The Way of the Immortal Master

Vol 2 Chapter 1881: Mu Xingtong

I saw a sharp sword of black and white, which turned into starlight in the sky.

A little bit of starlight fell, containing incredible power.

The monk at the Yang God level had obviously cultivated some powerful supernatural powers.

He is tall, strong and strong, invulnerable to fire and water. It has strong resistance to all kinds of spells and magic weapons.

When he was fighting the female sword repairer before, he could temporarily block the opponent's flying sword by relying on his body alone.

But at this time, a little bit of starlight fell on the monk, immediately leaving countless holes in his powerful body, letting a lot of blood spray everywhere.

But within a short time, the monk became riddled with holes all over his body and fell down.

As for the demon repairer and the monster, after being hit by the starlight, their bodies immediately burned violently.

They knew that they had encountered an unstoppable master, and they tried to use the magic way to escape.

But the starlight ignited their bodies and quickly burned them all.

Meng Zhang bullied the small with the big, the strong bullied the weak, and bullied a group of Yang Shen-level enemies with the cultivation base of the rebirth period, which was nothing.

However, he used the magical power of the Liangyi Tongtian Sword to show his own understanding of the swordsmanship of the Nebula Sword Sect, which not only demonstrated his identity, but also demonstrated his superb swordsmanship.

Seeing that the enemy who almost caused her trouble was easily wiped out by Meng Zhang, the female sword repairer stayed for a while, then flew in front of Meng Zhang and immediately paid a salute.

"Disciple Mu Xingtong, pay homage to Patriarch Meng."

Meng Zhang never knew that the Sword Sect of Nebula also had a female sword repairer at the Yang God level.

Of course, the opponent's cultivation base and techniques cannot be faked, and he is indeed a disciple of the Sword Sect of Nebula.

Moreover, the ancestor Yun couldn't rest assured before he died, and entrusted Meng Zhang to take care of it. This woman was definitely the object of his most concern.

Meng Zhang even had a faint feeling in his heart that many of the backhands laid by the ancestor Yun had been cracked by the enemy, and it was probably just smoke.

What he really valued should be the female sword repairer in front of him.

This female sword repairer is the real successor of the ancestor Yun and the real heir of the Sword Sect Nebula.

Next, the dialogue between the two proved Meng Zhang's ideas.

This female swordsman who claimed to be Mu Xingtong did not conceal Meng Zhang, and honestly told her origin.

Many years ago, Mu Xingtong was a well-known kendo genius in the Nebula Sword Sect, showing great potential.

Although the Sword Sect of Nebula at that time was not as precarious as it is now, and on the brink of desperation, the real situation is definitely not very good.

The Sword Sect of Nebula already has a lot of sword repair seeds, which have fallen inexplicably in the dust world.

Although Patriarch Yun had a vague guess about the murderer, he was unable to retaliate.

The Sword Sect of Nebula has only an old ancestor Yun, who is capable of returning to the void, and is not strong enough to deal with enemies from all sides.

At that time, Mu Xingtong stood out in the door, and was regarded by the ancestor Yun as being able to inherit the lineage of the Sword Sect of the Nebula, and one day would be able to revive the hope of the sect.

In order to protect Mu Xingtong, the ancestor Yun designed an accident to make Mu Xingtong suspended for death, out of everyone's sight.

Even the soul lamp of Mu Xingtong in the sect was secretly handled by Ancestor Yun.

The Sword Sect of Nebula is a sect that has accepted the inheritance of the immortals, and the ancestors were once glorious, and there were many sects who returned to the void.

The ancestor Yun is extremely senior in the realm of comprehension and has experienced countless ups and downs.

If it weren't for being burdened by the sect, Patriarch Yun's achievements might not stop there.

The ancestor Yun has deep connections and has made many good friends.

A great power Yunlan Taoist of the Saint Sect of Flowing Clouds, he was a life-and-death acquaintance with the ancestor Yun in his early years, and he had a fateful friendship.

Although trapped in the position of the sect, Taoist Yunlan was unable to help Sword Sect Nebula with all his strength, but the personal relationship between him and Old Ancestor Yun was not affected.

The ancestor Yun secretly sent Mu Xingtong to the big world inside the four-pointed star area, and entrusted it to Taoist Yun Lan to take care of it.

Mu Xingtong himself has the qualifications, and his temperament is very good.

In the past few years, her cultivation base has advanced by leaps and bounds, and she has made rapid progress.

Not long ago, she had also survived the Thunder Tribulation of the Sun God and successfully advanced to the Yang God Stage.

In the big world inside the four-pointed star area, most of the resources have been divided up by the major forces long ago, and it is difficult to survive in casual repairs.

Liuyun Shengzong is a powerful sect created by Zhenxian, and Lipai Zhenxian still exists today.

Even if Yunlan Taoist is capable of returning to the void, he can't do whatever he wants inside the sect, and must abide by the rules of the sect.

He can take good care of Mu Xingtong, but he can't use the resources of the sect to cultivate Mu Xingtong for private reasons.

In order to gain a foothold in the four-pointed star area, Mu Xingtong joined the Floating Cloud Saint Sect and became an Outer Sect elder under the recommendation of Taoist Yunlan.

With the identity of the Flowing Cloud Saint Sect, Mu Xingtong has gained many benefits.

At the very least, those enemies of Sword Sect Nebula, even if they knew about the existence of Mu Xingtong, did not dare to rush to the big world inside the four-pointed star area to hunt down the members of Saint Sect of Flowing Clouds.

She can smoothly advance to the Yang Shen stage, and it is inseparable from this.

Of course, now that he has enjoyed the benefits of the Floating Cloud Saint Sect's identity, he naturally has to bear the corresponding obligations.

Mu Xingtong wants to work for the Floating Cloud Saint Sect and completes the tasks assigned by the Sect.

With such a huge sect of Liuyun Shengzong, fierce various struggles are inevitable within.

Since Mu Xingtong was recommended by Taoist Yunlan to join the sect, he was naturally branded with Taoist Yunlan.

In recent years, because the people of the Yunlan Taoist line fell into the wind in the struggle, Mu Xingtong had a lot of trouble.

Of course, sects like Liuyun Shengzong have strict rules, even if they are infighting, they all have a bottom line.

Can't hurt the direct monks, can't openly mutilate the same family...

Although Mu Xingtong was valued by Taoist Yun Lan, his strength was not weak. But after all, he was not a direct monk of the Sacred Sect of Flowing Clouds, so naturally he was suppressed and excluded.

Although Saint Sect of Flowing Clouds is also decent or decent, the internal fighting in the door will not be too much.

However, Mu Xingtong was still sent to the dust to complete a lot of troublesome tasks and experience a lot of dangers.

Because of Mu Xingtong's identity, she has to bear additional risks in the dust world.

Sure enough, not long after Mu Xingtong came to the dust world, he exposed his identity and was besieged by a powerful enemy.

Before his death, the ancestor Yun used the secret technique of heart initiation and explained everything to Mu Xingtong.

Mu Xingtong was very sad about the passing away of the ancestor Yun, but for the inheritance of the Sword Nebula Sect, he couldn't return to the Sword Nebula Sect.

When she was dispatched by the Saint Sect of Flowing Clouds and came to the dust world, and was besieged by a powerful enemy, she couldn't resist her, she could not urge communication Yupei to ask Meng Zhang for help.

Before asking for help, she didn't have much hope.

Although Meng Zhang once swore an oath before the gold medal, he would strictly abide by the promise.

But if Meng Zhang was delayed due to other things and didn't arrive in time, there would be no way.

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