The Way of the Immortal Master

Vol 2 Chapter 1853: Shiroishi Castle

This city is called Baishicheng, and it is the commercial center of the dust world and the most prosperous city here.

There are many forces in White Rock City, and dragons and snakes are mixed.

Although the dusty world was in shattered condition, it seemed that the whole world would collapse at any time.

But this world is far stronger than the surface, and there are still a lot of resources to produce.

It's just that the cost of extracting resources in a dilapidated world is too high.

If it's just mining ordinary resources, it's not worthy of the powerful forces in the four-pointed star area.

Therefore, most of the various resources in the dust world are produced and used by the towns and cities here.

Deep underground in the dust world, a special white stone is produced.

This white stone is far harder than gold and iron, and it can hold and store aura very well. It is a good material for laying formations and constructing special buildings.

Shiraishi City uses a large amount of this kind of white stone to build various buildings, which not only shows that Shiraishi City is rich in wealth, but also helps to build various defense systems.

The protective light shield outside of Baishi City effectively guarantees the safety of the city.

Whether it is the wind and sand that often appear above the desert, or the harmful substances from the void, they are all blocked out of the light mask.

With Meng Zhang's strength, he easily penetrated this protective mask without causing any damage to it, nor causing any movement.

The dust world is a very free world, where strong people from all walks of life come and go freely.

However, all cities and towns above the dust world have certain protective measures for their own safety.

There are protective mask guards outside White Rock City, and multiple patrol teams are patrolling at all times.

All outsiders who come to White Rock City need to go through a rigorous interrogation and registration before they can enter the city.

In fact, the real strong, or the monks with access, will not be constrained by this.

The people from all walks of life secretly entering and leaving White Rock City through various channels are almost endless.

Baishicheng is the most prosperous business center in the lime-soil world, and it is also a well-known place to hide dirt.

Not only is it filled with all kinds of scum fugitives, but even ghost repairs and demons appear from time to time.

According to the information obtained by Meng Zhang, the real celestial-level powerhouses in other big worlds in the Four-Pointed Star area rarely pay attention to the dust world.

In many cases, the dust world has almost become a place outside the law.

Of course, in White Rock City, there is still a minimum order.

Even on the surface, the security here is good.

Meng Zhang did not expend any effort before entering the White Rock City.

The four-pointed star area is a star area with a very high level of cultivation, where the strong are like clouds, and the power of returning to the virtual is not uncommon.

In order to avoid making a big disturbance and causing some troubles, Meng Zhang's actions were relatively restrained.

He did not unscrupulously release his spirit to explore the entire city. Instead, as an ordinary monk, he walked around the city and observed it carefully.

In places like this kind of filth and dirt, the information is often well-informed.

Meng Zhang had only heard that several true celestials in the four-pointed star area were going to build a brand new wormhole tunnel.

After inquiring, I learned that the general area that the wormhole passage leads to is not far from the star area where Jun Chen Realm is located.

As for more news, Meng Zhang doesn't know.

Therefore, Meng Zhang personally came to the four-pointed star area.

When did the true immortals start to build the wormhole, what is the purpose, what is the regulation of the management of the wormhole, whether Meng Zhang can use the wormhole, and so on.

The answers to these questions are the news that Meng Zhang urgently needs to know.

Meng Zhang had never been to White Rock City before, and he had heard about everything here.

With his cultivation base, he doesn't need to slowly contact the forces in the city and inquire about the news step by step, but get it in place one step at a time.

Meng Zhang went around the city and came to a chosen place.

His previous wandering was not a foolish one.

On the one hand, secretly release spiritual thoughts in a small area and collect all kinds of information.

Such as the conversations of passers-by, secret conversations in some secret rooms, etc.

On the other hand, it is also looking for the power of rebirth in this city.

Baishicheng really deserves to be the largest city in the dust world.

Meng Zhang just wandered around randomly, and he sensed the aura of several returning to the void.

As for those who have completely condensed their own breath and have not been sensed by Meng Zhang, I don't know how many.

Among these rebirth powers, some people are sensitive, and when Meng Zhang senses its existence, they should also be aware of it.

However, when facing a monk of the same rank, everyone will be more cautious and will not easily cause conflicts.

Meng Zhang sensed the existence of the Void Returning Power and took the initiative to back down and avoid the corresponding area.

In this way, the opponent will be even harder to hold onto.

After all, the higher the cultivation level, the more reluctant to make enemies easily.

Since there are many powerful people here, Meng Zhang, as an outsider, naturally can't mess around.

Of course, in order to save time and obtain information as soon as possible, he still has to adopt some special measures.

This place in front of Meng Zhang is the residence of Wang's family, a famous merchant in the Four-Pointed Star District, in Baishicheng.

The Wang family has several rebirth powers, and it is said that his ancestors have a special relationship with a certain true fairy.

Wang's road is very wild, has extensive contacts, and has done a lot of business.

The powerful Wang family has always had a good reputation in the four-pointed star area.

The Wang family pays attention to making money through harmony, and there are few acts of bullying and dominating the market and causing trouble.

Meng Zhang chose Wang's family as his target because such big business has always been well informed.

Moreover, this family has a gentler style and good communication, so as not to have a big conflict with Meng Zhang.

Meng Zhang had previously heard that an ancestor of the Wang family had just escorted the family caravan out of White Rock City.

There seems to be no returning ancestor in the Wang family residence now.

Standing outside the Wang's residence, Meng Zhang took a closer look, and did not sense the existence of the Void Returning Power.

Of course, if there is a hidden Void-returning power in it, and it has escaped Meng Zhang's detection, then Meng Zhang will only admit that he is unlucky.

The Wang family is the target selected by Meng Zhang carefully, and it is very suitable in all aspects.

Wang's level is not It should be possible to find out what Meng Zhang wants to know.

The Wang family's level is not so high that Meng Zhang is unwilling to provoke him.

Meng Zhang didn't stay outside the Wang's residence for long, and his whole figure disappeared silently.

Meng Zhang hid his figure and appeared in the Wang family residence.

Soon, he came to the person in charge of the resident, who was also the highest-cultivation monk in the resident, outside the quiet room of the true king of Yangshen Wang Defeng.

During the whole process, Meng Zhang did it without knowing it.

Not only did the protection prohibitions and magic formations that touched the Wang Family's residence, it did not disturb anyone in the residence.

The various defense facilities outside Wang Defeng's quiet room seemed to be non-existent in Meng Zhang's eyes.

Meng Zhang stepped forward and came to the target. Remember the website of this site, www. biquxu. Com, easy to read next time, or enter "" on Baidu to enter this site

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