The Way of the Immortal Master

Vol 2 Chapter 1851: position

Meng Zhang stood quietly in the void, looking down at the big world under his feet, looking at the stars in the distance.

At this time, it had been nearly a hundred years since he left the battlefield of Qingyan Realm.

During this one hundred years, Meng Zhang first hung up in the star area closest to the Qingyan Realm, and was familiar with the rules of survival in the void.

Then, he went to and fro several star regions, and experienced a lot of things.

When in Junchen Realm, the Void Return Period can be regarded as a giant, and no one dares to take the slightest contempt.

After arriving in the void, passing through several star regions, and visiting many big worlds, Meng Zhang has gained insights.

Generally speaking, if a monk wants to leave the big world where he came from and explore the void, he must at least have a cultivation base of the soul level.

The cultivation base of the primordial spirit level can't leave the big world of origin too far, at most, it is to walk inside the star area where the big world is located.

Of course, if there are elders who set off on a Void Warship, that is another matter.

If you want to leave the star area alone and go to a wider world, you must have the strength of the Void Return level at least.

Among the powerhouses fighting between the major star regions, the strength of the Void Return level is only a starting point.

Of course, it can not be said that the strong of the return to the virtual level is worthless.

The void seems to be vast, but in the void that has been explored, many places still have spheres of influence.

In many cases, in order to avoid conflicts between forces, the powers of the true immortal level will be restricted.

At this time, the Void Returning Powers have a place to be used.

In order to earn a little travel expenses and obtain some information, Meng Zhang had been hired many times before and participated in many battles as a mercenary.

Especially in the area controlled by Mingxinhui, because of Dong Fuzi's introduction, he met several senior Mingxinhui officials and obtained some useful information.

Coupled with the gains over the years, Meng Zhang has finally completed the most important piece of knowledge needed to survive in the void-how to locate in the void.

The void is endless, the stars in the void are endless, and the monk is in the void like a grain of sand in the sea.

At this time, how to determine your location and the location of your destination is very important.

The commonly used positioning method in the void is to use a place as the origin, establish coordinates, divide the void into many areas, and mark them.

Although the positioning methods used by the major forces are slightly different, they are similar and the principles are similar.

Among them, the place that is regarded as the origin is the legendary prehistoric world.

According to legend, the Primordial World is the first big world to appear in the void, the starting point of the entire void, and the center of the entire universe.

I don't know how many millions of years ago, the prehistoric world was born in the universe.

In the prehistoric world, the first creatures of this universe were born.

After another billions of years, great changes took place in the prehistoric world, an unprecedented explosion exploded, and the so-called void was expanded.

After the desolate world was broken, countless fragments were splintered.

These fragments scattered and shot into different corners of the void, and countless worlds were born on this basis.

As of today, the area where the Primordial World was originally located has long become the most dangerous forbidden area in the entire void, and even the immortals dare not approach it.

Everything about the prehistoric world has long been a legend.

According to legend, the current Dao Sect, Buddhism, Demon Dao, Confucianism and other major forces,

Its inheritance comes from the prehistoric world.

Anything that can be related to the prehistoric world becomes extremely mysterious and extremely noble.

It is like the spiritual world of immortality. Its senior officials often declare to the outside that their own immortal path inheritance is the most authentic and can be traced back to the prehistoric world.

As for whether others believe it or not, that Lingkong Immortal Realm doesn't care.

For this reason, other immortal worlds have not rarely engaged in lawsuits with Lingkong immortal world.

Of course, the current prehistoric world has become a forbidden place, but it is the recognized starting point of the void, the center of the universe, and most forces use it as the origin of the coordinates for positioning in the void.

Once you have mastered the corresponding positioning method, you can determine the location of each big world in the void.

The void is constantly expanding, and new worlds appear from time to time.

Most of these big worlds appear on the edge of the void.

A whole new world appeared inside the proven void area, such as the Qingyan Realm, although it was rare, it still existed.

How to bring the new world into control and expand one's own system is what the various forces in the void need to pay attention to.

After Meng Zhang left the Qingyan Realm and came to other star regions, he used various methods to obtain some star maps.

However, none of these star maps recorded the situation of the star area where Jun Chen Realm was located.

After mastering the positioning method, Meng Zhang remotely sensed the location of Jun Chen Realm.

After calculation, Meng Zhang was surprised to find that the star area where Jun Chen Realm was located was already in a very remote location in the void.

Thinking of Jun Chenjie's not too long history, Meng Zhang could also understand it.

Both Junchen Realm and the star area where it is located should be a new existence in the expansion of the void.

Of course, this short term is also calculated in units of millions or even tens of millions of years.

This kind of new world is not recorded on the star maps of many forces, which is also very normal.

The true immortals from the Spiritual Sky Immortal Realm, after discovering the Junchen Realm, they will definitely keep their existence strictly secret and will not publicize it in the void.

These true immortals regard Junchen Realm as their private property, and of course they don't want others to get involved.

Meng Zhang simply calculated the distance between Jun Chen Realm and his current star area.

If his imperial ambassador Shenzhou hurried on the road, everything went smoothly without any accidents, it would take more than a thousand years, and he might be able to return to the star area where Jun Chen Realm was located.

For Meng Zhang's birthday, more than a thousand years is not long.

But with the current situation in Junchen Realm, if he doesn't go back for more than a thousand years, who knows what will happen?

Maybe When he went through countless difficulties and obstacles and finally returned to Junchen Realm, Junchen Realm was completely destroyed and disappeared.

As for the fate of Taiyimen, it is hard to say.

Moreover, for more than a thousand years in the void, the resources spent were also a very heavy burden for Meng Zhang.

This has not yet counted the various dangers that often appear in the void.

What if Meng Zhang is unlucky and encounters a star thief plundering the void?

What should I do if I enter an unfamiliar area and accidentally fall into some kind of natural danger?


In the void, but full of all kinds of dangers.

It is not too rare that a powerhouse of the fairy level fell in the void inexplicably. Remember the website of this site, www. biquxu. Com, easy to read next time, or enter "" on Baidu to enter this site

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