The Way of the Immortal Master

Vol 2 Chapter 1880: Subpoena

The dusty world, where there were constant disputes and frequent battles, has recently begun to settle down.

Many comprehension forces want to escape the upcoming Yunzhong City through the wormhole channel.

Under this circumstance, everyone is willing to actively cooperate with the senior leaders of the four-pointed star area to get a chance to leave here.

Once Yunzhong City descends, let alone the dust world, the entire four-pointed star area will fall.

The remaining monks were either killed or became slaves.

The interests that the major powers of cultivation are fighting over now will all belong to Yunzhong City in the future. What is the significance of their current fighting.

Although the dust world is far away from the core part of the four-pointed star area, the news is not blocked.

Especially in recent years, any public remarks made by the senior leaders of the four-pointed star area will soon spread to the dust world.

Now for the entire four-pointed star area, the top priority is to build the wormhole tunnel, and put everything else aside first.

Even the Shuangfeng star area has publicly announced that it will support the operations of the four-pointed star area.

Of course, in private, many people have rumored that the four-pointed star area has paid a huge price and made many concessions before finally getting the support of the Shuangfeng star area.

For the senior members of the four-pointed star area, the biggest support of the double peak star area is not to hinder them from constructing the wormhole channel.

As the peepers around the Sword Sect Nebula disappeared one after another, the ups and downs of the Sword Sect Nebula breathed a sigh of relief.

As the communication between Jianzong Nebula and the surrounding area slowly recovered, everything seemed to be back to its previous normal state.

As for the materials distributed by Baishicheng and others, it was temporarily delayed by True Monarch Shunyi to find an excuse.

Now that the Nebula Sword Sect can function normally, Meng Zhang can retreat and practice with peace of mind.

According to his estimation, it would take at least a hundred years for the high-levels of the four-pointed star area to build the wormhole passage with all their strength.

He still has enough time to slowly look for opportunities to gain the power to pass through the passage.

Regarding Meng Zhang in retreat, the senior officials of Sword Sect Nebula were also wise not to disturb him.

Meng Zhang rarely talked about the internal affairs of the sect.

After he gave the order last time, even if the middle and high level of the door were very unwilling, he still had to take turns to sit underground according to his instructions.

Backed by Meng Zhang, Shunyi Zhenjun, who mastered the power of the Yuanshen Zhenjun in the door, surged in authority in the door, and suddenly shook.

At the very least, the constraints of the elders in the door on him have all weakened a lot.

On this day, Meng Zhang was practicing in retreat.

Suddenly, a piece of jade pendant he wore with him began to emit a dazzling light.

Seeing this scene, Meng Zhang talked, and the trouble was still unavoidable.

This jade pendant was personally given to him by the ancestor Yun back then.

The ancestor Yun told Meng Zhang that if the jade pendant remained unresponsive, then that was all, Meng Zhang could treat it as non-existent.

But if Yupei sends out a signal, it means that someone needs Meng Zhang's support.

The ancestor Yun hoped that Meng Zhang would give his full assistance.

For this reason, the ancestor Yun also advanced a lot of remuneration to Meng Zhang.

Ningyun Jianzong don't look at the current downfall, but as a sect with a long history, it has a lot of background and accumulation.

The ancestor Yun has been in charge of the Sword Sect of Nebula for many years.

After discovering that the middle and high levels of the gate were unreliable, and many monks were unbelievable, the ancestor Yun personally collected many of the treasures of the sect.

In the end, he left these things to Meng Zhang.

Eating people with short mouths and short hands, Meng Zhang is not the kind of person who eats up and doesn't admit it.

Now that he has benefited from Old Ancestor Yun, he will keep his promise.

Now Yu Pei had a reaction, Meng Zhang did not delay, and immediately left the Nebula Sword Sect secretly, and flew away from the direction of the Nebula Sword Sect according to Yu Pei's guidance.

Meng Zhang's figure flickered quickly in the air, and quickly crossed a distance of tens of thousands of miles to reach his destination.

I saw the stars shining ahead, the hurricane raging, and a female amendment was fighting hard with three enemies.

Meng Zhang, the enemy of female cultivators, is not completely unfamiliar. Judging from his costume, a monk should be a disciple of Lengshan Temple.

The other two enemies, one is a demon monk, and the other is a strange monster.

This female monk is a female swordsman with a Yang Shenqi cultivation base, and she is very accomplished in kendo.

Meng Zhang has seen many sword repairmen in Junchen Realm, and he is also a master of kendo.

Among the sword cultivators Meng Zhang had seen, there were not many that could compare to this female cultivator.

Meng Zhang asked himself, when he was in the Yang Shen stage, his swordsmanship might not be better than this female monk.

Although she doesn't know the name of this female swordsman, nor her origin, but judging from the swordsmanship she used, it is clearly the secret of the swordsmanship of the Nebula Sword Sect.

The generous ancestor Yun not only left the various inheritances of the Nebula Sword Sect to Meng Zhang, but also had exchanges with Meng Zhang in front of him.

Although Meng Zhang didn't take the Sword Inheritance of the Nebula Sword Sect as his major, he has fully seen its mystery and obtained many benefits from it.

The kendo inheritance of the Nebula Sword Sect displayed by this female monk was more mysterious than Meng Zhang knew.

Needless to say, the object that Old Ancestor Yun hopes to support himself should be this female sister.

Her three opponents, whether they were monks, demons, or demons, Meng Zhang didn't please his eyes.

For these guys, Meng Zhang wouldn't talk to them about the rules of the realm of cultivation.

He is not bullying the small with the big, but slaying demons and demons and eradicating evil ways.

At the moment when Meng Zhang was observing the surroundings, the female sword repairer had completely fallen into a disadvantage.

She may be injured and her movements are unnatural.

That Yang God-level monk was very tough, and he was able to resist the female sword repair force frontally.

The magic repairs and monsters have a variety of secret methods, and they tightly entangle the female sword repair, making her unable to get out.

After Meng Zhang carefully observed and confirmed that there was no ambush around, he immediately took action.

Two air currents, one black and one white, are entangled together, transforming into a sharp sword in the air, performing superior Nebula Sword Sect swordsmanship, and beheading the three enemies.

The magical powers of the Liangyi Tongtian Sword had long been unable to keep up with the progress of Meng Zhang's cultivation base.

It is very convenient to bully the weak and kill low-level monks who are not as good as him. When fighting against enemies of the same level, they can't play a big role.

The Liangyi Tongtian Sword was really just right in the current situation.

Meng Zhangxiu's level is higher than that of the female swordsman, and she has a much deeper understanding of kendo than her.

In particular, certain kendo principles revealed in Meng Zhang's swordsmanship made the female sword repairer who was fighting the enemy bloody, and after seeing it, her eyes continued to shine, and her eyes seemed to brighten a bit.

She almost couldn't take care of her opponent, just watching Meng Zhang's swordsmanship.

Fortunately, after Meng Zhang took action against the three enemies, he immediately forced the three enemies to be overwhelmed, and it was difficult for them to protect themselves. How could they continue to attack the enemy.

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