The Way of the Immortal Master

Vol 2 Chapter 1856: Artificial spiritual root

For the current Meng Zhang, it is a very feasible way for a local sect that has mixed into the four-pointed star area to put on a vest.

Appearing as a mighty power in the return period of the native sect, you should have the right to use the wormhole channel.

There are four big worlds in the four-pointed star area, with countless large and small sects and families.

Moreover, these sects and families have different inheritances, and some are inextricably linked to other star regions.

After Meng Zhang mixed into the local sect, as long as he actively played for the four-pointed star area, he should not cause too much hostility.

Thinking of this, Meng Zhang soon had an idea.

It's just that the specific goal requires his careful selection.

Knowing everything you want to know, the next step is how to deal with Wang Defeng.

The other party behaved very cooperatively, almost always answering questions, knowing everything without saying anything, saying nothing.

According to Meng Zhang's behavior, there is no need to commit more crimes for no reason.

But just let this guy go. Later, he leaked the information about his door-to-door, which was more or less a trouble.

Although from beginning to end, Meng Zhang had hidden his identity without revealing any traces.

Including Meng Zhang's current appearance in front of Wang Defeng, and the aura that he reveals, they are all fakes.

But for the sake of safety, it's not good not to do nothing.

It has to be said that Wang Defeng, as the head of the Wang family's resident in Baishicheng, is a very smart guy.

As a well-known merchant family in the four-pointed star area, Wang's family mostly possesses merchants' ability to observe words, opinions, and to handle things smoothly.

Seeing Meng Zhang hesitating there, Wang Defeng immediately asked himself to make a great oath. He would strictly keep everything that happened here today.

Even for the power of returning to the void, the great oath has a strong binding force.

Once violated, it will lead to the backlash of the power of the Great Dao.

The injuries ranged from serious injuries to death.

A cultivator at the level of True Monarch Yang, even more dare not violate it easily.

Of course, the Avenue Oath is not 100% insurance.

Some secret methods in the cultivation world can help avoid the great oath.

Especially when the oath is not rigorous enough, and there are some loopholes.

Meng Zhang considered it for a moment, but gave up the practice of killing people.

For one thing, this is at odds with his style of behavior.

Secondly, Wang Defeng, as a younger generation that the Wang family attaches great importance to, has a high status in the family.

Once mysteriously disappeared, it will cause a lot of trouble.

Thirdly, Meng Zhang guessed that although the senior officials of the Four Corners Star District are strictly keeping secrets about Yunzhong City. But for various reasons, this state of secrecy will not last long.

It may not be long before the monks in the entire four-pointed star area will know that the Cloud City is about to invade, and they need to escape through the newly built wormhole tunnel.

Once he thought it through, Meng Zhang did not hesitate and supervised Wang Defeng to take the great oath to keep today's affairs strictly confidential.

Then, Meng Zhang's figure disappeared silently from the residence of the Wang family.

When Meng Zhang's figure appeared again, it was on a street in Baishicheng.

Like an ordinary monk, he wandered around on the street.

The environment of the dust world is harsh. Even with the protection of large and small towns, it is still difficult for mortals to survive here.

Therefore, in the dust world, there are almost no ordinary mortals, all of them are monks.

Naturally, Baishicheng is also a pure monk city, and at least the monks living here are Qi-refining period monks.

Of course, during the Qi Refining Period, the monks left the protection of the town. It is difficult to survive on the wasteland outside.

Ever since Meng Zhang came to the world outside the void, he was an eye-opener.

In Junchen Realm, Dao Sect practitioners dominate everything.

To become a cultivator, a mortal must be born with spiritual roots.

And in the great world that Meng Zhang has experienced over the years, there are many cultivation systems that are different from those of Taoist cultivators.

Even without spiritual roots, mortals can still embark on the path of cultivation.

Just like a Shinto monk, he only needs to devoutly believe in a certain god, and let his body and mind slowly get close to the god, and he may be reduced by the god's divine power and gain the magical power.

In addition, in some big worlds, there is also an artificial spiritual root technology, which can be acquired to create spiritual roots and implant them in mortals, so that mortals have the qualifications for cultivation.

Of course, the acquired spiritual roots are not only costly, but also inferior in quality. The owner's cultivation prospects are limited, and more resources need to be spent in the cultivation process.

Generally speaking, it is usually some cultivators with ample money, who use this technique for the sake of their descendants who have no spiritual roots.

In other words, some sects who have difficulty in collecting disciples use this technology to produce low-level handymen in batches.

But in Junchen Realm, there is no such technology spread, mainly because of upper limits.

As a young world, Junchen Realm has limited world heritage and accumulation.

In the entire big world, the aura is not abundant, and there is no fourth-order spiritual vein.

To create a large number of low-level practitioners with no future is just a waste of spiritual energy.

If artificial spiritual root technology spreads in Junchen Realm, the number of cultivators will increase dramatically, which will cause tremendous pressure on the entire world.

And many of these big worlds that Meng Zhang has experienced in the void are very mature big worlds, with extremely deep accumulations, and extremely aura.

Not to mention the fourth-order spiritual veins, even the fifth-order spiritual veins.

As for the blessed land, it is the standard equipment for many large-scale cultivation forces.

In such a big world, it is very normal for high-level cultivators to have more low-level cultivators as servants.

In Junchen Realm, it is not that there is no such kind of city of cultivators composed purely of monks.

But after strolling around in White Rock City, Meng Zhang was still a little sighed.

Although Baishicheng is the center of commerce and trade in the world of limestone, the world of limestone is only the fringe world of the four-pointed star area.

There are monks with various cultivation systems in White Rock strong come out in large numbers.

The various cultivation resources sold here are extremely rich.

If the cultivation forces in the four-pointed star area are really allowed to migrate and become neighbors with Jun Chen Realm, it would not be a good thing for Jun Chen Realm.

Of course, with Meng Zhang's current ability, it is impossible to destroy the plans of the top four-pointed star area.

On the contrary, if the plan of the four-pointed star area is successful, it will help shorten his way home.

It's rare to come to a new place. In addition to inquiring about the news, Meng Zhang also collected various specialty resources here by the way.

Especially those various classics for sale, although they are basically all popular products. However, the classics of various big worlds and various cultivation systems can still broaden people's horizons and increase Taiyimen's future accumulation.

In places like White Rock City, there is no shortage of channels for selling news and intelligence.

With rich experience, Meng Zhang quickly integrated into this place.

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