The Way of the Immortal Master

Vol 2 Chapter 1887: Star beast

Meng Zhang forcibly suppressed the instinct of wanting to collapse and kneeling, and stared at the natural enemy in front of him with all his strength.

Mu Xingtong had been watching the battle from the side. Seeing Meng Zhang easily suppress Wang Defeng, she felt a little dull, and she was already thinking about the next step.

As soon as this terrifying beast appeared, Mu Xingtong felt limp and weak, and almost lost his mind.

Meng Zhang was able to maintain his composure anyway, and Mu Xingtong could no longer maintain his original appearance, and was about to collapse to the ground.

As soon as this behemoth appeared, it seemed extremely irritable.

It seems to be a prisoner who has been detained for a long time and suddenly regained his freedom. The beast roars and roars endlessly.

Wang Defeng, who released the giant beast, was the closest. The giant beast didn't seem to care that he released himself, and didn't care about him at all.

The roar of the giant beast is not only huge, but also contains extremely powerful power, which will cause a huge impact on all living beings.

Wang Defeng, who was close at hand, faced the roar of the giant beast, and shook him to the ground, spurting blood continuously.

Under the impact of the roar, Meng Zhang also felt a little uncomfortable.

A flying sword appeared in front of Mu Xingtong's body to help her resist the impact of the roar.

Being able to be regarded by the ancestor Yun as the hope of the sect, and as a seed to cultivate with all his strength, Mu Xingtong has many advantages.

While bearing the impact, she tried to calm down, not forgetting to remind Meng Zhang.

"Uncle Meng, be careful, this is a star beast."

After receiving Mu Xingtong's reminder, Meng Zhang suddenly reacted, and a lot of information about star beasts suddenly flooded into his mind.

The star beast is a kind of strange beast in the legend.

Star beasts are often born in the void and wander in the void all year round.

The star beast is extremely cruel and terrifying, and will swallow everything in the void, especially the world.

Some particularly powerful star beasts will even feed on the big world.

Once a certain world is stared at by the star beast, and it lacks sufficient resistance, the whole world will soon usher in its end.

The star beast is the great enemy of living beings, it is the existence that almost all worlds are extremely hostile and extremely fearful.

Meng Zhang had read about star beasts before, and this was the first time he saw a living star beast with his own eyes.

Whether in the star area where Junchen Realm is located, or the star area he has traveled in recent years, he has never found a trace of a star beast.

The reason for this is very simple. Once it came, there might not be any star beasts in these places.

Secondly, after the powerhouses in each world grow up, they will actively remove the star beasts around the world and protect their own world.

Judging by the standard of rebirth and power, Meng Zhang's age is not too old.

As for his experience in the void, it is not worth mentioning.

On the contrary, Mu Xingtong is not only the seed disciple of the Sword Sect of Nebula, but also has spent so many years in the Sect of Immortal Sect like Saint Sect of Flowing Clouds. Whether it is vision or insight, there are unique features.

She broke through the origins of the giant beast in front of her, and she had outstanding eyesight.

Meng Zhang thought of all kinds of information about the star beast, changed his previous relaxed and freehand posture, and became more serious than ever, as if he was facing an enemy.

Generally speaking, as long as the star beasts wandering in the void, as long as they linger until they reach adulthood, they at least have the strength of the Void Returning Ability level.

Star beasts of true immortal level and even stronger strength are not rare among star beasts.

For the star beast that appeared here, Meng Zhang felt that the opponent's strength might not be below him.

Meng Zhang didn't back down because of the strength of his opponent, but rather meant to be happy when he heard the war.

After bearing the impact of the roar of the star beast, Meng Zhang also began to counterattack.

The black and white gases were mixed in the air and turned into a black and white puppet, sweeping toward the giant beast.

As soon as he shot, Meng Zhang invoked the power of the avenue of yin and yang he had mastered, released the two qi of yin and yang, trying to suppress the star beast in front of him.

His figure flashed in the air, and every time he appeared, a fierce spell bombarded the past.

When the star beast was about to fight back, his figure immediately disappeared.

The huge body of the star beast shook lightly, as if shaking off dust, canceling out all the spell attacks of Meng Zhang.

The only yin and yang two qi that threatened the star beast hadn't fallen yet, it was urged by the star beast to send out an invisible force to support it.

Among the materials that Meng Zhang has read, there is no difference in the strength of the star beast.

Meng Zhang has overestimated the enemy's strength as much as possible.

But the star beast in front of him hasn't even started attacking. Its defense power alone is so powerful that it can almost resist Meng Zhang's various spells with its physical body.

Meng Zhang, who has experienced many battles, has encountered such an opponent for the first time.

In comparison, those races that are known for their physical intrepidity, such as the barbarians, monsters, and even true dragons, are simply not worth mentioning.

The star beast in front of him is not only strong in defense, but also terrifying in attack.

A pair of star beasts slapped their chest heavily, and several beams of light shot out of the star beast.

These beams of light cut around repeatedly with the momentum of sweeping everything.

Wang Defeng, who had been injured and fell to the ground, became the first hapless guy, and was affected by the attacks of the Star Beast's enemies and friends.

The beam of light just swept across Wang Defeng's body lightly, and his body completely disappeared.

Mu Xingtong, who had not participated in the battle in the distance, reacted fastest.

She knew that she was not eligible to participate in the battle at this level, and staying here would only drag Meng Zhang's legs and let Meng Zhang distract her from taking care of her.

So after the battle between Meng Zhang and the stars, she took the initiative to fly to the distance, avoiding this battlefield far away.

Due to hiding in time and far enough, Mu Xingtong was not affected by the star beast's attack.

Meng Zhang was unwilling to accept the attacks of these light beams, and his figure flickered in the air.

Being proficient in space avenues, he has almost regarded space shuttles as instincts, and he can display magical powers that are easy to move instantaneously.

Meng Zhang kept penetrating into the space gap and then returned to the original space, successfully avoiding all the attacks of the Star Beast.

Meng Zhang will not just be beaten but not fight back.

While teleporting to dodge, he is also accumulating strength.

After many teleports, Meng Zhang finally came to the star beast.

When the star beast's huge body fights in the void, it will not cause any obstacles.

But in the world, especially when fighting in the world where the rules of heaven and earth are relatively perfect, you will be subject to some constraints.

Although the dust world is now dilapidated, it was once a big world with perfect rules of heaven and earth.

For the star beasts that suddenly appeared in the world, even though they were not suppressed by the consciousness of heaven, the remaining rules of the world still had some influence on them.

Taking advantage of the inconvenience of the star beast's action, Meng Zhang teleported to the best attack, and the killing sword that had been accumulated for a long time burst out suddenly, pointing directly at the vitality between the star beast's chest and abdomen.

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