The Way of the Immortal Master

Vol 2 Chapter 1888: Bombing

The Taoist rhyme of Hidden Killing Sword was the ultimate move passed to Meng Zhang by the general manager of the Heavenly Palace of Junchen Realm and the Master Xue Jian.

This killing sword is not only a sword of assassination, but also can be used for frontal attack.

Although Meng Zhang is still far from being able to say that blue is better than blue because of blue, he can also be regarded as having the true flavor of it and able to give full play to its power.

The Chi Yin sword evil spirit that Meng Zhang raised up to shoot out the sharp sword energy that had been accumulated for a long time. Easily broke the star beast's powerful defense and directly penetrated into the star beast's body.

A scar appeared on the star beast.

Compared with the huge body of the star beast, this scar is just like a pore on a human body, and it is not worth mentioning.

However, although the wound is not big, the harm caused is not small.

The fierce sword aura kept rushing into the star beast's body, and a series of yin and cold sword evil spirits were even more like bone gangrene, not to mention entangled on the wound, and kept infiltrating into the star beast's body.

The battlefield where the star beast is best at and able to exert its strength is actually in the void.

Fighting inside the big world is somewhat inconvenient.

The injured Star Beast became even more angry, and his feet stomped on the ground indiscriminately.

The earth is like boiling water, and countless earth and rocks are thrown into the air.

The whole land was undulating, as if a major earthquake had occurred.

A mountain range in the distance flew into the air like this, and then flew to the star beast like a giant dragon.

The star beast is like controlling a weapon, controlling this mountain range and sweeping around.

Unfathomable gullies were cracked on the ground, and countless earth-fire magma was ejected from the gullies and flowed all over the ground.

Under the control of the star beast, these earth-fire magma rushed towards Meng Zhang like giant nets.

Meng Zhang's body kept flashing, never staying in one place for too long.

He was almost circling the huge body of the star beast.

Every time he approached the star beast, he would urge Chi Yin Sword Sha to launch a fierce assassination.

The Star Beast couldn't catch the slippery Meng Zhang, and could only launch such a large-scale group attack.

Even if Meng Zhang could dodge it, it would be impossible to avoid all the attacks of the Star Beast.

He didn't need to avoid all the attacks of the star beasts, only those parts that were particularly powerful.

As for the general attack, he waved his hands for a while, showing his unbreakable rhyme, and easily blocked it.

Meng Zhang's figure is fascinating around the star beast.

Relying on the kendo ultimate move displayed by the Chi Yin Sword Sha, it can completely break through the defense of the star beast and give it not weak damage.

Whether it was the sword energy accumulated by Meng Zhang or the sword evil condensed by the Chi Yin sword evil, they all had a lot of damage to the star beast.

Collecting the armpits into a fur, and accumulating small amounts into more, Meng Zhang attacked many times in a row, not only leaving many wounds on the huge body of the star beast, but also seriously hurting the inside of the star beast's body.

The inside of the star beast's body is actually very tough, and its defense is not necessarily much weaker than the outside.

Many cultivators who were fighting against the star beast tried to penetrate into the star beast's body to give a heart-piercing blow, but they often failed.

The main reason is that they underestimated the defensive power inside the star beast's body.

However, after Meng Zhang sacrificed the Chi Yin Sword, its lethality was terrifying, and it simply ignored its defense.

Although star beasts are often driven by animal nature and are not as smart as human monks, they are not fools either.

After the initial impulse, the star beast began to slowly calm down.

Seeing that there is nothing to do, the enemy in front of him is not talking, but his family is getting more and more injured, and this star beast naturally has a retreat in his heart.

Once the star beast had the intention to retreat, it immediately began to act.

While the star beast continued to attack Meng Zhang, he stepped forward and ran away.

If this star beast is allowed to escape, and those human towns are hit by him, disasters will happen immediately.

Meng Zhang was also a righteous monk anyway, and he couldn't completely care about the life and death of human beings.

Moreover, after fighting for so long, he finally found out the details of the star beast in front of him. After making great efforts, he was finally wounded.

He didn't want to let go of the big guy in front of him, and he was busy for nothing.

Meng Zhang followed the star beast closely, and continued to attack.

Although the star beast ran very fast, it was far from being able to leave Meng Zhang behind.

Many times, this star beast leaped from the ground, trying to fly high in the sky, thereby fleeing the big world that trapped it.

But Meng Zhang followed closely every time, and then mobilized the power of Yin Yang Dao to force it back to the ground.

In this way, Meng Zhang and Xing Beast started a protracted battle and entangled them firmly.

Fortunately, the dust world was originally a big world with a lot of land and sparsely populated people.

The place where Meng Zhang chose to attack Wang Defeng was also a very remote wilderness.

Even if there are occasional monks passing by this deserted place, after sensing the horrible movement of the two sides at the battle, they will immediately leave, and run as far as possible.

In the dust world, the battle of the Void Return level is not uncommon. There is no power that can monitor the occurrence of every battle of returning to the virtual world.

Meng Zhang was lucky, and the battle with the star beast was able to continue without interference.

After fighting hard for more than half a month, this star beast was covered in scars, and the heavy injuries made it energyless and it became difficult to move.

In the end, Meng Zhang displayed a trick to suppress the bottom of the box-Yin Yang exterminates the gods of thunder, and forcibly blasted the seriously injured star beast.

After blasting the target, Meng Zhang didn't care about recovering his qi to heal his injuries, so he put away the corpse of the star beast.

The corpse of the star beast is a treasure house filled with treasures of heaven, material and earth, and it has many functions.

Even some masters who are proficient in organ refiners can use the corpses of star beasts to refine void battleships or void fortresses.

Some powerful immortals will even hunt down star beasts and harvest all kinds of precious materials.

The corpse of this star beast was the biggest trophy that Meng Zhang had obtained after working so hard for so long.

This fierce battle made Meng Zhang a great harvest and made him reflect a lot.

When it comes to power levels, this star beast is not under Meng Zhang.

But in the final battle, Meng Zhang won.

There are many reasons for this.

Meng Zhang, who has experienced many battles, has a richer combat experience and can seize the opportunity to successfully suppress the enemy.

Although the star beasts are very powerful, their attack methods are primitive and rough, and the combat methods they master are very limited.

And Meng Zhangxiu is superb, has mastered many Taoist magical powers, is good at using foreign objects, and knows how to use different methods according to different situations.

Perhaps among the star beasts, there are people with many battles and rich combat experience, but no matter how powerful the star beast is, it is impossible to master many Taoist magical powers like human monks, and be able to use the power of heaven and earth flexibly and skillfully.

Therefore, although the star beast is inherently powerful, it can dominate one side in the void.

But powerful humans are the masters of the void.

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