The Way of the Immortal Master

Vol 2 Chapter 1867: Blow in the wind

This battle was really happy.

   Such a hearty battle, Meng Zhangdu hasn't experienced it for a long time.

   Seeing the enemy fleeing, Meng Zhang, who is still unhappy, is about to drive the flying sword to continue the pursuit and kill all the enemies.

   Suddenly, his face changed, he immediately stopped moving forward, turned and looked at Old Ancestor Yun.

   The ancestor Yun had a crazy smile, and he screamed with joy.

   After a while, the whole body of Old Ancestor Yun collapsed completely and turned into dust in the sky, slowly drifting away with the wind.

  The ancestor Yun finally swallowed his last breath and passed away completely.

  Because of his potential, he couldn't even keep his body after his death.

   His magic weapon flying sword made a circle around the place where he passed away, and then took the initiative to throw it into Meng Zhang's hands.

  According to the previous agreement between the two, this Feijian Mengzhang is only temporarily kept, and will be handed over to a disciple of the Nebula Sword Sect who is eligible to inherit it in the future.

   Meng Zhang looked at the place where Old Ancestor Yun had passed away and sighed.

   The corpse of the ancestor Yun has no bones, and the powder of the corpse dissipates, leaving Meng Zhang's heart with an indescribable sadness.

  The ancestor Yun is gone, and the Sword Sect Nebula will rely on him in the future.

   Meng Zhang felt a heavy burden on him.

   Before the battle, the ancestor Yun explained everything to Meng Zhang.

   The relics of the ancestor Yun, Meng Zhang had already collected them.

   Meng Zhang was silent for a moment, then quickly left here and returned to the station of the Nebula Sword Sect.

   Even though the ancestor Yun is gone, only Meng Zhang is left.

   But the two had previously severely damaged Guchi Villa, the greatest enemy of the Sword Sect of Nebula, and eased their immediate needs.

   With Meng Zhang’s powerful combat effectiveness, it is impossible for those bystanders to be unafraid.

   Before figuring out the details of Meng Zhang and figuring out a way to deal with Meng Zhang, even those who are malicious towards the Sword Sect of Nebula, dare not act rashly.

   After Meng Zhang returned to the resident of the Nebula Sword Sect, he went directly to the martial arts hall.

   In order to resist the aftermath of the battle, the many monks who had gathered in the square in front of the martial hall had already rushed to various places to support the entire protective array.

  Meng Zhang has long known all the secrets of the protective circle from the ancestor Yun.

  Even if the power of the protective circle is fully deployed, it can't stop him.

   After returning to the martial arts hall, Meng Zhang rang the bell at the top of the martial arts hall, and once again called the monks in the door.

   The sharp-eyed guy should have discovered that the battle in the distance is over.

   Old Ancestor Yun and Meng Zhang went out aggressively, and the outcome of the battle is what they are most concerned about right now.

   After hearing the summoning bell, everyone gathered here quickly.

   Many people were unfortunately injured when they supported the defense circle.

   However, in front of the highest order summoned by the sect, they all had to suppress their injuries forcibly, and they would gather first before talking.

   Meng Zhang stood in front of the martial arts hall, silently looking at the square in front, waiting for the monks to gather in the door.

   It took a long time for the monks scattered around the resident to gather here.

   Seeing that everyone was almost gathered, Meng Zhang didn't have the slightest wordy, and went straight to the topic.

   "I just went out with Senior Brother Yun to fight the enemy. One of the three rebirth cultivators of Guchi Villa was killed on the spot, and the other two were wounded and fled."

   After hearing the results announced by Meng Zhang, many people below showed overjoyed expressions.

   Guchi Villa has been hostile to the Sword Sect of Nebula for many years, causing huge losses to Sword of Nebula, and it has long been a big mountain weighing on the monk of Sword of Nebula.

   Now the ancestor in the door has almost wiped out the enemy's top combat power. Such a brilliant result is simply unprecedented.

   No matter what kind of thoughts or true positions they hold in their hearts, everyone is uncontrollable ecstasy.

   If it weren't for the stern face of the ancestor Meng Zhang, everyone in the field might have started cheering.

   "Congratulations to the ancestors, congratulations to the ancestors, this is really a big victory for all the previous actions."

   "This big victory is due to the power of the two ancestors."


   Shun Yi, the head of general affairs, was indeed an informed and interesting guy, and he immediately stood up and flattered him.

   "Old Ancestor Meng, everyone in the door is excited now, why don't the old Ancestor lead us to plow the courtyard and sweep the cave together, and completely wipe out the traitors of Guchi Villa."


   Probably because he didn't want to let True Monarch Shunyi be in front of him, someone ran out and shouted.

   I don’t know what this guy means, is he really overjoyed, has become confused, or has ulterior motives?

   Meng Zhang just gave him a sideways glance, the huge pressure made this guy shut up immediately, and retired in a jealousy.

  Meng Zhang is not only capable of returning to the emptiness, but also has been the head of the Taiyi Sect for many years.

   His kind of leader group and high-ranking aura is even more obvious.

   Meng Zhang just made a simple look, and the court immediately calmed down.

   "After this battle, Old Ancestor Yun also unfortunately sat down."

  Although many people had expected it in their hearts for a long time, when Meng Zhang personally announced the news, everyone in the field couldn't help being shocked, and then they fell into great sadness.

   For so many years, the ancestor Yun has sheltered from the wind and rain for the Sword Sect of Nebula, and blessed all the monks in the door.

   If there was no such pillar as Old Ancestor Yun, Jianzong Nebula would have fallen apart and ceased to exist.

  In the eyes of the monk in the ancestor Yun is a majestic elder, and it is also their heart's support.

   In these days, Old Ancestor Yun's physical condition is deteriorating day by day, and the middle and high levels of the door are watching.

   They all know that the ancestor Yun's fate is not long, and they will sit down at any time.

   But when it came to such a day, everyone was still in a huge panic, as if the sky was falling.

   Hearing the sobbing sound in the field, Meng Zhang did not stop him, letting the monks in the field vent their pain.

   Although it was the first time he met Old Ancestor Yun, there was no friendship before, and the two parties were essentially trading relationships.

   But this does not prevent him from showing respect to Old Ancestor Yun in his heart.

  The ancestor Yun dedicated his life to the sect. At the last moment of his life, he also worked hard to resolve the crisis and clear up the troubles of the sect. This is really admirable.

   Meng Zhang, who had just fought side by side with Old Ancestor Yun, was full of respect for him.

   Originally, Guchi Villa was the greatest threat to the Sword Sect of Nebula.

   But after this war, the three ancestors of Guchi Mountain Villa, Gupu died, Gu Kun was seriously injured, and it was difficult to recover. Gu Yuanliang's injuries were not light, and they could not be healed in a short time.

   Sword Sect of the Nebula had the new force of Meng Zhang joined, which in turn occupied a certain advantage.

   The offensive and defensive trend was reversed, and the advantage was transferred to the side of Nebula Sword Sect.

   Although I haven't figured out what to do next, Meng Zhang has the initiative and has more choices.

   After waiting for a long time, letting everyone in the field vent their pain, Meng Zhang stopped the commotion in the field and continued to talk about business.

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