The Way of the Immortal Master

Vol 2 Chapter 1864: Furuike Sansho

The first thing Old Ancestor Yun did after he showed up was to introduce everyone to the identity of Meng Zhang.

   "This is the old man's junior, your predecessor, you can call him Patriarch Meng."

   "Junior Brother Meng has traveled abroad for many years, and only recently returned to the door."

   In accordance with the introduction of the ancestor Yun, Meng Zhang released the breath of power to return to the virtual in a timely manner.

   Many people on the square are still a little confused at this moment.

  Especially those few Yuanshen true monarchs, they don't know that Old Ancestor Yun and Junior Brothers, there is still such an Old Ancestor Meng hidden in the door.

   Logically speaking, in their capacity, they shouldn’t have heard of Meng Zhang’s existence.

   But now Meng Zhang just popped up like this, making everyone feel baffled.

   However, no one dared to say anything when the breath that belonged to the power of returning to the void came out.

   Anything can be faked, but the breath of rebirth power is not easy to fake.

   Shun Yi Zhenjun, the head of general affairs, responded the fastest, and immediately paid respect to Meng Zhangxing.

   "The disciple has met Patriarch Meng."

   With Shunyi Zhenjun taking the lead, it was mainly the coercion of returning to the virtual world. No matter what they thought in their hearts, other people knelt to the ground and shouted: "I have seen Patriarch Meng."

   This is the normal reaction of the cultivator to the strong.

  Since the opponent is so powerful, of course I kneel down without hesitation.

   "You don't need to be polite, just get up."

   Meng Zhang waved amiably, and everyone in the court stood up.

   Looking at the dark crowd in the field, this is almost all the current background of the Nebula Sword Sect.

   There were less than 500 monks in the foundation-building period, less than 30 Jindanzhen people, and less than ten Yuanshenzhenjun.

   The most important thing is that there is not even a Yang Shen Zhenjun.

  After the ancestor Yun passed away, even if there were no foreign enemies and no civil strife, the Sword Sect of Nebula would not be able to give birth to the power of returning to the void for a long time.

   You must know that there are many dangers in the dust world, and many comprehension forces are struggling to survive.

   If there is no protection from the power of returning to the void, the Sword Sect of Nebula cannot exist as an independent power of cultivation.

   In addition to the lack of top-level combat power, the cultivator hierarchy of the Nebula Sword Sect is also very unhealthy.

   This is clearly that the green and yellow are not picked up, and there is no successor.

  Of course, the occurrence of this situation is related to the recent loss of many monks by the Sword Sect of Nebula.

   Nebula Sword Sect seems to have a good foundation, but when he thinks of its serious internal problems, it is a mess.

  There are so many monks of all levels in the field, but no one can enter the eyes of Meng Zhang.

   These gangs are not crooked melons, but Meng Zhang can't even look at them.

   The ancestor Yun did not pay attention to Meng Zhang's thoughts, and continued to explain the funeral.

   "If it weren't for the recent incidents in the door, Junior Brother Meng might still be at ease in the void."

   "You should all know that there is not much left in the old man's life."

   "Now that Junior Brother Meng has returned from the void, the old man can safely hand over Sword Sect Nebula to him."

   "From then on, Junior Brother Meng will inherit everything from the old man and continue to be in charge of the entire Nebula Sword Sect."

   "All of you must not violate the orders of Junior Brother Meng, and you must follow the orders of Junior Brother Meng wholeheartedly."

   Speaking of later, Old Ancestor Yun has become stern and majestic.

   "Anyone who doesn't follow, the old man and Junior Brother Meng will not be merciless."

   The ancestor Yun handed over the power of the Sword Sect Nebula in front of everyone, and entrusted the entire sect to Meng Zhang.

   "Some time ago, the old man was wounded against the deadly strong, hurting his vitality. Many people in the door thought that the old man was dead soon, and they began to secretly make small moves."

   "Do you really think the old man doesn't know the activities behind you people?"

   After hearing what the ancestor Yun said, many people forced to remain calm.

   The few guys with poor temperament couldn't help their faces changing color.

   "The old man is running out of time, so he doesn't bother to waste time on these things. The traitors within the school will be dealt with by Junior Brother Meng in the future."

   "There are some guys outside who think that the old man is not good enough, so they can take advantage of the fire and rob Nebula Sword Sect."

   "For these guys, the old man will not have the slightest tolerance."

   "I want to show those of you who are two-minded, your backer is simply unreliable."

   Before the words fell, the ancestor Yun soared into the sky and flew high into the sky.

   Meng Zhang sighed helplessly. The two had discussed in there before, and he had to cooperate with each other.

  The ancestor Yun flew high in the sky and flew directly to the north.

   Meng Zhang followed closely, and Chi Yin Sword Sha had already been sacrificed.

   "Boys of Guchi Villa, the old man will have a nice and affectionate affection with you today."

   Amid the roar of Old Ancestor Yun, he has come not far in front of the target.

   Guchi Villa is a famous force in the surrounding area, and has been entangled with the Nebula Sword Sect for many years.

   According to the ancestor Yun, Guchi Villa was originally a vassal of the Sword Sect of Nebula, and has received many favors from the Sword of Nebula.

  In history, if it were not for the help of the Sword Sect of Nebula, Guchi Villa would have been destroyed long ago.

   But with the decline of the Nebula Sword Sect, Guchi Villa has grown stronger and stronger and slowly began to rise.

   After the reversal of the strengths and weaknesses of both sides, Guchi Villa not only got rid of the status of a vassal, but even suppressed the Nebula Sword Sect in turn.

   After the rise of Guchi Villa, the idea of ​​the Nebula Sword Sect was Guchi Villa used various means to suppress and even frame the Nebula Sword Sect.

   Nebula Sword Sect has everything going wrong in these years, and its declining decline has a major bearing on this.

  The ancestor Yun even suspected that he had suffered a loss from a battle with a necromantic powerhouse back then, and he had the hands and feet of Guchi Villa behind him.

   Guchi Villa’s approach was a complete betrayal in the eyes of Sword Sect Nebula.

   Guchi Villa is even regarded as the number one enemy by the Nebula Sword Sect.

  The reason why Guchi Villa treats Nebula Sword Sect in this way is mainly because of the greed for the kendo inheritance of Nebula Sword Sect.

   Because of the relationship between the two sects in history, there was a honeymoon period. At that time, Guchi Villa could even be called a branch of the Nebula Sword Sect.

   Within the Guchi Villa, there is part of the inheritance of the Nebula Sword Sect.

   For Guchi Villa, only by obtaining the complete inheritance of the Nebula Sword Sect can we make up for the defects of our own inheritance and make ourselves an independent and complete sect.

   Especially for the three ancestors of Guchi Villa, only by obtaining the complete inheritance of the Nebula Sword Sect, their cultivation can go further and see the chance of becoming immortal and attaining Taoism.

   The ancestor Yun regarded the inheritance of the Sword Sect Nebula as more important than his own life, so how could he be allowed to fall into the eyes of a traitor like Guchi Villa.

   Traitors were hateful enough, and they still coveted the master's things, which is simply the thorn in the eyes and the flesh of the ancestor Yun.

   The grievances accumulated over the years are almost about to become the heart of the ancestor Yun.

   Even if he died, Ancestor Yun couldn't wait to bite a piece of meat from these traitors.

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