The Way of the Immortal Master

Vol 2 Chapter 1849: as a result of

Meng Zhang is not a fool. Gongzucheng said that he had an enmity with Di Likai, so he asked him to help kill this person.

However, judging from the situation just now, Gongzhucheng obviously paid more attention to the cyan light, and that was his true purpose.

Moreover, Gongzucheng finally gave out the refining method of the Void Battleship, which clearly meant to buy him.

You know, although the void battleship is not rare among the major forces in the void, it is not something that all cats and dogs can have.

The forces located in the big world, with the void battleship, can better explore the void and collect resources in the void.

When necessary, the forces with the void warships can also travel long distances in the void by virtue of the void warships to migrate between different worlds.

If there is no void warship, many places will be controlled by others, and the further development of the entire force will be restricted.

For Taiyimen, the void battleship has great strategic significance.

In the Junchen Realm, due to the intentional blockade of the sects of the sacred land, few cultivation forces have the ability to build void warships.

With the refining method of the void battleship, the accumulation of the ether gate will sooner or later create the void battleship.

This not only helps Taiyimen break the blockade of the sacred sects, but also leaves a way out for Taiyimen.

Meng Zhang has obtained such a great benefit from public loss and sincerity, so naturally he is too lazy to ask more, let alone take care of his personal affairs.

Meng Zhang is not a greedy person, but a person of acquaintance.

Now that the benefits have been gained, there is no need to make extravagances.

Regardless of the true purpose of the impartiality and sincerity, what is his calculation, anyway, Meng Zhang will leave here soon, and everything here has nothing to do with Meng Zhang.

Meng Zhang expressed his own meaning between words, and the public defeat was indeed very satisfied.

Although Meng Zhang is an outsider, his combat effectiveness is not weak.

If not necessary, Gongzucheng is unwilling to engage in evil with him.

The current situation is very happy.

The public sincerity has achieved its goal, so naturally it won't stay here for long.

Together with Meng Zhang, he quickly left here and returned to the void fortress of Mingxinhui.

Soon after Meng Zhang and Gong Shucheng left, a gang of reinforcements from the true gods rushed to the place where Di Likai had fallen.

Unfortunately, the battle here has long since ended, and they have not caught up with anything.

After returning to the Void Fortress, Meng Zhang really kept his promise and said nothing about the killing of Di Likai.

Originally, Meng Zhang killed the saint of the true **** of Iron Prison, and he could go to the General Affairs Hall to receive military exploits and exchange them for various rewards.

A saint of true **** is still worth a lot of military exploits.

But when Meng Zhang did what he said, he assumed that there was no such thing.

Of course, Meng Zhang didn't take the initiative to publicize the matter, and he gave up receiving military exploits, and it was impossible to keep the matter completely confidential.

He did this just to show an attitude to the public sincerity, showing that he believed in his words and would not continue to entangle on this matter.

Meng Zhang did not expect that his killing of Di Likai would cause him a lot of trouble in the follow-up.

When Meng Zhang killed Di Likai, he was in a state of surrender.

His body was not only filled with the divine power that True God Tie Lao had lowered, but also a ray of consciousness of True God Tie Lao.

Tie Lao really remembered both Meng Zhang and Gong Yicheng.

Especially Meng Zhang, who was regarded as the target of quickness after he wanted to punish him.

The deity of True God Tie Lao did not spend much effort to figure out the identity of Meng Zhang.

But it was a foreign cultivator hired by Mingxinhui who dared to kill his important believers, offended his dignity, and caused him heavy losses. This is really lifeless.

True God Tie Lao issued a killing order, requiring his followers to kill Meng Zhang and use his flesh and blood and soul to worship himself.

Among these few true gods, the strength of the believers of the true **** Tie Lao is relatively strong.

In addition to the many saints under the command of True God Tie Lao, there are also many strong men who have defected to him.

Some villains who do a lot of evil and have nowhere to find a place in the various big worlds, when they are desperate, turn to the gods and become believers and thugs of the gods, which can be regarded as a feasible way out.

The gods shelter them, and they naturally also serve the gods.

In order to fight against Mingxinhui this time, several true gods originally hired powerful people from all sides to participate in the war.

For these hired foreign powerhouses, the management methods of the two parties are similar.

Soon, in the camps of several true gods, someone issued a task, offered a high reward, and offered a reward to arrest Meng Zhang.

