The Way of the Immortal Master

Vol 2 Chapter 1848: Iron Prison God

The big ultimate move that Di Likai displayed was the technique of God's surrender.

The practice of Shinto monks is mainly divided into two systems.

A system is self-reliant, pursuing the way of becoming a **** by oneself.

In this process, we must face all kinds of dangers and challenges alone.

Another system is to become a believer of a certain true **** like Di Likai.

On the path of spiritual practice, you will be blessed by the gods.

Of course, the sanctuary of the gods is not without cost.

The gods generally only shelter their believers.

Believe in a certain **** wholeheartedly, over time, you will lose yourself and become a puppet of the gods.

Believers of the gods will also be promoted step by step by pleasing the gods.

A saint like Di Likai is almost the top existence among the believers of the gods.

One step further is to be canonized by the gods as subordinate gods.

It's just that not all gods have the ability to subordinate to gods.

Even a **** with this ability will not easily be canonized from a god.

Di Likai has not been a short time since he became a saint, and he has long been immersed in the divine power of the iron prison **** he believed in.

Slowly, his body and soul were affected by the divine power, and he began to passively transform.

Especially his body became more and more adapted to the power of True God Tie Lao.

When needed, it will become a container for the true power and even the soul of the iron prison.

The so-called deity descending technique is to allow the true **** of one's own faith to penetrate a wisp of distraction and a large amount of divine power, penetrate the barrier of distant space, and descend into one's own body.

Once the technique of descending the gods is successfully performed, Di Likai is equivalent to becoming a clone of the true **** of iron prison he believes in.

He not only possesses the divine power of a god, but also possesses the combat experience and consciousness of the true **** Tie Lao.

Of course, the technique of God's surrender cannot be easily performed.

Every time you use it, you need to pay a huge price.

After the display, Di Likai will peel off his skin without dying.

If his background is not enough and his accumulation is not enough, he will die when the magic of God's surrender is over.

If he had to be forced to desperate situation, Di Likai would never use the technique of God's surrender.

If you rashly use the technique of surrender, you will even commit a felony blasphemy.

Now, facing the two powerful enemies of Meng Zhang and Gong Shucheng, Di Likai has no choice but to use the technique of God's surrender and seek survival from the dead.

When Meng Zhang fought against the barbarians, the Great Chief Wolfhawk, who believed in the **** of mixed spirits, used the technique of surrendering the gods.

However, within the Junchen Realm, the divine power that the Hunling Venerable God descended would be greatly weakened.

After coming here, on the battlefield of the void, some of the enemy saints have also performed the magic of God's surrender.

Although Meng Zhang has never fought alone with such a saint, he still has a good experience of the power of the magic of the gods.

As for fairness and sincerity, it is even more familiar to the Shinto monks.

As soon as Di Likai started to use the magic of God's surrender, Meng Zhang and Gongzucheng stepped up their hands, trying to interrupt the enemy's spellcasting.

Several true gods have been paying attention to the situation around Qingyan Realm. Once Di Likai casts the spell, he will definitely get the attention of the true **** Tie Lao he believes in.

With his identity as a holy person, the gods will most likely respond to his call and lower his divine power.

Some of the sages who have successfully performed the technique of God descending can even contend with the cultivators who have cultivated the phenomena of heaven and earth during the rebirth period.

Even if Di Likai could not reach this level, after his strength greatly increased, Meng Zhang and Gongzucheng would not be able to keep him.

Therefore, Meng Zhang and Gong Shucheng would not help him to cast a spell successfully.

Di Likai was intercepted here alone, and his subordinates had been wiped out with the flying boat a long time ago, and there was no one to cover him.

It is really difficult for him to perform the technique of surrender under the eyes of Meng Zhang and Gong Shucheng.

However, Di Likai, who knew he had nowhere to go, could be regarded as going out.

Di Likai omitted the tedious process of praising True God Tie Lao, and directly began to ask True God Tie Lao to lower his power.

In order to stop Meng Zhang and the public losing sincerity, he did not hesitate to pay a huge price.

Di Likai, who was distracted to cast spells, had a word in his mouth, trying to stop Meng Zhang and Gongzucheng's attack.

The sword light flashed, and Di Likai's left arm was cut off by the sword light.

He didn't even frown, and continued to use the secret technique.

The giant crossbow in Gongzucheng's hand shot out a red light, opening a big hole in Di Likai's body.

This guy is also a ruthless person, even though he was seriously injured and in pain, he still didn't stop casting spells.

