The Way of the Immortal Master

Vol 2 Chapter 1866: Xianwei

The three returning ancestors of Guchi Mountain Villa didn't know the origin of Meng Zhang, but took him for granted as an afterthought arranged by ancestor Yun in advance.

   Xingyun Jianzong was once a famous sect. After the decline of the Xingyun Jianzong, the ancestor Yun was a powerful figure who supported the entire sect with his own strength.

  The three ancestors of Guchi Mountain Villa not only heard of the prestige of the ancestor Yun, but also witnessed the amazing strength of the ancestor Yun in his early years.

  The ancestor Yun has long left a deep shadow in their hearts.

   For so many years, the ancestor Yun has dealt with the three of them on his own, and has always made the three of them unable to do anything.

   Now, the ancestor Yun has a desperate heart, making it clear that he wants to pull a back before death, with the assistance of Meng Zhang next to him.

   Despite being two-to-three, the number is at a disadvantage. But Meng Zhang and Old Ancestor Yun still had the upper hand.

   Both of them are experienced figures, and they immediately sensed the hesitation of their opponents.

   They seized the opportunity and became more and more vigorous.

   I saw the starlight flowing in the high sky, the sword light shining, Meng Zhang and the ancestor Yun controlled the flying sword to come and go freely, as if entering the realm of no one.

   The same is Jian Xiu, Gu Pu and Gu Yuanliang, their auras are obviously a lot shorter, and Jian Xiu's indomitable sharpness is not visible.

   Of course, Gu Kun, who is a practitioner, performed no better than two of his fellow students.

   He saw that the spells cast couldn't restrain the two opponents who came and went freely, so he had to cast defensive spells first, protecting himself first.

  The sky in the dust world is always gray, and the land is dominated by deserts, and there are often unfathomable gullies.

   Five Void Returning Powers unscrupulously shot here, causing huge damage to the already broken dust world.

   The sword light seemed to tear the sky apart, and the sword energy that fell on the ground created more gullies.

   The whole world seems to be shaking violently, and the thunderous noise seems to have never been cut off.

   The place where the five people fought was far away from the station of the Nebula Sword Sect.

   But the aftermath of the battle quickly spread to that place.

   The cultivators in the Sword Sect of Nebula’s resident have opened various restrictions one after another, and together they have maximized the power of the protective circle.

   A series of terrifying hurricanes swept across, as if they would blow away the whole city together.

   Fortunately, the Nebula Sword Sect has a profound background, and the protective array is very effective.

   In the face of powerful external threats, the monks in the door knew the truth of all damages, no matter what their thoughts were, and everyone worked together to support the magic circle.

   The location of the Sword Sect of the Nebula is like a mainstay, and all the hurricanes that swept over it could not blow it at all.

   The five people who fought in the distance, even the ancestor Yun of the Sword Sect of Nebula, would not care about the situation of the sect at this time.

   The aftermath of the Five Void Returning Great Powers battle spread widely, affecting a large area nearby.

   Originally, there were many monks with different backgrounds hidden near the residence of the Sword Sect of Nebula.

   Now being affected by the aftermath of the battle, many monks involuntarily showed their deeds.

   They were worried that they would be involved in the battle of rebirth, and they flew far away from here.

   Even if it is other rebirth powers, they are also unwilling to engage in such a battle.

   It is really frightening to see Old Ancestor Yun's crazy look.

   Even a monk of the same rank, there is no need to ask for trouble at this time.

   The two sides fought fiercely for a long time, and the ancestor Yun kept stimulating the final potential, and the flesh and blood and even the soul seemed to be burning violently.

   The ancestor Yun, who has been completely insane, has exploded with fighting power comparable to the heyday.

   The magic weapon series flying sword in his hand was urged to the extreme by him.

  The starlight flowing in the sky suddenly began to flow at an accelerated rate, like a scrolling galaxy.

   In front of the unstoppable Galaxy, no matter what kind of secret magical powers, they are easily resolved.

   Gu Yuanliang also sacrificed a magic weapon series flying sword, trying to block one or two.

   The galaxy hangs upside down, the stars are flourishing, and Gu Yuanliang is forced to retreat again and again, which is extremely difficult.

   Although it seems fierce and mighty and powerful, Old Ancestor Yun has a clear understanding of his own state.

   He knew that the current situation of his family was only a short-lived one, and it wouldn't last long, and the flame of life could be extinguished at any time.

   His time is running out, it is not enough for him to kill all the enemies.

   He must have a choice, choose a suitable goal.

   Gu Yuanliang, the most powerful among the three enemies, was not his target.

   Gu Yuanliang has the magic weapon flying sword to protect him, which is not so easy to kill.

   If one blow is unsuccessful, he will not have a second chance.

   Gupu, who is also a sword repairer, can't bear this kind of passive and retreating situation.

   The invincible ancestor Yun inspired the arrogance and unwillingness in his heart.

   He is also a sword repairman at any rate, and his opponent is a monk of the same rank, how could he be so useless.

   The roaring Gupu Festival took off the sword and tried to launch a counterattack.

   Meng Zhang worked hard to retreat from Gu Kun and actively created opportunities for the ancestor Yun.

   The flying sword that the ancestor Yun raised, and the flying sword that Gupu offered to sacrifice began a fierce collision in the air.

   In the end, Old Ancestor Yun became the final winner with his overwhelming strength advantage and the surpassing of the flying sword quality.

   Gupu’s flying sword was cut off on the spot, and the flying sword sacrificed by the ancestor Yun was cast off and continued to kill the target.

   In the roar of Gu Yuanliang and Gu Kun, Gu Pu was horrified to find that the enemy's flying sword hit him.

   Gupu didn't even have time to make a scream, and his whole body with Yang Shen was completely cut off.

   Gu Yuanliang and Gu Kun, who tried to rescue them with all their strength, were both blocked by Meng Zhang.

   succeeded in slaying one person, the ancestor Yun's momentum suddenly vented a lot.

   There was a sickly flush on his face, and then his face quickly became pale.

  Unwillingly, he glanced at his opponent, summoned his courage, and once again drove the flying sword to kill.

   Seeing that Old Ancestor Yun had killed a fellow student and continued to kill him, Gu Yuanliang and Gu Kun, who were both frightened and angry, both retreated in their hearts.

   But if they retreat, they are unwilling to resign.

   Everyone with a clear eye knows that ancestor Yun hangs all by one breath, and he might fall down at any time.

   Just as they were hesitating, the elder Yun Meng Zhang and the two actively cooperated to create another result.

   This time, it was replaced by ancestor Yun to assist Meng Zhang.

   The ancestor Yun restrained his opponent and created an opportunity for Meng Zhang.

   Gu Kun's body protection spell was broken, and his body was chopped off by Chi Yin Sword Sha.

   Gu Kun couldn't care about anything else, holding back the severe pain on his body, and Yang Shen wrapped up the remnant half of his flesh and escaped.

  Meng Zhang and the ancestor Yun's double swords combined, killing Gu Yuanliang back again and again.

   The insidious Chi Yin Jian Sha penetrated into his body and caused him a huge trouble.

   In the end, he still looked for an opportunity, used the technique of sword escape, and quickly escaped.

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