The Way of the Immortal Master

Vol 2 Chapter 1850: Leave

Meng Zhang only studied it a little bit, and he felt that the method of refining the void battleship provided by Gong Yucheng was really mysterious, and even a glimpse of the Mohist's concept of mechanism art could be glimpsed in it.

Meng Zhang himself is not a special craftsman or mechanism teacher. He just studied it briefly and can benefit a lot from it.

It is conceivable that after Meng Zhang brought him back to Taiyi Sect, he would greatly improve the skill level of the entire sect.

Meng Zhang's own level is limited, so he didn't spend too much time on it.

His main time and energy are still placed on his own cultivation.

Meng Zhang's advanced stage of Void Rebirth is not long, but his strength is no less than that of many veteran Void Rebirth powers.

Meng Zhang did not slack off because of this, but strengthened his practice.

His cultivation base is improving rapidly, but the level of opponents he will face in the future is also very high.

If the Junchen Realm really changes drastically in the future, it will be the battlefield for the immortal-level powerhouses to compete.

It is not easy to protect yourself during the rebirth period.

As Meng Zhang became extra cautious and not greedy, he didn't encounter much danger again in the next employment time.

Time passed quickly, and in a blink of an eye, the time for Meng Zhang to accept the employment passed, and he completed the agreement with Mingxinhui.

The top management of Mingxinhui did not fail to say anything, and gave sufficient rewards as promised.

Among them, Meng Zhang attaches great importance to the star map given by Ming Xinhui.

Confucianism is a sect with a long history in the void, and Mingxinhui, as its branch, also has a long history.

For these great forces in the void, the believers they have can fully reflect their foundation and accumulation.

The void is so vast that even the immortal doesn't know where its end is.

In order to compile a perfect star map, in addition to the painstaking collection of various materials, it is best to have enough strong people to walk in the void, look everywhere, and experience it for yourself. .

A star map contains not only many void secrets, but also many secrets of great forces.

Of course, Mingxin Society would not provide Meng Zhang with the most confidential star map.

The star map provided by Mingxin Society basically records some big road news.

Of course, with this star map, as long as the luck is not too bad, it is enough to move freely in the surrounding star areas.

Meng Zhang compared the star map provided by Gong Shucheng when he sent the speed Shenzhou.

The two star maps have a high degree of overlap, most of the contents are similar, with only a few differences.

Synthesizing the information of the two star maps, Meng Zhang can be regarded as having a general understanding of the surrounding star regions.

In addition to the star map, the military exploits Meng Zhang has accumulated over the years are used to exchange some special resources produced by the Qingyan Realm in addition to the cultivation resources other than the Jade Qing Lingji.

The world of Qingyan Realm is desperately contended by Mingxinhui and a group of true gods, and naturally has its own special features.

Many special resources produced by it are still very valuable.

Meng Zhang has performed well on the battlefield over the years, and Mingxinhui's senior officials are a little bit reluctant to bear this useful thug.

The Mingxinhui high-level officials kept Meng Zhang on several occasions, but he did not hesitate to offer a high price, but Meng Zhang politely declined.

Meng Zhang saw clearly that it was the great Confucians and the true gods of the true **** level that really decided the outcome of this battle and the fate of the Qingyan Realm.

In this level of struggle, Meng Zhang can only act as cannon fodder and thug, and has no power to intervene deeply.

As for the real interests, it has nothing to do with him.

If Meng Zhang wanted to be deeply involved in this matter, his cultivation at this time was far from enough.

In that case, it is better to return soon.

After getting ready, Meng Zhang was ready to steer the speed Shenzhou and leave.

But Dong Fuzi told him that every once in a while, Mingxinhui Void Warships would come here to bring reinforcements and take away the various resources mined by the Qingyan Realm.

If Meng Zhang is not in a hurry to leave, he can wait for a while and take a downwind boat.

I don't know when I can return to Junchen Realm when I am away from home, so I can save a little bit.

In order to reduce the wastage on the road, Meng Zhang decided to wait a while and board the void battleship of Mingxinhui.

Anyway, in order to win people's hearts, Mingxinhui's Void Battleship was originally to transport monks participating in the war for free.

In the days waiting for the arrival of the Void Battleship, Meng Zhang did not run around and stayed in the Void Fortress.

This makes some guys secretly calculating Meng Zhang really helpless.

In addition to his own practice, Meng Zhang also had some exchanges with other strong men in the void fortress.

Because of Meng Zhang's powerful strength, many people are willing to make friends with him and do not reject communication with him.

In such exchanges, it is impossible for everyone to come up with real skills.

However, Meng Zhang took this opportunity to fully understand the different cultivation systems and personally experienced the powers that are different from those of Taoist practitioners.

During this period of time, Dong Fuzi has been running and playing under Meng Zhang.

Although she is a female generation, but she does things neatly and does not procrastinate at all, which makes Meng Zhang very satisfied.

When she was free, Meng Zhang also gave her some pointers by the way.

Although the cultivation systems of the two sides are different, Meng Zhang, as a powerful person who can return to the void, is very helpful to Dong Fuzi, and he is very helpful.

Dong Fuzi knows his gratitude, intentionally or unintentionally, leaking some more confidential information to Meng Zhang.

Soon after, the Void Warship, which was in charge of transportation, once again came to the Void Fortress.

The arrival time of the Void Battleship was much later than normal.

This is the strategy Mingxin will adopt after the last time the Void Warship was attacked.

In order to protect these void warships, in addition to strengthening the **** force, the arrival time of the void warships has also become unfixed to avoid possible half-way ambushes by the enemy.

When the Void Battleship arrives, Meng Zhang will bid farewell to this place.

Meng Zhang had a faint hunch in his heart that in the distant future, he might revisit the old place and come to this place again.

Although the void is vast, it is far from Junchen Realm, but it is not impossible to come here again because of the longevity of the cultivator during the rebirth period.

Transporting personnel and loading materials, the Void Warship was quickly ready to set off.

Meng Zhang successfully waited on the Void Battleship and embarked on a new journey.

This void battleship not only has several Void Returning Powerful escorts, but its track is strange, deliberately avoiding some frequently used routes.

In the void, if there is not enough information, it is not easy to track a void warship.

In recent years, the frontal battle between the two sides has become increasingly fierce, which has constrained a large part of the forces of both sides.

It has also become more difficult to squeeze out the strength to ambush the opponent's transportation team.

This void battleship successfully left the area near the Qingyan Realm. Remember the website of this site, www. biquxu. Com, easy to read next time, or enter "" on Baidu to enter this site

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