In addition to the caster's performance, the caster also depends on the attitude of the gods that the caster prays for.

The few true gods who have been antagonizing Mingxinhui will not be stingy to lower their divine power for believers when they need it.

When Di Likai just started to cast the spell, he was aware of the true **** of iron prison he believed in.

Even for a true **** with a great family and great deeds, the saints are precious treasures that are rare and cannot be easily lost.

If it weren't for the agreement with a few great scholars, seeing his own saint being hunted down, the true **** Tie Lao might have personally helped him.

In order to save himself, Di Likai had to use the technique of surrender.

If it is to perform the technique of surrendering the gods on weekdays, there is an extremely cumbersome process, and even sacrifices are required to please the gods of faith.

When Di Likai fell into the wind, he was unable to perform those cumbersome processes. The True God Tie Lao not only tolerated it, but also hurriedly lowered his divine power and began to strengthen Di Likai.

Seeing that Di Likai had just started casting spells, his aura changed.

He was filled with a sacred and vast aura, and his strength was rising steadily.

"Mad, this is cheating."

Meng Zhang and Gong Shucheng scolded almost in unison.

This is the special feature of Shinto.

Borrowing the special connection between the gods and the believers, the gods can reasonably strengthen the believers, and they have not violated the agreement with several great Confucian scholars.

Of course, if the gods do this, they will have a lot of trouble.

There is no long process as a buffer in the middle, and the gods directly cast a large amount of divine power to Di Likai, and the damage to him is not shallow.

Divine power will continue to destroy his body and erode his soul...

Over time, Di Likai will completely lose himself, be assimilated by divine power, and become a part of Tie Lao's true divine power.

Even if he survived this level, he would suffer irreparable damage.

At this time, Meng Zhanghe's public defeat was too hard to overcome. Di Likai must be shot to death immediately, interrupting the process of Tie Lao True God's divine power.

If Di Likai dies and loses the container of the divine power, the divine power of the true **** Tie Lao will naturally not be able to descend here.

Limited to the agreement between him and a few great scholars, he couldn't make a direct shot.

The sword light that Meng Zhang had transformed was so prosperous that he vowed to kill Di Likai immediately.

Di Likai's body was radiant, and there was an indescribable majesty in the whole person.

Behind Di Likai, there was a looming vague shadow.

Di Likai's entire body was almost swallowed by the golden light.

Both Meng Zhang and the public sincerity not far away seemed to feel that they were trapped in a huge prison, imprisoned, and lost all their freedom.

The sword light transformed by Meng Zhang rushed from left to right, striving to break through this prison.

The public transfer is even more of a variety of organ creations, full firepower, and full attack on this prison.

Due to his own physical disability and severe injuries, even if the true God of Tie Lao deliberately restrained, Di Likai still could not withstand the coming of too strong divine power.

The magic of the descent was successfully performed, but the descent of the magical power was limited.

Di Likai's consciousness began to blur, and then slowly disappeared, replaced by the consciousness of Tie Lao True God, and began to dominate his body.

Although Di Likai is a devout believer, he deliberately gave up his sense of resistance.

But as a free and independent creature, his soul still instinctively resisted the divine power erosion of True God Tie Lao.

If it's normal days, the consciousness that True God Tie Lao is mingled with in the divine power, has enough means, and these resistance consciousness can be easily settled.

But now the enemy is taking the lead, and it is too urgent, there is not enough time for Tie Lao True God's consciousness to solve the problem.

Meng Zhang controlled the Chi Yin Sword Sha, and once again broke through the blockade of the cage.

A sword light disappeared not far in front of Di Likai, revealing Meng Zhang's figure.

Without saying a word, Meng Zhang immediately displayed the yin and yang extinction **** thunder.

Two air currents, one black and one white, rubbed in the air, accompanied by the rumble of thunder, dazzling lightning appeared.

A thunder method such as the Yin and Yang Extinction God Lei not only has a miraculous effect on demons and ghosts, but also can suppress the divine power of the gods and shock all kinds of gods and souls.

Di Likai's spirit has long lost consciousness, but in the face of the power of Yin and Yang's extinction, he is still trembling instinctively.

Even the wisp of Tie Lao True God's consciousness that had just arrived in his body gave birth to a feeling of retreat in front of such a magnificent Thunder Fa.

The terrifying power of thunder and lightning suddenly descended on Di Likai.

The golden phantom behind Di Likai, under the bombardment of the yin and yang extinction divine thunder, collapsed as soon as it was touched, and was instantly destroyed.

