The Way of the Immortal Master

Vol 2 Chapter 1886: Intercept

In this place of the dust world, because of the war of immortals that year, the damage caused was too great, the rules of heaven and earth in many places were disordered, and the space was not very stable.

Therefore, even the monks who are proficient in space avenues will not rashly use the space shuttle technique on their way.

If one is not good, it will be very troublesome if it gets involved in a space storm and falls into a space vortex.

Unless it is Meng Zhang, who has a profound knowledge of returning to the void on the Avenue of Space, he dares to travel through space at will.

Of course, if it was in certain well-known dangerous places in the dust world, even Meng Zhang would not dare to be presumptuous, let alone rely on the supernatural powers of space to mess up.

Wang Defeng is not fleeing for his life, there is no need to venture through space at all.

He honestly used the technique of flying and drove in the sky.

Wang Defeng and himself are also the cultivation base of Yang Shenqi, and Mu Xingtong wants to try his sword with him.

Meng Zhang did not agree with Mu Xingtong's move.

Now is not the time for her to increase her combat experience, in order to ensure that she is foolproof, she still needs Meng Zhang to take action.

The three of them were divided into two groups and soon left the Guchi Villa far away.

Seeing that this place was far enough away from Guchi Mountain Villa and the fluctuation of the battle would not pass too quickly, Meng Zhang finally started.

"Friend Wang Dao, haven't seen you for many years, you still have the same style."

With a flash of Meng Zhang's figure, he appeared on the road ahead of Wang Defeng's flight.

Meng Zhang is still more particular about his actions, and he decides to be courteous first and then pawn.

If Wang Defeng is willing to answer his own questions honestly, there is no need to bully the small by himself.

After all, the Wang family is very powerful, and Wang Defeng was very cooperative with his question last time.

There is a precedent for good cooperation, and Meng Zhang did not want to meet each other in battle.

Last time Meng Zhang changed his appearance and met Wang Defeng.

When he first saw Meng Zhang, Wang Defeng didn't recognize him immediately.

"Why, how long has it been since you don't know old friends?"

With a familiar voice, Wang Defeng finally remembered what happened last time.

The expression on Wang Defeng's originally calm face changed drastically, but he didn't know how to suddenly become a little excited.

Without saying anything, Wang Defeng set up a black iron umbrella and tried to escape here as quickly as possible.

Wang Defeng's fierce reaction was really unexpected by Meng Zhang.

Especially the iron umbrella that Wang Defeng set up for worship made Meng Zhang a little bit surprised.

This is a rare treasure.

The power of the strange treasure in all aspects may not be able to catch up with the real magic weapon, but the threshold for control is low, and even the Yang Shenqi cultivator can be an emissary.

When the monks and imperial emperors of the Yangshen stage have suitable foreign treasures, they can exert some power of returning to the void.

Even if you encounter the true Void Returning Power, you can deal with it one or two times.

Wang Defeng reacted too quickly, and he was able to sacrifice the strange treasure in the shape of an iron umbrella, and he was about to flee here far away.

If it were replaced by a Void Returning Power with insufficient combat experience, I am afraid it would really be possible for him to escape.

Especially when Meng Zhang was troubled, he sensed an invisible wave of fluctuations, which was being transmitted from Wang Defeng.

Obviously, this is his distress signal.

If Wang Defeng's reinforcements arrived in time, Meng Zhang would expose himself in vain if he didn't mention the failure of this operation.

Meng Zhang's reaction was also very quick. A huge vitality hand quickly condensed and formed in the air, and then directly grabbed Wang Defeng.

Meng Zhang wants to capture Wang Defeng alive, and he still has a lot of questions to ask him.

If Meng Zhang wanted to ask Wang Defeng before, just try it at will.

Now Wang Defeng's unexpectedly fierce reaction shows that he has a ghost in his heart and has an unknown secret.

This has greatly increased Meng Zhang's interest, and he must be taken down.

The huge vitality hand enveloped Wang Defeng's body, and he was about to be grabbed at the sight.

Under the iron umbrella, Wang Defeng suddenly accelerated, and immediately escaped from the enveloping range of his vitality hand.

Meng Zhang, who had been prepared for a long time, had a thought, and Wang Defeng, who was advancing at high speed, seemed to hit an invisible wall with his head.

Although the iron umbrella easily smashed the wall, but after a delay, the great vitality hand fell from the sky and firmly grasped Wang Defeng.

Wang Defeng roared, trying his best to urge the power of the iron umbrella in his hand.

The iron umbrella seemed to be strongly stimulated, and immediately shined brightly.

The iron umbrella spun quickly, easily smashing the vitality of this Meng Zhang condensed hand, allowing Wang Defeng to escape.

Seeing Wang Defeng driving the iron umbrella, free from the shackles of his vitality hand, about to flee here, Meng Zhang couldn't help but become serious.

If Wang Defeng were to escape from him in this way, then Meng Zhang would be embarrassed this time.

Meng Zhang pointed with a single hand, and a bolt of lightning fell from the sky, just hitting the iron umbrella.

Although the strange treasure has some characteristics of the magic weapon, it is not a real magic weapon after all.

Even if it can display some of the power of the Void Return, there is still a huge gap in the face of the real Void Return.

The surface of the iron umbrella was split into pieces, and the handle of the umbrella came out of Wang Defeng's hand.

Wang Defeng screamed in his mouth and fell to the ground.

A monk like Wang Defeng in the Yangshen Stage controls the strange treasures, and is probably able to deal with ordinary Void Returning Powers.

But Meng Zhang can be regarded as a strong person in the power of returning to the void.

Once he got serious, Wang Defeng couldn't stand a blow.

"Wang Daoyou, why are you doing this? You don't have to make it so ugly if you cooperate honestly earlier."

"Now, you should have a good talk with this seat."

Hearing Meng Zhang's taunting voice, Wang Defeng's expression suddenly became crazy.

"Old thief, you forced me."

Wang Defeng bit the tip of his tongue and sprayed a mouthful of blood on the jade pendant on his chest.

The jade pendant was immediately shattered, releasing a strong breath.

Meng Zhang, who had a frivolous expression on his face, holding a cat-and-mouse mentality, suddenly became serious.

He talked so much nonsense just now, and allowed Wang Defeng to do it, but it was to dampen his confidence and prepare for the next conversation.

But looking at Wang Defeng's current appearance, it is clear that something extraordinary has been brought out.

I saw a black smoke sprayed out of the broken jade pendant, twisted and deformed in the air, and then turned into a terrifying behemoth.

This behemoth is a thousand feet tall and extremely large, covered with bone spurs of various thicknesses all over its body.

Especially what makes Meng Zhang wary is that the breath released from this giant beast is full of brutality, primitiveness, savagery, bloodthirsty...

Even though Meng Zhang has achieved the power of returning to the void, he is fundamentally a human being.

In him, a lot of human nature is still retained.

Facing this giant beast now belonged to certain natures imprinted in human bones, which made him feel as if he was facing a natural enemy.

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