Due to the mutual penetration of the two camps, the news that Meng Zhang killed Di Likai and was offered a reward by the followers of the True God of Iron Prison quickly spread among the two camps.

In the previous battles, among the foreign powerhouses hired by the Mingxinhui side, there were also cases where the enemy saints were killed.

Although the True God camp would react fiercely afterwards, the attention paid to Meng Zhang was still a little bit extraordinary.

Next, Meng Zhang quickly felt the consequences of this incident.

After returning to the Void Fortress, he rested for a period of time before being forcibly called up again and participated in the frontal battle between the two camps.

Meng Zhang couldn't help but complain about this in his heart.

Mingxinhui's remuneration is really not in vain.

Mingxinhui really hopes to fully squeeze out the value of the foreign strong hired and use them to the fullest.

Complaining and complaining, Meng Zhang still set foot on the battlefield honestly.

This time, shortly after the start of the war, the True God camp sent a carefully selected team to besieged and killed Meng Zhang.

This team, desperately, went deep into the enemy camp and rushed to Meng Zhang.

Meng Zhang quickly fell into the siege of several Void Returning level powerhouses.

Fortunately, Meng Zhang was tough enough to resist the siege of many powerful men.

Mingxin will be on one side, and will not watch Meng Zhang being besieged like this.

Meng Zhang has long proven himself on the battlefield, is one of the thugs who know how to be effective, and has great value in use.

With the timely assistance of his companions, Meng Zhang finally got rid of the danger.

Although he suffered some serious injuries, his life was not affected.

After the war, Meng Zhang knew the whole story.

There is no way, even if Meng Zhang knows that the enemy is specifically targeting him, he can't be afraid to avoid fighting.

Mingxin hired him to let him play on the battlefield, so naturally he would not give up on letting him go on the battlefield.

Before completing the agreement with Mingxinhui, Meng Zhang must abide by the agreement and accept employment.

The only thing Meng Zhang can do is to be more careful and try to avoid falling into enemy traps.

In the subsequent wars, every time Meng Zhang participated in the war, he was besieged by a special team.

Meng Zhang was in danger almost every time, and finally escaped.

In addition to this large-scale frontal battle, Meng Zhang left the void fortress several times, wanting to complete some single-player missions of his own choosing.

Every time he left the Void Fortress, he was either ambushed by the enemy or almost stepped into a trap.

With his keen sensitivity and good combat effectiveness, Meng Zhang was able to escape successfully every time.

However, Meng Zhang, who had escaped from the dead, had to interrupt these tasks in order to avoid continuing to take risks.

In his current situation, when he is not participating in the war, it is best to stay in the void fortress and never go out at will.

Although Mingxinhui and the true gods both sent spies to the opposing camp to conduct fierce intelligence wars.

But so far, in such a dark battle, the true **** has the upper hand and can obtain more enemy intelligence, but his own intelligence has not leaked too much.

This kind of thing, even the high-level Mingxinhui can do nothing, let alone Meng Zhang.

Because of being deliberately targeted by the enemy, Meng Zhang had a hard time.

He gave up to accept the task, so naturally he couldn't get more combat exploits.

Fortunately, his main purpose, in exchange for the refining method of the void battleship, has been perfectly achieved.

His current military exploits are mainly used in exchange for various resources and spent on the way back to Junchen Realm.

Anyway, every once in a while, the Mingxinhui high-level officials will issue mandatory tasks, forcibly recruiting monks to participate in frontal battles.

Na Meng Zhang gave up accepting the task, and did not completely cut off the source of the exploits.

On the battlefield of the frontal battle, Meng Zhang, who was deliberately targeted by the enemy, was surrounded by dangers, but he was basically able to reduce the dangers.

In such a frontal battle, the two sides are basically evenly matched, and the fight is inseparable.

Even if the true **** has the upper hand occasionally, it can't completely wipe out or inflict heavy damage on the enemy.

It is also very difficult to kill or capture a designated enemy monk.

Especially after the top of Mingxinhui knew the enemy's intentions. During the war, they did not hesitate to use Meng Zhang as a bait to lure the enemy's strong team into aggressively, and then besieged them.

In this process, Meng Zhang made a lot of credit, taking the opportunity to obtain some results, wounding and even killing some strong enemy.