Di Likai's body wrapped in golden light, under the constant bombardment of thunder and lightning, directly turned into countless golden lights and dissipated.

Di Likai's body and soul were all wiped out under the yin and yang extinction divine thunder.

Whether it was the divine power that the true **** Tie Lao dropped, or the ray of consciousness mixed in the divine power, it naturally disappeared.

However, the consciousness of the true **** is extremely tough.

Even a trivial strand of consciousness persisted for a short period of time.

It was this short period of time that was enough for this strand of consciousness to transmit the information back to the true **** Tie Lao.

Although he completed the task and successfully killed Di Likai, Meng Zhang felt his heart sank, and he was suddenly filled with heavy pressure, which made him almost breathless.

Meng Zhang knew in his heart that he was being targeted by True God Tie Lao.

If it hadn't been for an agreement with a few great Confucian scholars, maybe the true God of Tie Lao had come directly and killed Meng Zhang and Gong Shucheng on the spot.

Meng Zhang has offended even the devil, so he is afraid of a true god.

As long as True God Tie Lao didn't directly attack him, he would have nothing to worry about.

At most, True God Tie Lao will order his followers to attack Meng Zhang.

In this regard, Meng Zhang should have improved his combat experience.

Soon after Di Likai's soul was destroyed, a blue light flew out from where he was originally.

It was originally the same as Meng Zhang, because he was under the eyes of Tie Lao True God, and felt the pressure of Gong Yicheng, so he flew over and put the blue light into his hands.

Judging from his reaction, he was clearly prepared and knew in advance that this scene would happen.

Originally, Di Likai was shattered by the yin and yang extinction **** thunder, and Meng Zhang thought that everything on his body would be wiped out.

The distribution of trophies that have been negotiated with the public in advance will definitely be invalidated.

Meng Zhang did not expect that there would be such a case.

Although Gongzhucheng quickly collected the cyan light, Meng Zhang still sensed a ray of breath.

Of course, relying on this breath alone, Meng Zhang hadn't guessed what it was for the time being.

According to the spoils distribution plan agreed by the two in advance, after the killing of Di Likai, the two would each take half of the spoils, but they had to let the fair lose first.

The purpose of Meng Zhangzhu's killing of Di Likai was for the speed of the Shenzhou, and also for the good faith.

He doesn't care much about ordinary trophies.

But even though he didn't care about the spoils, he still had to look like he wouldn't give up easily.

It is said in advance that half of the trophies are for one person, and let you pick first, but it is not for you to take advantage of the benefits alone.

In the realm of comprehension, carelessness is the norm.

We still have to strive for the benefits that we should strive for.

You pretend to be generous and give up your own interests, either by others as stupid, or by others as having ulterior motives.

Besides, Meng Zhang has been living in the void for so many is not well-off.

After completing the employment task, he will return to Junchen Realm.

Along the way, all kinds of consumption are huge.

Do a little more preparation in advance and you will save a lot of trouble on the road.

After Gongzucheng received the cyan light, facing Meng Zhang's gaze, a few unnatural expressions appeared on his face.

Meng Zhang's combat power is amazing. Of course, he is not willing to offend easily, and he wants to maintain a close relationship with him.

Maybe he would ask Meng Zhang for help again.

Although Meng Zhang won't turn his face with him here, let alone kill people and win treasures, he still needs to show his sincerity.

Now that the task has been completed, Gongzucheng happily took out the speed Shenzhou and handed it to Meng Zhang.

When Speed ​​Shenzhou is not in use, it can be transformed into the size of a palm.

Meng Zhang happily fulfilled the agreement even though his face was full of reluctance, and he nodded involuntarily.

This guy is quite convinced, and there is no worst-case scenario.

In order to make up for the loss of Meng Zhang's spoils, Gongzhucheng handed over a piece of jade slip to Meng Zhang.

The jade slip records the detailed manufacturing method of a certain type of void warship.

There are many ways to build the void battleship mastered by the public loser family, and some of them are very high-end models.

This is only the most backward model among them, and is almost obsolete.

But for Meng Zhang, he finally achieved his wish for many years and achieved his goal.

Having mastered the manufacturing method of the Void Battleship, he didn't need to spend his military exploits to exchange it with Mingxinhui.

This helped him get rid of his dependence on Mingxinhui.

To be honest, none of the trophies on Di Likai's body are so precious.

Meng Zhang has received unexpected benefits.

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