The Way of the Immortal Master

Vol 2 Chapter 1854: Cloud City

Meng Zhang stepped into Wang Defeng's quiet room, and what appeared in front of him was a guy sitting cross-legged with a broad face and extremely fat.

Wang Defeng closed his eyes tightly and was meditating.

As he breathed slowly, the fat all over his body was shaking.

"No need to pretend, this seat is not malicious, just want to have a good talk with you."

After listening to Meng Zhang's words, Wang Defeng smiled bitterly, opened his eyes, and looked at Meng Zhang vigilantly.

The Wang family is indeed a well-known big merchant in the four-pointed star area. In this resident, many restrictions and law formations have been set up.

Especially in the quiet room where Wang Defeng, the head of the resident, was meditating, the restrictions placed on it were able to detect the arrival of the power of the rebirth period.

When Meng Zhang entered this quiet room, the restriction was touched and Wang Defeng was alarmed.

As a true king of Yangshen, Wang Defeng is not weak.

However, in the face of the power of returning to the void, even with various restrictions and the assistance of the magic circle, once a conflict occurs, the strength of the Wang family in this resident is absolutely unstoppable.

Originally, he pretended not to notice Meng Zhang's arrival and tried to delay time.

Now that Meng Zhang's glance broke through, his plan naturally fell through.

Facing the unfamiliar Void Returning Power, and the other party broke into the quiet room so directly, Wang Defeng felt a little nervous.

Of course, he is not without confidence.

The Wang family also has the ancestors of Void Rebirth.

Meng Zhang didn't have any malicious intentions, but wanted to inquire about some news.

Of course, if he does not show enough strength, the opponent may not be honest.

Meng Zhang stood with his hands behind, without any movement.

However, Wang Defeng felt that he was immediately restrained, unable to send a signal for help.

At the same time, he lost control of the prohibition here.

Meng Zhang was enough to stop, and did not continue to move.

Meng Zhang didn't go directly to the topic, but casually chatted with Wang Defeng in a chatty tone.

Although Meng Zhang did not show malice, Wang Defeng did not dare to be careless.

He carefully organized the language and talked with Meng Zhang slowly.

For some of the questions Meng Zhang asked casually, he knew the answers, and of course he answered them carefully.

If he really didn't know, he didn't lie, but honestly didn't know.

After talking about it for a long time, seeing that Wang Defeng was still honest, Meng Zhangcai finally started to get into the topic.

Meng Zhang’s first question is why the real immortals in the four-pointed star area want to build a brand new wormhole channel.

After hearing Meng Zhang's question, Wang Defeng looked embarrassed and did not answer immediately.

Meng Zhang didn't force him either, just looking at him like this, saying nothing.

Probably he couldn't stand the pressure brought by Meng Zhang. After hesitating for a long time, Wang Defeng hesitated to answer.

I have to say that Meng Zhang's luck is good. He came here to ask Wang Defeng, and he found the right person.

In the four-pointed star area, many imaginary powers do not know the answer to this question.

The Wang family had a wide range of friendships and well-informed people. The ancestors had a good relationship with a real immortal, and only then did they know a little bit about the matter.

Wang Defeng is a descendant valued by several ancestors in the family, who has been cultivated vigorously by the family before he learned the high-end secrets of the family.

The reason why a few real fairies built a new wormhole tunnel is very simple, just to escape.

It turned out that the senior management of the four-pointed star area received news some time ago that the navigation route of Yunzhong City will pass through the four-pointed star area in the near future.


After learning of this news, the senior officials of the Four-Pointed Star Area were panicked and plunged into chaos.

The high-levels of the four-pointed star area would have such a reaction, all because of the reputation of Yunzhong City too loud.

Meng Zhang has been in the void for these years, and he is no longer the kind of fledgling ignorant.

He has also heard a lot about the legend of Cloud City.

Originally, he listened to the various legends of Cloud City as stories.

He didn't expect that he would actually hear the exact news of Cloud City here.

The so-called Cloud City is notorious in the void, and it is almost the public enemy of every big world.

Cloud City is a giant artificially built city, wandering in the void year after year.

How big is this giant city?

This giant city is a complete world.

In other words, this big world is a giant city.

In Yunzhong City, there are countless creatures thriving here, and there are a large number of cultivation forces, and many powerful people have been cultivated.

Cloud City is not fixed in one place, but constantly wandering in the void.

Wherever the Cloud City passes, there will be catastrophes, and scenes of **** scenes will be staged.

The cultivators of Yunzhong City were plundered and formed, and they were the most ferocious robbers.

They will plunder all the stars they pass through, and even destroy some big worlds directly.

If you have to make an analogy, Cloud City is a nomadic people in the void, born in each big world.

Yunzhong City continues to develop and grow by plundering all the big worlds and supporting itself.

The great worlds in the void are not lambs to be slaughtered.

Any independent world that can stand in the void basically has some strength.

But wherever Yunzhong City passed, although it would also encounter fierce resistance. But after the battles, Cloud City is basically the final victor.

Before this, there were some more powerful star regions than the four-pointed star regions, unfortunately blocking the wandering route of Cloud City.

After a fierce battle, these star areas were defeated by Cloud City.

As a loser, the big world he lives in is plundered. Neither population nor material losses can be measured.

Under certain extreme conditions, some big worlds will even be destroyed directly.

No one knows how many years Yunzhong City has been looting in the void.

All I know is that the cloud city has a far-reaching reputation, and the Megatron Void has a long history.

If Yunzhong City is allowed to enter the four-pointed star area, the major cultivation forces here will be driven to desperation.

It is absolutely impossible to resist Yunzhong City by relying solely on the strength of the four-pointed star area.

Since you can't beat, you have to escape.

Where there is life, there is hope.

As long as you avoid Yunzhong City from a distance, the opponent will not chase them endlessly.

Of course, if you can't move as quickly as possible, you might be caught up by the vanguard of Yunzhong City.

If you want to move as far as possible as soon as possible, of course it is not advisable to use conventional navigation methods.

It is best to have a passage like a wormhole in order to move the major forces in the four-pointed star area to other distant star areas in a short period of time.

There is a wormhole near the four-pointed star area, which can be directly connected to the vicinity of the star area where Mingxin Club is located.

It's just that there are masters in the star area over there, and the master's strength is not weak.

With the strength of the four-pointed star area, even if a war is launched, it will not be possible to defeat the opponent in a short time and seize control of the star area over there. Remember the website of this site, www. biquxu. Com, easy to read next time, or enter "" on Baidu to enter this site

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