But in this way, the True God camp became even more angry and hated towards Meng Zhang.

During the war, Meng Zhang not only felt malicious eyes peeping at him, but on several occasions, he even sensed the gaze of the true god.

Meng Zhang believed that if it hadn't been restrained by the real celestial confucian of Mingxinhui, the true **** Tie Lao would really attack him directly regardless of his identity.

With the accomplishment of each of his goals, with the speed of Shenzhou, he has accumulated a lot of cultivation resources used on the road, Meng Zhang has no intention to stay here for a long time, and his heart has a desire to go.

For Meng Zhang, this battle is not his war.

The sole purpose of his participation in the war was to complete the agreement with the old man and obtain what he wanted from Mingxin.

In addition, out of Taoist practitioners' aversion to Shinto, he doesn't mind punishing opponents and opposing Shinto.

Now, because of the fair deal, his goal has basically been achieved.

The resources exchanged from Mingxinhui should almost be enough.

Even if it is not enough on the road, after leaving here, he can still go to other star areas to obtain resources.

Seeing that the agreed employment time was about to end, Meng Zhang began to become low-key, trying to avoid attracting the enemy's attention and trying to spend the remaining time safely.

When he was free, apart from practicing, Meng Zhang also tried to study the methods he obtained to refine the void battleship.

In order to refine the void battleship, in addition to investing a large amount of resources, many of which are rare heaven and earth treasures, but also a large number of refiners and mechanical divisions.

The best thing is to have a Tier 5 refining master and mechanism master to take action.

Among the Taiyi Sect, even the cultivator in the Void Return Period is temporarily only Meng Zhang alone, not to mention the Tier 5 organist and refiner.

Although Meng Zhang has left Taiyimen for many years, he is not clear about the latest situation in Taiyimen.

However, according to the development speed of Taiyimen, even if everything goes smoothly, no matter how fast it develops, it is impossible to make a breakthrough in this area.

If there were no Tier 5 refining masters and mechanism masters to take action, then more manpower and material resources would need to be invested, and the chance of success in refining would also be greatly reduced.

Soon after Meng Zhang became the head of the Taiyi Sect, he began to focus on training various production monks in the sect.

After so many years, significant results have also been achieved.

Up and down the Taiyi Gate, they all attach great importance to the production monks in all aspects.

In all fields, Taiyimen has not weak production capacity.

The Void Battleship is not an ordinary flying boat, no matter the difficulty of refining or the consumption, it far exceeds the Tier 4 flying boat.

If you really want to classify it, even the worst void warships are all Tier 5 organ creations.

Meng Zhang himself is not a professional engineer or craftsman.

But he has a wide range of knowledge, knows all kinds of occupations, and knows a lot of relevant knowledge.

If Meng Zhang is willing, he can fully play the role of a low-level refining master and mechanism master when needed.

After he began to study the refining methods of the Void Battleship, he tried to use the knowledge he had mastered to gain a deeper understanding.

The refining method provided by Gongzucheng, although only the Gongzu family almost eliminated the Void Warship model.

But if the finished void battleship can be refined and taken to Junchen Realm, it is definitely a top-level existence, and it is even enough to crush the void battleship currently owned by Junchen Realm.

The inheritance of the Immortal Dao in Junchen Realm is said to come from the Spiritual Sky Immortal Realm.

In the final analysis, it was just a few immortals who entangled and opened up the Junchen Realm. After the preaching of Junchen Realm, the current situation came into being.

Whether it is the Mohist school or the public transport family, not only are they famous for their organ skills, but they also have immortals.

Compared with Jun Chen Realm's Comprehension Realm, no matter which aspect it has a great advantage.

Among the several immortals who pioneered Junchen Realm, no one was good at organizing.

Among the few holy land sects in Junchen Realm, naturally there is no sect that is good at organizing.

In Junchen Realm, those so-called cultivation forces that are famous for organ art, their organ art level is quite average.

Looking at the leopard from the perspective of this method of refining the void battleship, you can see the shadow of some public transportation family organs and understand some of its concepts.

If the Taiyimen monks can thoroughly study this method of refining the void battleship, without mentioning whether they can successfully refine the void battleship, it will be a real leap to improve the skill level of the sect.

If you are lucky, the monk in the door may really be able to learn a little bit of the tricks of the public transfer of family organs.

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