The Way of the Immortal Master

Vol 2 Chapter 1855: Inside story

The senior members of the four-pointed star area who are busy fleeing are of course unwilling to easily establish a strong enemy, and even less willing to fall into a protracted battle.

Since this road is not open, we have to find another way out.

There are two true immortals in the four-pointed star area. When they traveled in the void in the early years, they visited a star area where conditions were very good in all respects, and it was very suitable for life to thrive.

At that time, the two true celestial beings had something to do and didn't stay in that star area much.

Later, because of some internal problems in the four-pointed star area, the forces to which the two true immortals belonged failed to vigorously develop the star area.

Now Yunzhong City is about to pass through the four-pointed star area, and the four-pointed star area will inevitably not be guaranteed with the style of Yunzhong City.

Those two true immortals had to persuade everyone to use that star area as the target of migration.

The star area is too far away from the four-pointed star area. If you want to use the void warship to slowly sail over, who knows how long it will take.

And to travel long distances in the void is too dangerous.

Especially if you rush into some unfamiliar star areas, even true immortals may encounter danger.

In order to complete the migration as soon as possible, the senior leaders of the Four Corners Star District decided to build a wormhole passage leading to the migration destination after discussion.

From scratch, building a brand new wormhole tunnel is definitely not an easy task.

Even if a lot of real immortal level powerhouses make a move, they will encounter many difficulties.

Apart from other things, to build a stable wormhole passage, you can pass a large number of flying boats and monks, which requires a lot of precious materials.

Even the four-pointed star area with abundant production cannot provide all the materials.

In order to collect all these materials as soon as possible, the four-pointed star area sent a number of caravans to other star areas to purchase.

Some special materials have a single purpose.

The materials needed to build a wormhole are no secret to the great forces in the void.

In order to complete the procurement as soon as possible, the Four-Pointed Star District not only does not hesitate to pay, but also cannot keep it confidential.

Therefore, the news that the four-pointed star area wants to build a brand-new wormhole channel spread.

In the void, most of the star regions that are suitable for living creatures to thrive and have abundant resources are owned by them.

There are caravans trading between each star area, communicating with each other.

Similarly, in order to compete for benefits and resources, wars will erupt between the major regions.

The construction of a new wormhole channel is very costly, and it is an extremely heavy burden for the four-pointed star area.

Among the major forces in the void, the construction of new wormhole passages is either for military purposes to facilitate the mobilization of troops; or for commercial purposes, to open up new business routes; or to discover a new world, to carry out Large-scale development...

The original wormhole passage near the four-pointed star area was a public passage, and no troops were dispatched to control it.

This is because the four-pointed star area and the star area at the other end of the wormhole channel have long reached a peace agreement.

Both parties gave up control of this wormhole passage to show their sincerity of non-aggression.

Now the four-pointed star area needs to build a brand-new wormhole channel. According to the agreement, the opposite star area must be ventilated to avoid misunderstandings.

If the star area on the opposite side mistakenly believes that the four-pointed star area has the intention of expanding to the surrounding area, it would be very bad.

The news that Yunzhong City is about to pass the Four-Pointed Star Area is still strictly kept secret, and only a few people are qualified to know.

If Wang Defeng hadn't been born, he wouldn't know this.

If news of the upcoming cloud city spreads widely, it will definitely cause serious chaos.

Maybe, before the Cloud City arrives, there will be fighting within the four-pointed star area.

Even the nearby star area will take advantage of the fire and take advantage of the opportunity to profit from the four-pointed star area.

Therefore, the four-pointed star area announced the approximate location of the other end of the newly constructed wormhole channel.

This is to indicate to the surrounding star areas that the four-pointed star area has no intention of expanding around, and its target is other distant star areas.

Meng Zhang learned of this news and came here when he learned that the wormhole channel to be built in the four-pointed star area would lead to the star area near Junchen Realm.

Now, knowing the inside story from Wang Defeng's mouth, Meng Zhang is lost in thought.

I don't know the high level of the four-pointed star area, whether they know the migration location they chose, which is not very far from Junchen Realm.

The star area where Jun Chen Realm is located is very lively, with many powerful forces.

Jun Chen Realm itself has many true immortals.

Meng Zhang knew that the Junchen Realm was about to change, and it would soon become the focus of the star area where it was, causing countless storms.

I don't know what kind of influence will the four-pointed star region's cultivating forces have on the star region where Junchen Realm is located?

Meng Zhang just thought for a while, then gave up to continue thinking about this matter.

When the sky fell, naturally there was a tall man against it.

Even if it will have a bad influence on Junchen Realm, it will naturally be dealt with by the true immortals of Junchen Realm.

A monk in the Void Rebirth period in Mengzhang district is not yet qualified to engage in such a major event.

Since the migration is for the purpose of fleeing, this brand new wormhole tunnel should be able to be successfully constructed.

The second question Meng Zhang asked Wang Defeng was whether this wormhole passage would be open to the public.

Wang Defeng's answer is very simple.

This is to avoid the migration of the Cloud City, so naturally everything in the four-pointed star area, cultivators and mortals, as well as various resources, etc., will be migrated as far as possible.

However, the wormhole tunnel has not been successfully constructed yet. Even after the construction is successful, its traffic capacity should also have certain restrictions.

As for how to arrange the passage, Wang Defeng doesn't know who will go there first.

Of course, according to the practice of the cultivation world, there are still many precedents for this kind of thing.

Those who have the strongest power in the four-pointed star area and possess the power of true immortal level will definitely get the priority right of passage.

How to line up next depends on how the various forces show their magical powers.

Powers like the Wang Family should not be placed too far behind.

After listening to Wang Defeng's detailed answer, Meng Zhang had a general understanding of the causes and consequences of this incident.

Meng Zhang knew that for an outsider like himself, to pass through this wormhole passage, it is difficult to say, and easy to say.

It is difficult to say, if Meng Zhang went directly to the door, if he wanted to pass through the wormhole passage, the high-level people on the four-corner star area would certainly not easily agree.

The escape channel that is related to the survival of one's own family, where can it be used by irrelevant outsiders at will.

It is easy to say that the local forces in the four-pointed star area should be eligible to pass through this wormhole channel.

After all, even if it is a powerful force, the Void Returning Power cannot be Chinese cabbage, but a very precious high-level combat power.

Even if it is an escape, the existence of the level of Void Returning Power will not be easily left behind, but will be taken away as much as possible. Remember the website of this site, www. biquxu. Com, easy to read next time, or enter "" on Baidu to enter this site

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