The Way of the Immortal Master

Vol 2 Chapter 1852: Dust world

It is precisely because the conventional way of driving is too difficult, Meng Zhang needs to find a new way.

Generally speaking, in the void, if you want to safely cross too far distance as soon as possible, the most common way is to go through a wormhole.

There are many wormholes in the void, running through many places in the void.

Some of these wormholes are naturally generated, and later have been artificially modified and reinforced.

Yes, it was simply caused by a direct shot by a great supernatural power.

The existence of wormholes is of great significance, especially for those big forces.

With the wormhole, you can quickly mobilize troops in the vast void and effectively strengthen the control of your own strength.

In the void, in addition to the public wormholes, some big forces also have their own wormholes.

Especially some wormholes located in key hub positions are the key to these big forces.

Before Meng Zhang left the Mingxinhui's sphere of influence, he was driving the extremely fast Shenzhou, passing through a public wormhole and crossing a long distance.

The star area where Meng Zhang is currently located is called the four-pointed star area, and there are several large-scale cultivation forces.

The large-scale cultivation forces in the void are all detached from the big world of their original origin, and possess the power to move freely in the void.

When Meng Zhang was in Junchen Realm, he was also a well-informed person.

As far as he knows, there are no wormholes around the star area where Junchen Realm is located.

In this way, Meng Zhang could not go directly through the wormhole and return to Junchen Realm.

Since he couldn't directly return to Junchen Realm, Meng Zhang had to find a way to find the wormhole as close as possible to the star area where Junchen Realm was located.

Meng Zhang has been in the void for so many years, and he has some channels to obtain various news.

He only learned not long ago that in the four-pointed star area, several true immortals took the lead and wanted to create a brand new wormhole passage leading to an unfamiliar area in the void.

Meng Zhang spent a lot of effort to inquire before he knew that the unfamiliar area was not too far away from the star area where Jun Chen Realm was located.

So, Meng Zhang hurriedly left the area near Mingxinhui, and after a lot of tossing, he came here.

The position where Meng Zhang is now is the void on the edge of the four-pointed star area.

He is going to inquire about the details here to see if he can use the brand new wormhole channel.

The four-pointed star area is named because there are four big worlds in the star area, standing on top of each other and facing each other.

In these four big worlds, there are powerful cultivation forces.

Among these cultivating forces, the Daoist cultivation forces are the main ones.

In addition, there are Buddhist sects, branches of Confucianism, and so on.

These forces fought endlessly on weekdays, but when faced with foreign invaders, they were able to unite as one to the outside world.

The four-pointed star area has a very high level of power, and there are many true immortal-level powerhouses among them.

A monk in the rebirth period like Meng Zhang is not qualified to do whatever he wants here.

The four big worlds in the four-pointed star area are tightly guarded on weekdays. If strangers want to enter them, they usually have to go through careful inspection and interrogation.

At the edge of the four-pointed star area, there is a broken world that can barely be called a big world.

More than 10,000 years ago, several true immortals captured a big world from another star area and tried to drag it back to the four-pointed star area.

After most of the migration, when it was about to succeed, several true immortals were attacked and fought fiercely with the powerful enemy.

During the fierce battle, this big world was hit hard and almost completely destroyed.

After the battle, several true immortals saw that this great world had been severely damaged.

, There is not much value anymore.

They also gave up continuing to tow, allowing it to float on the edge of the four-pointed star area.

Later, some chambers of commerce forces that often travel to the four-pointed star area took a fancy to the location advantage of this great world.

This broken world is not too far away from the wormhole in the four-pointed star area, and it is very convenient to travel from this large world to the inside of the four-pointed star area.

As a result, these chambers of commerce simply settled in this big world and transformed it here.

Soon, this big world appeared on the edge of the four-pointed star area as an inn.

Because this big world is independent of the original four big worlds in the four-pointed star area. Many forces found opportunities in it.

Even fugitives from the other four big worlds, strong men who couldn't stand in the big world where they originally came from, etc., all came here through various means.

After more than 10,000 years of development, this broken world has become prosperous miraculously.

This is a three-no matter zone, and it is difficult for the other four big worlds to control this place.

The commerce and trade here are developed and it is a very important commercial hub.

Here is the largest underground black market in the four-pointed star area.


Almost all the outsiders who came to the four-pointed star area, if there is no special way, will first enter this broken world.

Meng Zhang drove the speed Shenzhou through the wormhole, and did not fly in the void for too long before he came to the outside of this big world.

There is no strict guarding system in this big world, allowing outsiders to enter and leave freely.

Meng Zhang took a break outside the big world, restoring his state to his best.

Although it is the first time to come here, with Meng Zhang's experience, this kind of place is often very chaotic and the public security is not good.

Meng Zhang put away the extremely fast Shenzhou, and swayed directly to the broken world below.

This big world suffered catastrophes in its early years and experienced many devastations.

The guardian systems such as the Gangfeng layer outside the big world have long since disappeared.

Not only can outsiders come and go freely, all kinds of harmful substances from the void also infiltrate here from time to time.

There is no clear boundary between this big world and the void.

After a few steps, Meng Zhang came to a place not far from the ground.

Most places on the earth are deserts without any vitality.

Not to mention ordinary mortals, even cultivators with a barely cultivated level, are unable to survive here.

The whole desert looks almost all gray-black, which makes people feel extremely depressing at first sight.

No one cared about the original name of this big world.

Later, people called it the dust The endless desert, as if it were covered with scars.

It was a series of unfathomable ravines, which divided the desert into a mess.

In many places in the desert, thick layers of smoke float above the ground.

These colorful smoke contained strong toxicity, enough to poison ordinary low-level monks.

Above the desert, we can occasionally see some strange patches.

Meng Zhang took a closer look and found that these patches were clearly various buildings.

This is a stronghold established by various forces here.

Meng Zhang only took a few glances and discovered his goal.

It was a huge city, protected by a heavy mask. Remember the website of this site, www. biquxu. Com, easy to read next time, or enter "" on Baidu to enter this site

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