The Way of the Immortal Master

Vol 2 Chapter 1865: Melee

Before that, it was for the survival of the sect and to cover the back hand he arranged, so Ancestor Yun had to endure hard.

   Now, with the appearance of Meng Zhang, Ancestor Yun has a new choice, and Jianzong Nebula has reliance and a future.

   The ancestor Yun who had completely relieved his heart, before he was about to pass away, decided to indulge for a while, happily enmity, and give a good lesson to the old enemy for many years.

   If he can't let out the bad breath in his chest, even if he is dead, he can hardly look at him.

  The original ancestor Yun, who was seriously injured and whose lifespan was about to be exhausted, was driven by hatred and displayed the secret method of self-harm, desperately stimulating his Yang God and physical body, inspiring the last glimmer of potential.

   At this time, the ancestor Yun looked radiant and energetic, not at all like a dying person.

  Besides the Sword Sect of the Nebula, the three ancestors of Guchi Villa have been lurking here for many days.

   This time, they are determined to win the inheritance of the Nebula Sword Sect, and they must not be lost.

   Gu Kun, Gu Pu, and Gu Yuanliang have been taught by their seniors since the first day they embarked on the path of spiritual practice. The Sword Sect of the Nebula is an uncommon enemy of Guchi Villa.

   When their cultivation became deeper and deeper, especially after they advanced to the Void Rebirth period, they all noticed the flaws in their own inheritance.

   If you want to solve these problems, you must seize the inheritance of the Nebula Sword Sect for your own use.

   This time, Sword Sect Nebula finally came to an end.

   This is a golden opportunity that they have been waiting for for thousands of years.

   For this moment, many generations of Guchi Villa have worked tirelessly for it.

   In order to ensure that their actions are foolproof, the three ancestors of Guchi Mountain Villa did not even care about their own lair to stay behind, and came together outside the residence of the Sword Sect of Nebula.

   They are like patient hunters who have been secretly hiding outside, waiting for the death of Old Ancestor Yun.

   But the tenacity of Old Ancestor Yun surpassed everyone's expectations, he actually persisted until now, not to mention it, and even slammed it out.

   Seeing the aggressive Ancestor Yun approaching, the three of them panicked at first, and then they calmed down.

   Even the ancestor Yun in his heyday could not beat the three of them by one against three, not to mention him who is currently exhausted.

   Of course, they will not have the slightest contempt for the ancestor Yun.

   Guchi Villa, which had an absolute advantage for a long time, has not launched a full-scale attack on the Nebula Sword Sect, mainly because the three Void Returning Ancestors acted cautiously.

   Although the three of them could have overwhelmed Ancestor Yun a long time ago, they would not act easily until they were not completely sure to end Ancestor Yun.

   Now Ancestor Yun is looking for death by himself, and they will not give in.

   I saw Old Ancestor Yun worshipping a flying sword. Stars shot out from above the flying sword and woven into a net. The nets that split their heads and covered their faces went to the three ancestors of Guchi Villa.

  The cultivation base of the ancestor Yun is much higher than everyone imagined.

   Although there is still a long way to go before he can achieve the world, he has great advantages in all aspects compared with the general power of returning to the void.

   When he was trapped in the Nebula Sword Sect's residence before, he didn't just sit and wait for death, but carefully sensed his surroundings.

   The movements of the three ancestors of Guchi Mountain Villa have long been caught in his eyes.

  Guchi Villa is mainly based on the inheritance of swordsmanship, mixed with a part of the inheritance of Dharma practice.

  In addition to part of the inheritance of the Nebula Sword Sect,    Guchi Villa also actively collects many other inheritances and strives to perfect its own inheritance.

   Among the three Void Returning Ancestors, Gu Pu and Gu Yuanliang are both sword repairmen, and only Gu Kun is a Dharma repairer.

   Seeing the grand ancestor Yun launching an offensive forcefully, there was no sign of weakness at all. The three Void Returning ancestors of Guchi Villa knew that this was not a time to show weakness, and immediately greeted them without fear.

   Meng Zhang, who was following the ancestor Yun, never thought that ancestor Yun would still have such strength at this time.

   Meng Zhang had carefully observed the state of Old Ancestor Yun before, and he was already exhausted, and he was not far from death.

   The fighting power that Patriarch Yun broke out at this time made him amazed.

   I don't know if this is the result of the profound accumulation of Old Ancestor Yun or the stimulation of hatred.

  Since the ancestor Yun gave up his life, Meng Zhang would naturally not fall behind.

   Although he will not work hard like Old Ancestor Yun, there is still no problem with actively cooperating on the side.

   The Chiyin Sword Shaman sacrificed by Meng Zhang began to dance, the sky full of sword light gleamed, and the sharp sword aura came and went.

   Seeing that an unfamiliar Void Returning Great could help Old Ancestor Yun, the three people in Guchi Villa were a little surprised.

   has reached the point where the mountains are exhausted, and the ancestor Yun can still find a helper.

  The ancestor Yun just trusted the helper he invited. Isn’t he afraid that the Sword Sect of the Nebula will be occupied by the dove’s nest?

   "This colleague, we haven't seen him before. I don't know where your surname Gao has always been?"

   "This time, what kind of conditions did Old Man Yun promise you to let you help him run out desperately with outnumbered enemies?"

   The center of the three people thought the most, and the most cunning Gu Kun asked tentatively.

   "Our Guchi Villa is far more powerful than the Nebula Sword Sect. What the Nebula Sword Sect can produce can be obtained in the same way as our Guchi Villa."

   "The reward that Sword Sect Nebula can give, our Guchi Villa can double."

   Although Gupu is a sword repairer, but without the indomitable momentum of sword repair, it is like Gu Kun, very treacherous.

   He took the initiative to speak and tried to shake Meng Zhang's fighting spirit. Even if it is unsuccessful, at least the relationship between him and the ancestor Yun will be divorced.

   "This fellow Daoist, our Guchi Villa and the Sword Sect of Nebula are unshakable enemies, but this time we are endlessly dying."

   "Are you sure you really want to intervene in the dispute between us and take over the grievances between us."

   "If fellow Taoists retreat at this moment, not only will we be able to assume that nothing has happened, but we will also present a great gift."

   Meng Zhang sneered with disdain all over his face.

   Do these guys think that they can force themselves back only by lip service?

   Meng Zhang shouted angrily: "Shameless rats, despicable traitors."

   Insidious sword evil was mixed in the sword aura, and they shot at three enemies one after another.

   Strictly speaking, Meng Zhang is considered to be a Dharma practice.

   But he is proficient in kendo, has a high level of swordsmanship, and has mastered many sword repair methods.

   Even if there are many pure sword repairs, fighting with him is not his opponent.

   Meng Zhang had not communicated with the ancestor Yun for a long time, but he had already grasped the essence of the swordsmanship of the Nebula Sword Sect.

   At this moment, Meng Zhang used swordsmanship to meet the enemy, and it is inevitable that he showed some new gains.

   The ancestor of Guchi Mountain Villa, who was planning to continue to persuade Meng Zhang, took the initiative to shut up shortly after the match.

  The enemy's swordsmanship is exquisite, and there is the shadow of Nebula Jianzong's kendo in the swordsmanship.

   This person is not a hidden master of the Nebula Sword Sect, and has a close relationship with the Nebula Sword Sect.

   The three of them didn't expect that, seemingly driven to a desperate situation, Old Ancestor Yun could still come up with such a hole card.

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