng Zhang did not expect it to be sincere. The old saying was repeated, and he continued to urge Meng Zhang to kill Di Likai.

It's not that Meng Zhang doesn't want to try his best, but that he has now become the enemy's key defense object. Every time I played, I was entangled by a dedicated opponent.

Meng Zhang has long explained this truth to Gongzuo. But after listening to Gongzucheng, he was still so anxious.

Meng Zhang sighed in his heart, ready to explain again. But at this time, Gong Shucheng interrupted his words.

Gongzhucheng told Meng Zhang that he had been trying to solve Meng Zhang's difficulties.

After this period of hard work, he already has news about Di Likai's whereabouts.

This time, he will act together with Meng Zhang to kill Di Likai together.

Of course, because he provided important information, Di Likai's spoils must be divided into half, and he must be selected first.

Meng Zhang was slightly taken aback when he heard the words of sincerity.

He didn't expect that the news of the public loss of sincerity would be so clear, that he would be able to figure out the whereabouts of the other saint.

Meng Zhang has been here for so long, and he is no longer a little white who doesn't know anything.

Because of his outstanding performance on the battlefield and his outstanding achievements, Mingxinhui's senior officials placed more and more trust in him and paid more and more attention to him.

Through Dong Fuzi, Meng Zhang learned a lot of precious information.

Among them, he knew that Mingxinhui and True God had sent spies to each other's camp to spy on each other's intelligence.

In addition to dispatching direct descendants to participate in the war, the two sides also aggressively recruited strong men from other sources.

Despite careful selection in advance and a lot of re-examination, outsiders are outsiders after all.

No one knows how many enemy spies have been mixed into these outsiders who helped the punches?

Some hidden shallow guys were found out early.

But those guys who are deeply hidden are still hidden in the camps of both sides.

These spies provided a large amount of intelligence to both sides, causing serious consequences.

Among other things, Meng Zhang was ambushed by the Star Pirates group on the way to here on the Void Battleship. It must have been a spy who had leaked the information and gave the enemy a chance.

Afterwards, the senior elder said that he would strictly investigate.

As for the result, Meng Zhang still doesn't know.

After all, Meng Zhang is also an outsider. Although he has gained some trust, he still cannot participate in the real high-level secrets.

However, the situation of public transfer of sincerity is completely different from that of Meng Zhang.

Whether it is the traditional friendship between Mohist and Confucianism, or the long-term alliance relationship between the public transport family and the Mingxinhui. As an important member of the public transmission family, the public transmission will be trusted and valued enough by Mingxin Association.

The institutional creations made by the public transport family are very important to Mingxin Society.

Mingxinhui often purchases a large number of various institutional creations from public transport families.

It is said that Mingxin will obtain the technology to build the void battleship, and will get a lot of help from the public loser family.

Gongzhucheng himself is in the Mingxinhui, and has many friends and contacts.

It is not impossible to obtain the whereabouts of the enemy Saint Di Likai if you pay a sufficient price in exchange for the help of Mingxinhui's intelligence system

The public transport family has the ability to build institutions, and the combat effectiveness is not weak.

Gongzucheng is a well-known master craftsman within the Gongzu family, but is not known for its combat effectiveness.

If he fights alone, he is probably not Di Likai's opponent, let alone kill the opponent.

He asked for help from outside, and Meng Zhang was easy to understand.

However, Gongzhucheng did not seek the help of family members, nor did it seek the help of the close Mingxinhui monk. Instead, it asked an outsider like Meng Zhang for help, which is worthy of fun.

Of course Meng Zhang knew that Gongzhucheng hadn't told him all the truth, and he must have concealed something.

But Meng Zhang's purpose was to exchange for the speed Shenzhou. As for other disputes, disputes and interests, he didn't bother to bother about it.

Meng Zhang only stayed here temporarily, as long as he completed the employment task and got what he wanted, Meng Zhang would leave.

After leaving Jun Chen Realm for so many years, I don't know what's going on there?

I've been living in the void for so many years, I don't know how the senior officials of Tiangong have reacted?

Since Meng Zhang won't stay here for a long time, he naturally didn't bother to bother too much.

What's more, after later understanding the details of the public loser family, Meng Zhang has the heart to make a good faith in the public loser family, and then catch the line of the public loser family.

The technology of the public loser family to build a void battleship is far above the Mingxinhui.

The various organ creations created by the Mohist school, including the Void Battleship, are well-known in Void Worlds and are widely sought after by all forces.

As long as it is not too dangerous and the information provided by Gongzhucheng is reliable, Meng Zhang is still willing to agree to his request and take him to kill the Saint Di Likai.

As for trivial matters such as the distribution of trophies, Meng Zhang didn't take it seriously.

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