The Way of the Immortal Master

Vol 2 Chapter 1847: Chase

After the flying boat was loaded, the huge flying boat left its original position and flew towards the sky.

Meng Zhang hid his figure, followed behind the flying boat, and flew high.

The cultivation base of public transport is much inferior. In order to avoid exposing his deeds, he followed Meng Zhang.

Generally speaking, in addition to self-cultivation, these true gods believers can often get the power of the true god.

On the surface, their strength is not weak, and their methods are diverse.

But the power bestowed by the true gods is not something they can cultivate. In terms of transportation, they have always struggled to be handy.

As a saint, Di Likai should logically be at the same level as a cultivator during the rebirth period.

But if he really wants him to fight against those who have a good foundation, he really may not be able to beat the opponent.

As for the fairness and honesty, most of his skills are above the creation of various organs, and frontal combat is really not his specialty.

According to Gong Shucheng, he and Di Likai are half a catty, and their fighting strength is similar.

Based on this intelligence judgment, Meng Zhang was confident enough to kill Di Likai.

After these years of training, Meng Zhang is already a strong man in the Void Return, with the strength to kill opponents of the same level.

The flying boat in front of it did not stop, and passed directly through the Gangfeng layer into the void.

At this moment, Meng Zhang and Gongzucheng, who had been secretly following behind, accelerated all of a sudden, and didn't care about revealing their deeds.

According to Meng Zhang's plan, when the target leaves the Gangfeng layer and just enters the void, it is the best time to do it.

As a result, this has left the Qingyan realm, and has not destroyed the tacit understanding between the two warring parties.

Secondly, there is a process of transformation from the ferocious and biting Gangfeng layer into the empty void. Not only will the speed and state of the flying boat be affected to a certain extent, the ordinary monks who drive the flying boat will also be in a trance.

Thirdly, whether this place is from the enemy's void fortress or the enemy's important stronghold in Junchen Realm, there is a certain distance.

Even if Di Likai sends out a distress signal, he may not be able to get support in time.

As long as Meng Zhang and Gong Shucheng move fast enough, they can successfully leave the battlefield before the enemy's reinforcements arrive.

Seeing the opportunity came, neither Meng Zhang nor Gong Shucheng had the slightest hesitation, and immediately proceeded according to the original plan.

Meng Zhang condensed a huge vitality hand, and suddenly grasped the flying boat that was flying at high speed.

The monk on the flying boat reacted quickly, and the huge body of the flying boat suddenly used force, and suddenly broke away from the vitality hand.

However, just after a while, the Gong Yicheng who followed Meng Zhang not only caught up, but also seized the opportunity to shoot.

I saw a giant cannon flying out of Gong Shucheng, standing on top of his head, and suddenly firing.

A fire dragon spouted from the muzzle of the cannon, and it caught up with the flying boat like lightning, just hitting the middle part of it.

As the car of the saint Di Likai, this flying boat is the finest among Tier 4 flying boats, with extremely powerful defenses.

But after being hit by this cannon, Feizhou's body flickered with flames, and was directly blown to pieces.

This flying boat and everything carried on the flying boat were almost gone.

Among the fragments that the flying boat was flying in all directions, a figure flew out quickly and was about to flee here immediately.

Di Likai is a very cautious guy with an unusually conservative behavior.

Suddenly encountering an enemy's ambush, the enemy clearly exploded out of the power of returning to the virtual level. The first choice he made was not to stay and fight with the enemy, but to escape from here as soon as possible.

Di Likai escaped quickly, and Meng Zhang pursued faster.

Meng Zhang sacrificed the Chiyin sword and the evil spirit, the human sword was unified, and it turned into a sword light and flew past.

Di Likai noticed that the chasing soldiers were approaching.

He twisted his body, faced the flying sword light, and yelled: "Set."

The sword light transformed by Meng Zhang stagnated for a while, and then continued to fly forward.

"The magical powers that speak with the law, have a little meaning."

Meng Zhang, who was pursuing the enemy, couldn't help but mutter to himself.

Speaking freely, and speaking out in your mouth, you can mobilize the power of the great world and achieve your own goals.

Such supernatural powers are often the favorites of true gods.

Not only is it powerful, but it is also full.

For the true god, just a word can change the world, change the color of the world, and let the enemy bind his hands.

As an important believer of True God Tie Lao, Di Likai is certainly good at such supernatural powers.

If there is a true **** here, Meng Zhang may still be really hard to break free.

But Di Likai, a mere mere mouth, has not been able to control Meng Zhang with his mouth alone.

Seeing that the enemy was not affected much, he continued to fly towards him, Di Likai's hands were sealed, and a huge golden beam of light descended from the sky and directly landed on Meng Zhang.

The golden beam of light turned into a cage, temporarily confining the sword light turned by Meng Zhang.

There was no idleness behind Meng Zhang. After destroying the flying boat with one blow, he continued to attack Di Likai.

A palm-sized statue flew out of This statue shook for a while, turned into a fierce golden giant, and rushed towards Di Likai.

Di Likai continued to attract golden beams of light and turned into another cage, trapping the giant temporarily.

Taking advantage of Di Likai's overwhelming opportunity, a giant crossbow appeared in Gong Shucheng's hand.

He aimed at the target and pulled the trigger, a flash of red light shot out, directly at Di Likai.

Di Likai hurriedly blocked the red light.

At this time, the sword light transformed by Meng Zhang broke free from the cage and finally flew in front of Di Likai.

Di Likai just felt that wherever he could touch his eyes, there were sharp sword lights and cold swords.

He was very embarrassed to block Meng Zhang's blow.

The sword light transformed by Meng Zhang displayed extremely clever swordsmanship and magical powers, constantly launching fierce attacks.

However, after resisting for a while, Di Likai had several wounds on his body.

He moved from left to right, feeling almost overwhelmed.

Meng Zhang attacked too fiercely, leaving him only to parry but not to fight back.

Meng Zhang was wrapped so tightly that he didn't have the slightest chance to get out.

In the distance, Gongzucheng took out several organ creations in a row, and constantly attacked Di Likai, actively cooperating with Meng Zhang in battle.

Although it was the first time Meng Zhang and Gong Shucheng had cooperated in combat, they were both capable of returning to the void after all, and there was no shortage of fighting awareness and combat experience that they should have.

Faced with a Meng Zhang alone, Di Likai couldn't stand it anymore, let alone a fair and sincere cooperation.

Di Likai knew that before long, he would be completely defeated and killed by the enemy.

But all creatures have the desire to survive, and they don't want to die in vain.

In desperate circumstances, he had to perform the last resort, only to seek survival from death.

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